All Topics / General Property / What’s the next deal you’re working on ??

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  • Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,150

    Hiya everyone

    Be interested to know what the next deal all the folks on the forum are looking at that are still in the pipeline ?? Is this your buying season ??

    Here’s our group’s next one…lucky # 12.

    First off it’s not for sale right now, which lessens the competition right there, but I reckon I can convince the Owner to sell to me if the price is right. I’m not too concerned about the price, as I’ll tie the rent to the price via a nett yield.

    The Owner runs his construction business from it. He’s owned it since ’64, so there is a bit of attachment. We’ve chatted before about it and as long as I give him a long lease he seems OK with it.

    The most important thing for me is the location and size of the dirt, and in this regard the block is better than anything else I can buy. Being next door to our previous purchases, it would beef up our land holding on this corner to over 11,000 sqm…4km from the Perth CBD. The Govt has been sniffing around and I am keen to package it up nicely for them to come in later and be my tenant. I like the thought of lots of those taxpayers dollars pouring into our coffers, it’d make a nice change.

    The numbers would look something like this ;

    Purchase Price…………..$1.3 to 1.4
    Stamps and other gumpf…$0.1
    Loan………………………$1.4 to 1.5
    Interest…………………..$102 to 109 p.a. (fixed for 5 yrs)
    Land value……………….$0.95 (~70%)

    Nett rent (8.4 – 8.6%)…..$109 to $120 p.a. (first year)
    O/G’s…………………….Tenant happily chips in for the lot
    Lease Term………………He wants a 5 x 2, which suits me perfectly
    Escalation clause………..4% or better.

    It’s a Landbanking opportunity for us, that’s also CF+ve, so it’s right up our alley.

    If it doesn’t come off, we’ll be heading into town to have a sniff around the Terrace, although the dirt is a tad expensive down that street.

    What is everybody else working on ??

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Great post Dazzling.

    My deal is tiny compared to yours. But a deal is a deal.

    I am working on a land banking opportunity myself, but no rental just land.

    its a tiny bit of dirt worth around $50K.

    Its an exercise in seeing how cheaply I can get it given the vendor is out of town. Buying is a lot of fun in this market.

    Any one else?

    Profile photo of flatoutflatout
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 64

    Looking for a residential IP for buy and hold, preferably something we can value add to cheaply (ie. clean, paint, new floor coverings, garden etc). Probably be away from Perth metro/Mandurah region as I think we can still get good capital gains with the benefit of higher rent yields elsewhere. Like to have something under contract before Xmas.

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,248

    Hi Dazz

    I have just completed and sold down a 35 lot sub-division in Crestmead QLD.

    Next year I am working on cutting a hill side block (130acres) in half which over looks Laguna resort in the Whitsundays.

    It is 600m back from the water front and 30 – 80m above sea level with 270 degree water views looking out to Hamilton and Linderman (club med) islands.

    This half is planned for very upmarket prestigue home sites. One of my architects is designing a 100sq home with a helipad on the roof, some thing different to attract the right crowd, not GR.

    The 50 odd acres should yield about 40 – 50 home sites, question is how much is a million dollar view really worth today?


    Profile photo of shaunwalkershaunwalker
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 403

    currently investigating a nice deal.
    house on two blocks = 70,000
    rent 120 p/w (or 6240 p/y)
    subdivide block aprox 10,000
    sale of block 25k
    moeny in,
    20% deposit 14,000
    legals etc 4,000
    subdivision 10,000


    sale of block 23000 (after legals etc)
    so money in, 28k, for how long – 6 to 9 months
    money out 23000 dollars
    gives me a house for 5 grand!
    and a COCR of 11.1%

    cheers all

    Lead, Follow or get out of the bloody way

    Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    hi guys

    i’m trying to secure some land in the US, its 62 lots in a prime golf course estate for 1.6m. The lots will then be handed over to a builder i know who will build on them and sell them. We hope to make a substantial profit. But got to get the land first.

    regards westan

    Properties in the USA 15-25% returns- email to join our database

    Profile photo of grossrealisationgrossrealisation
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,031

    hi dazzling
    might be buying one of resiwealths helipad houses
    except not sure( if The 50 odd acres should yield about 40 – 50 home sites, question is how much is a million dollar view really worth today) if the value hasn’t been calculated I would wait.
    I am got three to start before the end of feb.
    1. two double duplex sites with water views my in is 18k for both equity,
    equity releast and 20% return by jan,
    site has a 12 month build time
    real time 4 months
    re lend on completed product valuation 600 build 300 cash equity out 1.2 mil
    equity 1.2 mil used on 93 unit development in cdb sydney.
    loan approved to 33 mil.
    builder, company and trust organised, with me holding one tower of 43 units and all posi’s.
    all of the above is using equity and so no interest paid.
    the construction loans are capitalised.
    and this goes thru my investment trusts so if I wished I could purchase helipads but it wouldn’t fit my profit criteria nor my time line.
    the third one isn’t yet for posting here as the return is high and not completely finalised but is using my usual structures.

    here to help
    If you want to get involved in some of the projects I’m involved in email to

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