All Topics / Finance / Bank lending and valuation scenario

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  • Profile photo of ETET
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 12

    Hi, a question for all you finance gurus

    We have recently signed up to build a house.

    Mortgage on land component is 130K (Valued 330K)
    Build Costs is 300K

    So total borrowing of 430K. Our research indicates the property will be valued conservatively at 750K on completion.

    Timeframe to completion will be 65 weeks.

    Within said timeframe, we will come into some ‘extra’ cash to the tune of 50K.

    Which leads to my question, would we be able to borrow against the home under construct for another property or would we need to wait for its completion?

    Many thanks

    Profile photo of slesle
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 19

    As I see it, utilising an “incomplete” property as security would not be achievable as the bank is putting itself at even more of a risk should for some reason your house under construction is not completed.

    Profile photo of Mobile MortgageMobile Mortgage
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 913

    Hi ET,
    You have a fair amount of equity available in the land component, Another option to consider:

    Current land loan $130K against $330K value
    Construction cost $300K
    Approx. end value $660K

    Borrow @80% of completion = Approx. $528K
    Minus $130K current debt = $398K
    Minus $300K construction cost.
    = $98K available.

    A higher figure is obtainable If you were to increase the LVR, I hope this helps. Cheers.

    Mortgage Broker

    Mobile Mortgage Market
    Ph: 0402 483 216

    PLEASE note comments made should not be taken as specific taxation, financial, legal or investment advice.

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