All Topics / Legal & Accounting / super fund and HDT or FT

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  • Profile photo of penguinchick

    Hi experts,
    does anybody know if self-managed super fund can become beneficiary (receive distribution) from HDT or family trust?

    Profile photo of cata

    A couple of things you need to check. Does the SMSF allow for this and provided the resultant distributions do not
    breach the Rule against Perpetuities.
    The rule against perpetuities is a rule against remoteness of vesting ie the property must vest in a person within the perpetuity period. If the rule is breached the distribution would fail.
    I have seen it done.

    Hope this helps

    Asset Protection Specialist

    Profile photo of penguinchick
    Profile photo of coastymikecoastymike
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 125

    Section 273(6) of the ITAA 1936 says that income derived by a SMSF as a beneficiary of a discretionary trust will be deemed to be special income. This means that any distributions from a discretionary trust to a SMSF will be subject to a rate of 47%. Generally distributions from discretionary trusts to a SMSF are not advised.

    Profile photo of cata

    Hi Coasty

    I have heard recently that using a hybrid or unit trust to invest in a SFSF will be outlawed by 2009. My source is usually correct. What are your thaughts?

    Asset Protection Specialist

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