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  • Profile photo of Tools

    Not really sure which forum to put this in,so here will have to do! I have been using mailwasher (free version) for over 18 months with no problems.But now I get error messages to do with my password,even though it is correct.Has anyone else had similar issues,or can anyone recommend any other mail bouncing sofware??


    Profile photo of calvin_thirty4calvin_thirty4
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 556

    Hi Tools,
    I used Mailwasher too – same program it seems as I too had this problem. Nothing I did fixed it (I’m not computer wizz) I tried to delete it completely and download it again, but in the end I got rid of it as my ISP lets me look at my emails on their website before I down load them.

    See if your ISP offers the same! Westnet and Telstra do – I’m sure they aren’t the only ones.

    Sorry I couldn’t help any more.


    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try something one more time.
    – Thomas Edison

    Profile photo of Tools

    Thanks for the reply Calvin…maybe they get tired of people using the free version and want you to buy the pro version.It is a great program,but I am not going to pay for it.I am with bigpond,so I will see what they offer.


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