All Topics / Help Needed! / Good tradie?

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  • Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    Well I’m stuck; my IP has been built but I need to move the “crossover” (the driveway bit that goes from the road over the council nature strip to my property).

    I have got a permit approved but I’m having trouble finding someone to do the work at a reasonable price. I got one quote for $6,000 (plus change) and another couple who simply haven’t got back to me and another couple who say they couldn’t give me a time when they’d be free to do the work.

    Can anyone recommend a concreter who will work in Melton Victoria?


    Profile photo of coreyjaycoreyjay
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 38

    Crikey too much try someone from Bacchus marsh


    Profile photo of AuzzieLad


    Hello just an idea can you contact the guys who did the job in the first place?

    Why do you need to move the cross over ?


    Profile photo of surreyhughes19905

    The house and drive were built by Devine and they don’t deal with council land if they can avoid it. The crossover is in the wrong spot because the council required the developer to put one in, but didn’t specify when or where. So the dev pu a single crossover in right at the boundary of the block. Of course the dev then requires each property to have a double garage with double driveway. Also, the minimum set back from teh edge of the proprety is such that it isn’t possible for me to build a driveway that could line up with the crossover.

    So I’ve learned the hardway [blush2] to check such things first. I’m going to have a go at getting the developer to at least remove the one they put in as it is in no way reasonable.

    To add to my trouble the council engineer I’ve spoken to doesn’t seem to know anything about what specifications / standards need to be met regarding the crossover. I asked about what sort of drain cover is needed for the side entry pit and how I can go about demolishing the existing crossover (do I have to remove the footpath and replace it or just cut the crossover off). This of course makes it tough getting a reasonable quote because I can’t tell the contractor specifics of what they should do (it’s left to their imagination, and they seem to imagine gold is involved).

    Luckily my father-in-law is a developer and my brother-in-law is a builder and through them I’ve got a contact who will at least be sympathetic to my cause (said he can probably do it for half what the other guy said).

    Anyway I’m not overly concerned as Devine have given me a rental gaurentee…

    Profile photo of AuzzieLad


    If I read correct Devine did the cross over originally? then to me they are at fault, they should know the boundaries and had all council approved.

    Personally I would be chasing devine up to rectify their work, and you not too pay out of your pocket.


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