All Topics / Help Needed! / Passive Income Using Property – Is It the only way
I recently posted a question regarding passive income in this forum regarding 2 k and time, I imagine there are alot of people in this position starting out in property investing or investing in general.
However I have been told that it takes several years to produce passive income using property, my question is this, do people believe property the only way? or is it just the general belief that property is the safe way?
Should people think outside the box?
Has any one got a financial planner that they get advice from that is free and lives off passive income???Please dont get me wrong by my questions I think property is a great investment as part of a portfolio that gives you multiple streams on income.
Property is not the only way to create a passive income, you can have a biz/stocks/bonds/RE notes/etc that can all provide passive income. I like property because it’s stable and safe. For example say you got a manager to run your biz, you now might get passive income, but there are higher risks (for example competition, your product being made obsolete, bad management, etc).
I believe that if you study hard and work at it, being retired in say 3yrs. is not out of the realm of possibility at all. Many people I know who have retired have created their own niche in their market – wraps, L/O’s, etc (I guess that is the thinking outside the box part).
As for finding a financial planner who is free, I don’t think you will have much luck. In fact if they were financially free I would expect them to want more money than even a excellent financial planner. Thats assuming they still work as a financial planer (I bet most would do better things with their time).
Hi pipelinebender
2 k and property investment…forget it.
think outside the box?
I agree
30 years ago at 22, i bought my first IP 15K, interest only loan.
3 years on i sold it for 20k, and after subtracting costs it worked out i made 2k.
my thoughts about the property investment game….. “its a mugs game”.
i took that 2k and bought a business that was going down.
first couple of years where hard work..very hard work 24/7
its growth was fantastic, but to much growth was causing problems as well.
TAXES far to high (third year in a personal tax bill 120k)in todays money over 250k
that created an urgent requirement to understand what “profit and loss” and “balance sheets” and “tax planning” was?
26 years down the track…was it worth it?
That business is still operating today, it employees 6 people most of who are on a profit share bases.
The business has been a great vehicle to building wealth (both in IP’s and personal income)
So what’s my first IP worth on todays market..350k
the business…1m
and if i had kept the IP, what would i have made over 30 years of income 140*52*30…220k
over 26 years the business profit 10m
i didn’t retire by 30, nor 40 (private education and an expensive wife made sure of that)
but at 50, i am semi retired, and have a very comfortable passive income.
Now i have time, and cash, to explore IP investments.looking outside the box?
worked for me
might not for you.harry
I recently read a book by Brad Sugars who suggests you make your money in business and hold it in property. I tend to agree, it just takes too long to make passive income from property, but it is a nice and stable investment, so good for holding your wealth.
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hi pipelinebuilder
I’ll bite yes you can make an income with 2k it just depends how much time on top of the 2k you are willing to put in.
you can get 10 mates together and each put in the 2k you now have the 5% deposit on a 400k property, you then find a property thats posi at 10% moree is a good place to start (its gone but was there 1 month ago) you now have 3% posi income plus a 400k property to leverage off.
you keep it for 12 month and you save the 3%
after 12 month you have 12k this gives you the 5% deposit on a 240k property,
so you find that also try cobar, orange, broken hill again at 10%
and now you have 3% broken hill and 3% moree.
and you keep doing this.
as you have 10 people doing it together the bank will have no problem with serviceability.
after 5 years you will have a very nice little group of properties and then you start to draw out of the properties the equity to purchase the commercial properties or want ever.
I will tell you in 5 years weather this system works because my son is just about to start this system and is 16 with his 18 year old brother, he’s starting with 10k and because its a company, trust structure I sign as unit holder to purchase but he does all the work and runs it.
when he’s 18 he takes the company over,
he already goes to the investor meetings and has a good understanding of how it works, there is a group of 16 year old economics, business and legal studies and each is putting up the same amount and is long to help
Originally posted by hb:Hi pipelinebender
2 k and property investment…forget it.
think outside the box?
I agree
30 years ago at 22, i bought my first IP 15K, interest only loan.
3 years on i sold it for 20k, and after subtracting costs it worked out i made 2k.
my thoughts about the property investment game….. “its a mugs game”.
i took that 2k and bought a business that was going down.
first couple of years where hard work..very hard work 24/7
its growth was fantastic, but to much growth was causing problems as well.
TAXES far to high (third year in a personal tax bill 120k)in todays money over 250k
that created an urgent requirement to understand what “profit and loss” and “balance sheets” and “tax planning” was?
26 years down the track…was it worth it?
That business is still operating today, it employees 6 people most of who are on a profit share bases.
The business has been a great vehicle to building wealth (both in IP’s and personal income)
So what’s my first IP worth on todays market..350k
the business…1m
and if i had kept the IP, what would i have made over 30 years of income 140*52*30…220k
over 26 years the business profit 10m
i didn’t retire by 30, nor 40 (private education and an expensive wife made sure of that)
but at 50, i am semi retired, and have a very comfortable passive income.
Now i have time, and cash, to explore IP investments.looking outside the box?
worked for me
might not for you.harry
Well, whilst I agree property isnt the only way, during the 30 years, were your working in the business? If you only had property, how hard would you be working? My father owneda business for near on 30 years, and although it provided him with great income (enough to support 5 children, and still live fairly comfortabley) he died whilst still in the business, and although the calc’s will show the business is worth $1m+ (based on earnings, etc), it is not as easy to find someone who will pay that for a business. I think property is a much better way…..
Of course the easy answer is:
There is no such thing as “passive” income. (blah)In my way of seeing things there are three comodities you can use in varying and interchangable quantites to live: time, money and knowledge. If you have the time you don’t need much money or knowledge, if you have money you don’t need much time or knowledge and if you have knowledge you don’t need much time or money.
If you have $2k to invest to live you obviously don’t have much money, so you will need time and or knowledge. As mentioned before you could buy a business with $2k and spend a stack of time and use some knowledge to build it up so you can sell it or have someone else manage it. If you have more money you could just buy an existing big earning business.
Property isn’t the only way, I would argue the amount of resource I’ve put into aquiring and maitaining my property (not much but hay) certainly fails the “passive” qualifier for income. Same with the shares I’ve owned. There is always paperwork to fill, questions that need answering, managers to fire and so on. So no real passive income (please just go with me on this one), but given a loose definition property can fit the bill. Is it the only way? Heck no. Is it the safest way? Not really, or not necesarily. It is a relatively easy way to make money in the same way buying blue chip shares is an easy way to make money. To make the big bucks (like steve 0-130 in 3.5 years) you need to expend big resources (money, time, knowledge). So: 3.5 years is not much time therefore I’d say big money and/or big knowledge was used. From reading the book it looks like knowledge was the main component (at least initially).
Rambling by:
Surrey.ah ashb23, you missed the point.
As far as my business goes would you rather have $20k (business income) or $300(rental income) A WEEK going thru your account?
Same amount of outlay…completely different results.
A good business is a great vechicle to creating wealth easier.
Do you thing Steve makes more money out of rental properties or selling a MILLION books on property investment?
Or what about John Ilhan “crazy john” started selling mobile phones in a little shop in Coburg…now the richest guy under 40 in australia.
Or Eddy Groves, 38 years old worth 170 million, continues to dominate the child-care industry with his company ABC Learning Centres. Grove’s other business interests include milk distribution. His company, Quantum Food, is the largest distributor of Pauls milk in Queensland. He is also owner of the Brisbane Bullets basketball team.
But i can see that you are focused on property.
stick with…..
your bound you eventually make moneyharry
Thank you very much for your comments, it was very intresting to here peoples ideas and share their experiences.
So many of the comments are true in regards to passive income and its great to hear so many people are open to thinking outside the box.
Personally I had to do this after I found that some of the options avaialble were alittle harder to put into practice than I was led to belive eg by my finacial planner and through seldf education, etc etc, eg property, shares, business etc.
So let me ask this question, if you could produce a passive income stream of 3 – 4k passive income in 6 – 12 months with a little work would it be worth it?. Someone asked this question (my mentor now) to me and I took him up on the offer cause I didnt belive it could be done and it produced the that result, the reason I listen to him is because he had the lifestyle I wanted and was finacially free, and previously had multimillion dollar business, propery etc so he had walked the walk etc etc, he wasnt talking <edited>.
If you want further details please pm me Id be happy to tell you how it all happened, its intresting story.Please dont get me wrong though I have IPS too as I said a balanced portfolio, but I created the passive income first then ivested to produce more passive income.
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