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  • Profile photo of Nigel KibelNigel Kibel
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,425

    Although I have been buying in Australia and New Zealand and now the United States I am interested in where other people have been purchasing. Please tell me your experiences notjust on the above three but anywhere else you may have been purchasing.

    Nigel Kibel

    Australian and New Zealand The United States Property Researcher and education
    One Day property investment research workshop The United States. Please register your interest

    Nigel Kibel | Property Know How
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    Profile photo of learnsharelearnshare
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 105

    Just curious if there is anybody has invested or has had experience investing in BAli. If there is, please share your story with us. much appreciated.


    Profile photo of braniebranie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 19

    Does TimeShare count? Now there’s something I thought I’d burnt from my memory…

    Profile photo of foundation

    I’ve continued to increase my holdings in Walhalla, Victoria, and recently moved into Papua New Guinea. Both had capital gains of 7 to 8 percent between 10am and 4pm today. I took a little profit, expecting a pull-back in prices over the course of the week, but remain bullish on these areas, with an exit strategy of around 50% equity extraction by mid January. GDR & LHG
    I wonder if you’d be kind enough to share with us a little information about your US purchases NKibel? How many? What prices? What yield?

    Cheers, F.[cowboy2]

    Profile photo of DobbyDobby
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 37

    Is anybody looking at Iraq long-term?

    Life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get!

    Profile photo of bardon_2

    Foundation, interesting that you are investing in PNG I am expecting a job offer to work on a major project in Queensalnd that will be supplied from PNG. Although I will take the job the project itself will not get the green light until July and if it does it is significant. Oil Search shares are also going gangbusters at the moment and I have recently been up to check on progress of new oil fields there is certainly a lot of activity up there asscoaited with energy and mineral developments but the country is still very risky. I actually looked into property up there in Port Morseby but didn’t take it far although if this project goes ahead that might change.

    Doby I know a UK guy who specailiese in buying land or property in risky area he bought land in Iraq the week after the war ended very cheap and sold it a few months later for a gain.

    Profile photo of foundation

    I should clarify, by PNG, I specifically mean the Lihir Project on Lihir Island, run by Lihir Gold Limited (LHG), and by Walhalla, I mean Goldstar Resources (GDR) who own mining rights over a large chunk of the valley.
    Still, it has probably more to do with real estate than storage units do, and I take a very broad view of ‘property investing’.
    Cheers, F.[cowboy2]

    Profile photo of bardon_2

    Ah good old Lihir island I have fond memories of building the gold processing plant with Sundays spent going to the outer islands on a long boat with some nice fresh fish and cold SP lager for lunch, I think they have cleared the mudslide on the conveyor runs or will shortly you will be gald to know

    Profile photo of GroverGroverGroverGrover
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 2


    I am just starting out, just reading 0 to 135 properties in 3.5 years. I’ve looked at properties using in regional and rural towns in Victoria, Tasmania and Qld but can’t find any that are anywhere near the 11 second test (weekly rental divided by 2, times 1000) that Steve McKnight talks about in his book.

    Can someone who has managed to successfully buy one or two positive geared properties in Australia tell me what areas I should be looking at?

    Thank you!

    Profile photo of foundation
    Originally posted by bardon:

    Ah good old Lihir island I have fond memories of building the gold processing plant…

    Really? Very cool! And yep, back to full production already.

    Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,150
    Oil Search shares are also going gangbusters at the moment and I have recently been up to check on progress of new oil fields there is certainly a lot of activity up there asscoaited with energy and mineral developments but the country is still very risky. I actually looked into property up there in Port Morseby but didn’t take it far although if this project goes ahead that might change.

    I’m not surprised, although I wouldn’t put my money into it. Yesterday, we were all running around like blue arsed flies down on the rigs as we had the entire head honcho group from Oil Search looking at our operation. They are our minor JVP here in Yemen.

    The party included the PNG Oil Minister (they own 18% of Oilsearch apparently), the PNG development Minister (he was just here for a jolly), the Oil Search Chairman of the Board, the Oilsearch CEO – Peter Botten, and about 7 or 8 other hangers on.

    Thankfully they’ve all buggered off back to Oz and PNG, but they were all pretty impressed as we brought on Nabrajah-5 which produces 6,000 bopd. That’s USD $360K per day.

    So what were they most impressed with overall ?? As we flew over the home village of Usama bin Laden and his wives, they all leant over to take pictures of the dusty hovel. The pilot of the little Cessna turned around and told them all to sit down and stop rocking the boat.

    Anyway, PNG isn’t all they’ve got going.

    Sorry Nigel….a tad off topic, but I’ve had a fun day with the top knobs from Oilsearch.

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