All Topics / Value Adding / QLD Property Group
Hi All
I haven’t been on in a while as we made the big move from Sydney to the Sunshine Coast, which so far has been the best move ever, loving it up here. We are now back on the property trail and are in the middle of negotiating on property number three, a subdivide project which is very exciting.
The reason I write is to see if anyone is living in our area that is on the same path as ourselves that would be interested in maybe starting a Property group. To me it makes sense if people can combine skills and finances to create a common goal. Can’t guarantee anything will come of it but if anyone is in the area and is interested drop me an email.
We could start our very own mentoring group!
Based in Brissie as you now but would be happy to be involved in someway.
I have done one or 2 developments and wraps in my time and financed the odd deal or two.
Cheers Richard
Ph: 07 3720 1888
http://www.yourstatefinance.comSpecialising in US & IP finance.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Sounds good to me. I would be nice to have someone with your experience in the group.
Any other takers?
Come on guys and girls, isn’t anyone interested.
It does not have to include combining finances.Believe me I won’t be combining finances with anyone unless I am comfortable with the deal and the person.So if you are just interested in meeting up to talk through some projects and basically get advice from others and keep momentum going, then reply on here or pop me an email.
Hey Delboy,
Am in the same boat as you and just about to make a move up to Mission beach from Melbourne. I realise that i’m a bit further north than yourself but be great to keep intouch. Matt,Guys dont even have enough for a quorum yet common Qld where are you all.
Cheers Richard
Ph: 07 3720 1888
http://www.yourstatefinance.comSpecialising in US & IP finance.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
Hi all,
My wife and I live in Spring Hill Brisbane. We’d be very keen to get together every month or so, especially if it is nearby (we don’t have a car!). However, we would certainly make an effort to get there if reqd. Delboy – do you have a venue in mind?
Adam B-C
Don’t let life get in the way of living.
Hi again,
I just spoke to my brother, who owns a business in Kenmore (Bris western suburbs), and he would be happy for us to use his conference room for our meetings. It’s not so big – perhaps 20 people max – but I think it would suffice at least for the first few.
I would imagine that once monthly would be a good start, and Mon, Wed and Thu evenings are best for us.
Any other thoughts anyone?
Don’t let life get in the way of living.
Okay – I understand that I may be getting ahead of myself here (I tend to do this!), but I think this is a great opportunity, and perhaps if we just draw a line in the sand and make a date then some more people might come out of the woodwork…
So – how does either Mon 28 Nov or Wed 30 Nov at 7pm sound? Either at my brother’s office (see above) or at another venue agreed upon?
Any takers?
Don’t let life get in the way of living.
Hi there Delboy and Adambc,
I would be interested in something along the lines of a property investors meeting and mentoring. ( No to combined finances)
Location and suggested times suit me fine.
Please keep me informedJTW
Hi Delboy,
I have deleted your other threads on the same topic as it creates a disjointed series of responses.
On a side matter I am curious as to why you are keen to reinvent the wheel when BIG is established and up and running and has a group of keen people in coordination roles.
See the following thread you are unsure of their credentials i would suggest that pay to go along to the first meeting and make your decision about future attendance after that.
While there is a fee involved BIG has also secured some very experienced and knowledgeable speakers in its time.
0409 882 958Thanks Derek – I didn’t know about this! I’ll certainly give it a go.
Delboy, JTW and Richard – did you know about these meetings? What do you think? Maybe I’ll see you there!
Don’t let life get in the way of living.
Thanks Dereck, I wasn’t familiar with B>I>G>.
I Checked out thier website and looks like what I am after. Appreciate the tipJTW
Thanks for that, I didn’t know they existed, I will certainly get in touch with them. What about you guys? Will I see you there?
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