All Topics / Help Needed! / $1 Million soon will be rewarded, need Help

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  • Profile photo of Persian

    Hi i am new on this site and have a BIG problem i am facing with Finance as i will be awarded over $1 million soon, and i am 25 years young. This reward will have to last me a lifetime.

    ….. I donnot have any knowledge or education within property, nor investment field but, thats where i believe that larger dollars are which i should invest in …

    …….Please give me your views and inputs on what YOU would do if you were in my place by, having a safe income comming, with it having steady higher capital gain within time………..

    Thanks much and all your inputs will add alot of gain to my life.. [whistle][confused2]

    Profile photo of Xenia

    If you have no experience in property investing,

    It’s very easy to lose money! Dont take advise from real estate agents or finance advisors that suggest super!

    If I were you and I had no experience, I would LOCK the money in a bank and start learning how to invest!
    Property investing is a PROFESSION! It can’t be learned overnight and if you wait for someone to just tell you what to do, you are in danger!

    I would hire a good property advisor or mentor who can educate you to make descisions along the way.
    I could recomend one in NSW if you like (email me), but in the mean time, you need to keep your money locked up and get educated! Dont just look for quick answers.

    That $1 million can be turned into $10 Million in a year if you know what you are doing!

    We buy properties in Adelaide. No Agent Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of MITMIT
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 154

    I agree with Dr X.

    It won’t take too long for you to become educated in property investing. At least then you can take responsibility for your own wealth in the longer term rather than leaving it to the mercy of others.

    Take the time to learn this stuff and keep the Cash safe in the meantime.


    MIT | Owen Real Estate
    Email Me

    Profile photo of Alistair PerryAlistair Perry
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 891

    Hi Persian,

    If you are after a financial advisor that is interested in property Roy Halibi, who posts on here as GPSnetwork would be a good person to speak to. You could fiund some of his posts using the search function or have a look at his website


    Profile photo of Kiwi-FullaKiwi-Fulla
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 371

    Or …. If you do not havethe time …. then purchase off a bird- dog(Specialist in sourcing properties)…. just look for the decent ones though …. as there are plenty of sharks out there trying to take your hard earnt cash.

    Education is paramount thought if you are wishing to get into this game …. an a lotta backbone and gus is required also…..

    Don’t do what the 97% of the rest of the world and just learn and then sit on your hands …. you MUST TAKE SOME ACTION …. if you don’t you will never get the experience you need to sustain a successfull portfolio of property, shares, Managed funds and businesses….

    Profile photo of GPSnetworkGPSnetwork
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 313

    Hi Persian,

    Thanks for yor post and your email.

    Personally I wouldn’t call this a problem, but a great oppurtunity rather. As mentioned there is a lot to learn about property investing and it’s important to be around the right people when it comes to this.

    There are many differrent ways you can go about investing your money, it just depends on your particular situation.

    Happy to disscuss this further with you.

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)

    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!

    Profile photo of Persian

    Thank You very much to all…

    Let me ask you this “small” question which i know there is a BIG response added to it

    What exactly would you do if you were in my place in order to last you a lifetime investment return?

    Profile photo of dr housedr house
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 281

    i would set up a growth share portfolio as per Allan Hull Actvest newsletters, web page,
    I have done very well with him.
    Also buy some blue chips shares or installment warrants and write covered calls over them.
    See the ASX web site which gives a lot of information on this.

    Property: forget it just for income, only buy if you can add value or it’s going to have rapid capital growth (unlikely at present), see Steve mcknight’s last newsletter.
    I buy only dual occ potential properties, to add value by getting plans and permits and subdividing. You have to know what you are doing and it took me a while to figure out! No one told me.

    Another good income stream is commercial property via property trusts, eg Cromwell, i have brought for my super usually return per month about 9% and very steady.
    Consider setting up a company structure and trusts for assett protection, eg shares in one trust, property in another trust.
    It’s a good idea to not place all your eggs in one basket, I have also learnt that lesson.
    Diversify and if one investment goes pear shaped, other are likely to do well. I do my own research and ask experts if necessary.
    Dare I say it, I don’t use financial advisors.
    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of cata

    The fast and easy answer is a fund I know that pays 2% per mth net of fees.

    $20k per mth, do you think you could live on that?

    Asset Protection Specialist

    Profile photo of Xenia

    What would I do?
    pretty much what I’m doing now!

    The minute you stop seeing $1million as alot of money is the minute you know you are ready to invest!

    The only way that you will see it as NOT being alot of money, is when you are confident that that amount is realistically within your reach, no matter what you are starting with.

    Money does not make you rich, education and experience does!

    We buy properties in Adelaide. No Agent Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of AuzzieLadAuzzieLad
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 110


    I think that was safe / good advice for him/her. $ 20 k a month would more than suit me :)

    Could even save every second month’s 20k and buy property with that :)

    Just food for thought :)


    Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3,781

    Risk and return has a strong relationship. Basic stuff folks.

    For 24% pa – more actually after compounding effect the risk is going to be higher than a term deposit.

    I wouldn’t be placing all my eggs in this one risky basket and I doubt that any professional would call that good advice Aussie Lad.

    Each to their own tho.

    What would I do?

    I would seek and pay for professional advice. I also know who I would approach to have a plan written and run for me that would increase this $1M many times in the medium term.

    I would not act on advice from a bunch of well intentioned strangers. Some may be 16 years old with no financial experience as far as you know. Maybe even myself [blink]

    All the best,

    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    ***NODOC @ 7.15% to 70% LVR***
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of Xenia


    you would have to be the most switched on 16 year old I have ever met.

    Gee married with kids too! When did you have time to do all that?

    We buy properties in Adelaide. No Agent Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of cata
    Originally posted by Mortgage Hunter:

    Risk and return has a strong relationship. Basic stuff folks.

    I would seek and pay for professional advice. I also know who I would approach to have a plan written and run for me that would increase this $1M many times in the medium term.

    I would not act on advice from a bunch of well intentioned strangers. Some may be 16 years old with no financial experience as far as you know. Maybe even myself [blink]

    Exelent advice Simon and due dilligence is importand as well as diversification.

    I have no money in this fund myself, but know for a fact that it has payed 2% every mth since it began, with very little risk (not garanteed but is anyhing).

    FYI Simon, in the S&P 500 lately the higher the quoted return the closer they get to achieving it.
    eg. If the fund quoted high (higher than 2% per mth) the managers are more likely to realise this than a fund that quotes what most would think is a safe fund.

    My last term deposit lost me money, in this type of fund SO FAR I have made money.

    Take Simons comments to heart and DO NOT take my word for it. Find out for yourself, but the world is a large place with Aus having only aprox 1.2% of the worlds investing capital. I use profesional advisers also, just in different areas.

    Asset Protection Specialist

    Profile photo of MabbottMabbott
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 35


    how do you lose money in a term deposit???[eh]


    Cata said – “in the S&P 500 lately the higher the quoted return the closer they get to achieving it.
    eg. If the fund quoted high (higher than 2% per mth) the managers are more likely to realise this than a fund that quotes what most would think is a safe fund.”

    Has anyone read about the professor who came up with a new correlation between those that overstated and those that understated in the stock market (US i think), with his new formula he would of made money in ANY market over the last 20 years and they can’t fully explain the effect?? A few huge companies have started using his strategy before it disappear as more catch on.
    (can whoever has read this explain it better!!)

    still don’t know what i don’t know

    Profile photo of voigtstrvoigtstr
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 176

    while deciding what to do, why not wack it INGdirect at 5.4%

    thats 4500 interest a month (just make sure you put half of that aside for the tax man.) (actually not half…see below)

    54000 a year in interest..
    using ato’s simple tax calculator you would have to pay 12,372.00

    Now thats just while you are wondering what do do with it…you can actually earn more than I do a year..just off your interest.[smiling]

    Profile photo of cata
    Originally posted by Mabbott:


    how do you lose money in a term deposit???[eh]

    Easy, Invest it IT stocks just before the bust. I sucessfully halved my money. [thumbsupanim]

    Asset Protection Specialist

    Profile photo of BuylowBuylow
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 4

    I’m interested…pls xplain…
    How long have you been in this fund & how long has this fund been going?
    What makes it low risk?
    I would say most people would have been happy with their stocks just before the bust

    I’ll start with baby steps!

    Profile photo of cata

    Hi Buylow

    Firstly I have no money in this particular fund, but funds similar.
    I can not remember how long it has been going but I know that it has been paying 2.5% every month with 0.5% taken in fees.

    They can have larger than 2.5% per month profit but place the extra money in a capital garanteed fund and only draw on the extra money if the managers fail to achieve the 2.5%. Last time I looked they had 5 months worth of BACK UP money.

    If the managers loose 5% or more in one month the fund stops trading untill it can figure out why it lost so much money. If it can’t figure it out then you will recieve all money back.

    If you want more details e-mail me as it is starting to sound like an addvertisment (I recieve no money from them).

    Asset Protection Specialist

    Profile photo of mistymisty
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 72

    First decide how active you want to be, read some books on different strategies.

    Do you want to just buy/create cash flow positive or do you want to be actively involved long term (ie building, renovating) or maybe a bit of both.

    once you have decided on your strategy, the best way to go would be to find a joint venture partner who has experience and can teach you as you go, just check that they have experience first and make sure you do your due diligence.

    Would be happy to advise more if you want to email me.

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