All Topics / Help Needed! / What would you do with $10,000?

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  • Profile photo of diggo

    Hi there,

    Im new to the PI world and would like a few pointers to help me get started. I managed to save up $10,000 and I want to invest it in property. I know $10,000 is hardly anything but its a starting point for me anyway!

    I am 16 years old (17 soon) and want to start investing when I turn 18. I have a really inconsistant income at the moment, $500/month from my part time job and anywhere between $0 and $3000/month from online investments. I can never garuntee a return from my online investments because they are risky but have yielded me an average profit of around $2000/month.

    So, what would you do with those figures? Would it be enough to put a deposit down on a cheap property for about $100k or not? Ive really got no idea. Any opinions from you experienced people would be appreciated!


    Profile photo of learnsharelearnshare
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 105

    Hi Giddo,

    that’s quite a saving at 16. Good on you. keep up the good work.

    When you reach 18, and provided you have a stable job and descent income (say $30k/year), you might be able to buy an investment property of around $150 to $200k. your current saving of $10k has represented a 5% of $200k, which is the minimum saving most of the current mainstream lenders will expect from a borrower.

    I hope this helps.


    Profile photo of nazzysmithnazzysmith
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 102

    This thread has a familiar tune Im sure ive seen it before, Thats 24k a year passive income. At age 16. Thats outstanding!
    What is it you do to achive 2k a month return?


    “More Time To Snowboard”

    Profile photo of Cabo Wabo

    Wow man, i’m spun out. I’m sitting here eating my potato chips and i’m spun out…

    i thought saving for a wetsuit at 16 was a big deal. $10,000 – holy sh$tballs batman. Thats awesome. Lookout here comes the next Donald Trump.

    While $10k is a deposit on a cheap unit in a country town somewhere (hard to find that cheap), i think you’d still end up paying a lil mortgage insurance. I think the thing here is, you’d have to show the bank that your income stream was reliable. Just what is it you do on the internet? Do tell….

    Maybe you should get your parents to garrentee the loan, and that way a bank might lend you the money.

    Good luck on the empire building Diggo, early days yet mate..

    Cabo Wabo

    Profile photo of debbraddebbrad
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 29

    I was looking up term deposit rates the past 2 days and NZ has some quite good rates for $10,000 NZD over 12 months. Just incase you were thinking of putting it somewhere safe until you had a steady income.
    Alternatively you could look into the First Home Owners Grant Scheme.

    Good Luck

    Profile photo of BennyBenny
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,416
    I am 16 years old (17 soon) and want to start investing when I turn 18.

    Hi Diggo,

    Well, GOOD ON YOU !!!! It is great to hear of one so young setting themselves up in such a good way. You deserve to do well, and I’m sure you will. Go, you good thing…


    Profile photo of diggo

    Thanks for your kind words everyone![cap]

    lear&share, $200k just seems a little too much. I would rather have something for around $100k (if there is anything out there these days for that much) obviously so it is quicker and easier to pay off. I thought the absolute minimum deposit would be 10%? Thanks for your suggestion!

    nazzysmith, I dont have much invested, only about $2000 at the moment in 3 different programs. They are called “autosurfs”. My favourite is, check it out and see why I consider the income inconsistant.

    Cabo Wabo, you make me laugh[biggrin] So what is mortgage insurance? And would would I have to pay it? Ive never heard of it before. It would be great if my dad could garuntee the loan! but he doesnt really have much money but thats a great idea.

    debbrad, I dont really want to invest into term deposits because the interest is pretty small. I think I might play around with some of it in autosurfs. So what is the FHOG scheme? It sounds intersting….

    Benny, thanks for that![biggrin]


    Profile photo of mt87mt87
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    gday diggo, i’m in a similar situation than you! man, 16 and already $10k, thats awesome. how did u get into property, your folks into it? im 18 and have about 18k. it depends on where you live, i’m in victoria so i’m looking towards houses that are around the 200k mark as a starter. But it is important to get the first home owners grant (at the moment $12k in victoria, soon to be $10k).to get it you just have to pretend to live there for 6 months (thus it must be in your home state). you don’t necessarily need a stable income for a loan, as other people have said. instead, you can get your parents to act as a guarantor (i think thats the word), and hopefully the rent you collect should be more than enough to cover interest. also remember to borrow 110% of the property price to cover taxes and hidden costs (they add up). Finally, there are awesome (affordable) houses for sale in Tasmania, just visit – i’ve been interested in the suburb of Burnie (beach views, for between $100 – $200k!!) Wow that is a long first post! keep me posted, it will be interesting hearing from someone in a similar position. PS, could you possibly swing me some information on this online investment… i could sure do with an extra $2000 a month! cheers and good luck

    Profile photo of Cabo Wabo


    Mortage insurance (pain in the butt):

    A bank will happily lend you 80% of the value of a property. That means you need 20% deposit.

    If you have less, say between 10 & 20%, then they deem you a risk. They will still lend to you, but they will take out an insurance policy with an insurance company. This policy will cover any loss that they might make as a result of lending to you. They insure themselves against your risk.

    This policy has a one off up front premium. YOU PAY IT. NOT THE BANK. In short, you pay for the banks peace of mind. A while back i had 15% deposit (roughly – memory a bit vague) on a 200K loan, and i paid a shade under 3K mortgage insurance.

    If you have less than 10% deposit, they won’t deal with you at all.

    Life sucks, buy a helmet.

    Cabo Wabo

    Profile photo of ShwingShwing
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 219

    Diggo & MT87,

    You are both doing pretty well for such a young age.
    But before you dive in the deep end, you need to do some more research and learn more about property investing. The fact that you had to ask what mortgage insurance was and what the FHOG was is a dead give away.

    There is nothing wrong with sticking you money in a term deposit for now, because there are some good returns, and your money only needs to be in say for 3 months (which isn’t long, when buying property it’s there for a lot longer). That’s where I started. It’s actually a good starting point, because you start to learn where to park your money while it is not being used for property investments. Believe it or not but not long before you were born we could get 15-18% return on short term deposits. Not such a silly idea.

    Given your age, you are not about to “miss the boat”, as they say. An educated investor is a smart investor. There are a lot of places to put your money.

    Ever though of starting your own business ?? What could you do?? Have a think about it.


    Getting out of your comfort zone, can help you become comfortable

    Profile photo of 10In1010In10
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Diggo & MT87,
    First of all WELL DONE to have started thinking about IPs at such a young age. Like MT87 I am also interested in 12Dailypro, although I have visited the website, I wouldn’t mind knowing a bit about if 1st hand from yourself. Thanks Diggo.



    Ram Vemula

    Profile photo of solomonsolomon
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 43

    This is starting to sound alot like a subliminal advert. Did you know there are trading forums elsewhere?

    Profile photo of diggo

    mt87, wow you are doing great for your age aswell! Thanks for your advice. Can you really just pretend that you are living in the house for 6 months even if you aren’t? And I thought the FHOG was only $6000 or there abouts (Im in NSW)?

    Cabo Wabo, thanks for the explanation. You said “If you have less than 10% deposit, they won’t deal with you at all”. learn&share said you could get away with 5%. DOes anyone else know about that?

    Schwing, of course I need to learn a lot! That is why I came into here for advice. And yes I did know what a FHOG was but debbrad said there was a FHOG “scheme” and wasnt sure what he/she was talking about.

    As I said earlier Schwing, I would rather play around with autosurfs but i will put some cash away on a teerm deposit even though 6% pa isnt much at all. My dad told me all about the high interest rates but unfortunately he was paying off his home loan at the time (this was about 20-25 years ago) I think he had to pay around 17% at that time. He told me that he was paying a lot off the loan in the first few months and when he got a statement on how much he owed, it was even more than the original loan lol.

    PS: ive got $11,000 to spend now :) But that extra $1k will have to pay for car expenses :(

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