All Topics / Legal & Accounting / super fund and HDT or FT
Hi experts,
does anybody know if self-managed super fund can become beneficiary (receive distribution) from HDT or family trust?
DanielaA couple of things you need to check. Does the SMSF allow for this and provided the resultant distributions do not
breach the Rule against Perpetuities.
The rule against perpetuities is a rule against remoteness of vesting ie the property must vest in a person within the perpetuity period. If the rule is breached the distribution would fail.
I have seen it done.Hope this helps
Asset Protection Specialist Cata
Section 273(6) of the ITAA 1936 says that income derived by a SMSF as a beneficiary of a discretionary trust will be deemed to be special income. This means that any distributions from a discretionary trust to a SMSF will be subject to a rate of 47%. Generally distributions from discretionary trusts to a SMSF are not advised.
Hi Coasty
I have heard recently that using a hybrid or unit trust to invest in a SFSF will be outlawed by 2009. My source is usually correct. What are your thaughts?
Asset Protection Specialist
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