All Topics / Creative Investing / Do you know anyone that retired by 30?
That was my thaughts to dazz. I was curious so I called the business broker yesterday. I will let you know what I find.
Asset Protection Specialist is a commercial cleaning bus. that employees 1 f/t and 3 p/t staff.
Owner claims 10hrs/wk
Pays himself 46k
21k to super
19k profit to be distributed
Home bassedStill sounds OK to me.
Asset Protection Specialist I am trained as a scietist, but theres no money in that (do you know any one thats rich in science, they do it for passion, not the money, but I like I said dig the well before you need it), so part time I set up a business with some cluded up people, that were free and already successful business people, I learnt for a long time from my mentors, I continue to each day.
And now in the time that I have off or thats avaialble, I help people or at least show people how I did it and the system I used if they are open minded (eg teachable and have passion for life) and for the scheptical people out there I dont charge people for it like gurus or life coaches.
One of successful princples I learnt along time ago, was if someone helps you across the mine field and you can follow their steps and then you can help someone else do it, you are essentially giving it back or passing the infomation on. Theres plenty of money out there, people just need to know how to get it, keep an open mind and look for opportunites.
People are keen to learn other wise they wouldnt be on a property forum, and I dont pretend to know everyhting about property but I am keen to learn as much as I can, but its not the only way to get across the mine field, what about having multiple streams on passive income, why do people only limit them selves to property, is this a confort thing or what is “mainstream beliefs”??Many corporate CEOS dont have a lifestyle,they just have a high hourly rate, I am only speaking about the ones I have met or have done business with work wise, they dont get it because they have been taught by right hand side quadrant people not left hand side people, eg professional investors/ passive based business owners, I ditched that idea because I have seen the result, I was on that path, Global Manager of a divison at 23, Senior Manager of a company at 26. I only talk about what I have seen and experienced, going to uni, getting a good job, working your way up is not the answer any more, neither is resting on your laurels and making no changes, I have a friend from school that sprays furniture, hes being doing that for over 10 years, he earns 35k per year, no pay rise in site as that is what hes been on for 10 years and he has no passion for spraying furnitre and either would you if it affected your health, why does he do it because he has a family to feed.
hi pipbender
you’ve been dragging this out for 3 months now….
whats the goi’ve email you….your return link goes nowhere
whats are you trying to say?
if you’ve got an idea…lay it on us…..
show us the money
Hi HB,
Sorry I am not in here that often so its hard write back , I applogise for that, just email me or pm and ill write back to you. I just got back from Fiji on monday so I have been a little snowed under.Here goes this is what I did:
1. I was very very open minded and teachable, I dont blow off things because of perceptions of what I or others may think, people often judge things because they look simple and they are not complicated.2. With the help of a team of very successful people and mentors I developed a passive income based business that is duplicatable and system based, these things are key, without a system and without duplication there is no passive income, eg what would mcdonalds be like with out these features, they would just be a hamburger stand. During the 12 months I invested my time that I had spare so I could buy it back later.
3. The passive income that I receive is used a feeder, this income is then invested into property, shares or my my morgage, this creates more wealth.
4. Repeat the process.
I am not a guru or special, iam a boring ordinary guy, I have a job, a wife and a dog, but what I have in my corner is just great mentors and drive and ambition. For me to explain all the details in writing it would take forever.
Hi Pipeline
This is network marketing you are involved in i reckon as it has all the teasers.
SGLife should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways Beer in one hand – Pizza in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming WOO HOO!”
Hey Sg,
Thanks for the reply
No not network marketing sorry your incorrect, our business model has business partners (franshiees) like normal retail stores, but differs slightly .
Just wanted to clear up assumptions that you may of had
I’m 35 and looking to retire @ 38. Property is the leverage point for shares to create a passive income
Hi Pipeline
No problem my mistake all the best with it.
SGLife should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways Beer in one hand – Pizza in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming WOO HOO!”
Amway – sorry, A2K, right? Personally, I think it’s a load of rot, but good luck with it. Hope it works out well for you. Just realise that it is more of a 2nd job than a passive income stream when every spare hour of your life is dedicated to attending lectures, listening to tapes, spreading the word, etc. TANSTAAFL – there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.
People I know who were able to retire by 30:
Family friends of ours who came out from Italy to cut cane in the 1940’s. Both brothers fixed care in their spare time, working like dogs to get enough money to buy their own garage (they still own it, but it’s now rented). The older brother became an apprentice builder and taught his younger brother everything he was taught. When they had money, they bought land, built houses on it and rented them to get the money to buy the next etc. Eventually they built 10 units which they just sold a few years ago for 5 million dollars. They’re both in their 70’s now with property portfolios well in the millions and they’re still building/renovating homes all the time for their children and grandchildren.
Guy I went to school with was kicked out of school at 16 on account of drug use. Six months later he’d cleaned himself up and decided to put his remarkable brain to use. He got himself a job with a share broker, learnt everything he could and started investing heavily himself. He’s 24 now, still clean and well past the stage where he needs a job to support himself.
As for people that are rich in science… yeah, I know of a couple, but not everyone can come up with something to patent. Too bad. [glum2]
My idea of retirement in not having to work, but wanting to is a different story.
If you enjoy working but have enough cashflow without working is my version of retirement.By the way, I turned 30 this year. [biggrin]
Asset Protection Specialist husband and I are both retired.
Any property we now develop is for fun we definatley dont need the $$
I was 24 and he was 28.
I’m 24 with 2 properties and a business than turns over 7 figures a year, so I’m close to my goal of retiring by 25. When you own a company you make 50 times what you’d make as an employee – dividends are what make a company owner wealthy.
Originally posted by mytch:I’m 24 with 2 properties and a business than turns over 7 figures a year, so I’m close to my goal of retiring by 25. When you own a company you make 50 times what you’d make as an employee – dividends are what make a company owner wealthy.
What is the business? and where is it?
Marc.“we get sent lemons; it’s up to us to make lemonade”
I don’t know anyone who actually retired at 30 and gave up work.
I know several people who were wealthy enough to do it, but they have businesses they love to run and keep working for the action, fun and making more money.
Look at Bill Gates – has a few bob under the mattress, but is busier than ever.
These sort of people are driven, usually workaholics, overachievers and need a new project or to be kept busy. They never seem to retire.
Marc.“we get sent lemons; it’s up to us to make lemonade”
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