All Topics / Help Needed! / who owns the property in Victoria

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  • Profile photo of Administrator

    Given the privacy legislation in Victoria, does anyone know if I can obtain the name (or other contact details) of the owner of a house in Victoria?

    If so, how do I get these details? Cheapest way?

    There is a run down vacant house that I want to approach the owner about buying so if anyone can help I’d appreciate it.

    thank you in advance.

    Profile photo of mathewc73mathewc73
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 241

    Does the letter box look full?

    If not, drop a letter in there. The owner may be collecting them.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Good idea Mathewc73.

    I’ve also just spoken to rates dept in local council.

    Was advised that if I write a note to the owner I can send it in to the council they will forward it to the owner (after reading it first to ensure contents are not inapropriate).

    Then it is up to the owner (or person who opens owners mail) to decide if they wish to respond back to me.

    Profile photo of grossrealisationgrossrealisation
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,031

    hi Blue Ship
    go around to the property on a saturday around 10 and have a chat with the neighbours be really nice, pat the dog they will know who owns it and when they come to the property.
    This way you you get on very nice with your neighbours before you buy.
    11 wallace street I purchased to turn into a development site just being completed I had 19 neighbours objecting to the da and all said they would only discuss there objections with me so we sat down again and had a cup of coffee need less to say the site went thru and all are happy.
    you can also find out from the neighbours, white ant, rats,if they were looking at selling are they dead,
    ask who’s the nosiest neighbour.
    make a bee line for her door(never a him not sure why)
    I had a laneway that nowbody not even council could tell who owned it after a couple of cups of coffee had the name address and contact details and even had the old chap ring the owner and book for me to meet them.

    here to help

    Profile photo of hmackayhmackay
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 197


    I think u can get the info from the State Revenue Office under Vic Gov web site. U can get a copy of title for a fee (less than $30 i think)from their website. U could have the info in minutes.

    Good luck.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Thanks Grossrealisation – great tips.

    Hmackay, I did a search on the web and found it.

    for others interested in is:

    thanks for all your help.
    Blue Ship [hair2]

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