All Topics / Finance / qualifying for a home loan (help needed)

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  • Profile photo of hiphopsupamix

    hey guys,

    one of my dreams is to own my own apartment. I realise in order to get my own apartment I need to qualify for a homeloan and I would really appreciate some advice in this area.

    my question is what exactly do i need to ensure I qualify for a home loan?

    1. DEPOSIT: is 10% enough? should I aim to get a much higher deposit to increase my chances?

    2. EMPLOYMENT: i assume I have to be a full time employee with a permanent contact which is something I’m working towards achieving asap.

    3. SAVINGS HISTORY: how long a savings history is desirable?

    4. SUITABLE GAURANTOR: this one could be tricky for me… do I HAVE to have one?

    anything else I should focus on?

    thanks for any helpful input!

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213


    Its good to start planning now.

    The bigger the deposit the better. Generally 5% is needed plus assume another 5% for stamp duty and other costs. But there are also a few No Deposit home loans out there now (St George, Westpac).

    You will need permanent employment. Contracting is not so good (for getting a loan anyway). generally they want 3 months employment.

    Savings history is generally 3-6 months with 3-5% saved, but there are loans without this requirement.

    These days no guarrantors are needed.

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    Profile photo of hiphopsupamix


    in that case then i may be able to get a home loan sooner than I expected (possibly within 6 months) which is great news to me [strum]

    one other question, are apartments less than 50 square metres very hard to get a home loan on? I’ve found a couple of places near my work that are small but are perfect for my needs. do u see any forseeable problems from the small size?


    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024


    A couple of lenders offer 106% loans at a slightly higher interest rate although this might get you to your goal even quicker.

    Most of these loans are post code restricted so if you have any area in mind I would be happy to check for you.

    On the question of the smaller units <50 Sq M yes you can obtain finance on these but anything over 95% will be harder.

    Richard Taylor
    Residential & Commercial Finance Broker
    Ph: 07 3720 1888

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of hiphopsupamix


    thanks for your input!

    this has been most interesting and it seems that I may be closer to my goal than I first expected.

    to explain my situation further;

    DEPOSIT: I’ve actually got a 10% deposit ready (and more with the first home owners grant which I should be eligible for)

    EMPLOYMENT: I’ve been working for a government organisation for 3 years now but it’s been on a contract to contract basis (i.e. not permanent.). I’m hoping to get a full time permanent position (or a least a 6 month contract extension) in February when my current contract is up for review.

    SAVINGS HISTORY: up until recently I was actually keeping my savings under my bed instead of in a bank. It is in the bank now and I have about $15000 and I’m saving $300+ per week as well

    GARANTOUR: I don’t think I’ll be able to get a suitable gaurantor

    APARTMENT SIZE: less than 50 sq metres (but perfect fro my needs)

    AGE: I’m 26 at the moment

    without a suitable gaurantor and due to the small apartment size, I was unsuccessful in getting a home loan when i tried with the big banks in late 2005 BUT it now seems as though I may still have a chance with some of the private lenders which was something I had never considered before…

    I think I might start contacting private lenders (including the helpful people who replied in this thread so far) in February whn I get my new contract/permanent position

    any advice on what to look for and what to avoid when looking for a home loan with a private lendor?

    thanks, I’m very impressed with the info so far! [thumbsupanim]

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi hiphopsupamix
    couple of out of the box ideas.
    1. organise a company and a trust,clean company from day one the company organises the property, lend the deposit to the company you as an employee of the company gets a low or no doc loan ( make sure you can cover the loan repayments)
    2. if not find a property that you can rent out to like minded individuals and they can rent the property off you and I’m not telling you were to live.
    get an off set account attached to the loan and throw the excess money in it so you can use it latter if need be.
    try and use vendor finance to purchase as this will bring down the amount required and will put you under the mortgage insurance.
    private lending is good for quick turn around projects 2 years max but norm lending is better for long term lending.
    you can get 100% lending organised without mortgage insurance and normal lending it just takes a little creative pen work.
    finance is easy its paying for it that is where the work comes in.

    you haven’t given me enough info to give you more help put if single and 26, I would be looking at a reno with a couple of mate and flogging it off make sure you purchase in one name as you will loose the fhog for the others if they are on the title so you need to draw up a deed of agreement between you all.
    sorry to say this but there is more then a hundred ways to skin that cat and some you can skin the cat and don’t have to kill it.
    Its all pen work talk to a broker and if not happy post again.
    as for the unit size don’t go under 50sq for the price you will have headaches latter and you don’t need it foe the first property its a buyers markets so you should be able to get better value and as a second or third, yes they can be good depending on where they are and lots of other factors.

    here to help
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    Profile photo of eesholeeeshole
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 63

    Hi grossrealisation,

    In your post you stated “you can get 100% lending organised without mortgage insurance and normal lending it just takes a little creative pen work.”

    Could you elaborate on this? I didn’t think this could be done. But you seem to know what you’re talking about so I’d be very interested to find out how this would work.



    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi eeshole
    Its all in the way you negotiate the deal in the first place here is a couple of example all that will give you the same result.
    1. house 100 k
    80 % lend is 80k but if you agree to get the price to 125k and get a 20% lend then the house @ 80% is 100k.
    2. same as above and you get a discount for paying early
    3. you do a deal where the owner gets 80k from the bank and you pay off the 20k over 5 years@ 4% rate
    4. you option the house for 4 month put in a kitchen and bathroom then revalue (with nab my favouriteas they use there own managers to value property and are a little more adjustable on there valuations)and value at the 125 plus the reno costs.
    5.This is the best but you need the money from the start buy the property out right reno it, then revalue with all reno included.
    revaluation its a different section of the bank and the criterea is different for this post it wouldn’t work but it does for development sites so just thought i’d add it.
    There are a couple of other ways but they are not for a open bulliten board and they aren’t something that I give out anyway they are in my little box information only available to me.
    one area that has never been taped that I know of is the area of negotiating there is alot of money to be made in this area trouble is nobody wants to pay for it.
    you will here people say a developer doesn’t make his money on the end product he makes it on the purchase and that is right because he negotiates a deal that makes that money.
    and 100% lending is not the most inportant part, its a package deal that you put together.
    try this one
    bank forcloses on a site and is about to send to auction and then liquidate owners.
    your job is to
    1.get the site,
    2. get the lend,
    3. get all the paperwork together,
    4.get a fixed price contract from a builder on 30 units,
    5. get all around a table and do the deal and buy at 30% delow not the valuation report but the banks current owings and walk away making everyone happy ( because if everyone walks away happy the next deal is coming your way) and this deal is a 100% lend
    time frame to do all this is 2 weeks

    but this should help.
    non of the above is advice and I would not us any of it to structure your investments on.

    here to help
    If you want to get involved in some of the projects I’m involved in email to

    Profile photo of MortgagemanMortgageman
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 164

    Hi Hiphopsupamix,

    You sound like you would be able to get a loan now if you wanted to. Is the apartment you are looking at in a high rise? If it is it is more difficult to get mortgage insured loans (but still possible).


    Cameron Perry
    Finance Consultant
    F.R. Perry & Associates
    Level 13, 30 Collins St
    Melbourne VIC 3000
    Ph (03) 9662 1999
    Fax (03) 9662 2044

    Profile photo of amerc79amerc79
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 29

    Hi Hiphop

    With your scenario it is a lot harder to obtain mortage insurance on high density locations less than 50m in size through private lenders. I know when searching I have found between 50 – 65% LVR is the maximum for high density. Also, you must be careful if the property is a serviced apartment as you will fork out the extra and the lender will only advance on the value of the property and not the furniture.

    Profile photo of hbhb
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 179

    HI grossrealisation

    what an interesting thought
    “organise a company and a trust,clean company from day one the company organises the property, lend the deposit to the company you as an employee of the company gets a low or no doc loan ( make sure you can cover the loan repayments”

    so your concept here is that the company buys the property….right
    then rent’s it to hiphopsupamix for market rent (the company has to get income from something and he needs to live somewhere?)…..right
    Now if it wasn’t market value then the company would have to pay FBT…and we don’t won’t to go down that path do we.
    So the company collecting rent from hiphopsupamix, and eventually in time it becomes positive, so has to pay 30% tax on profits….right
    now it doesn’t have to distribute the remaining profits to hiphopsupamix , but if it did he pay the what tax is due……right
    Finally, when it comes to selling, the company pays the CGT on the sale, then distribute the profit’s to hiphopsupamix, so that he can then pay tax on remaining amount…..right


    thats creative

    but maybe,… i know this is simple…….but if he’d kept it in his own name, he might actually make more.
    after all it’s his AFTER TAX money thats funding all this concept.

    Think about it
    NO company to form….save $1,000
    NO ASIC fee to pay $200/ ayr
    NO tax accountants to audit company $1,000 plus a yr
    NO tax on company profit
    NO CGT to pay on sale of property

    i know its simple
    but i think it will win in the end.

    its probably why a lot of people sitting on million dollar mansions don’t have them in company names.
    That way they just bounce around their mansions.
    It seems to work for them


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