All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Power of Attorney advice

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  • Profile photo of suzieqsuzieq
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 149

    Hi guys,

    Anybody out there had experience with assigning someone Power of Attorney for ONE particular r/e deal. Is it possible? How do you go about it? Does a solicitor have do draw it up and both parties sign or can just the one party sign and lodge it at their local court.

    Thanx in anticipation.


    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    Yes, I think it is possible to grant POA for a specific action. Better talk to a solicitor, or do a search on google – and check

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    Profile photo of 30Ch30Ch
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 7

    Yes it is possible. It is called a Limited power of Attorney as disctinct from a General one. You use the standard form and add the limitations eg “The authority conferred by the Limited power fo Attorney is restricted to executing documennts and doing all things in connection with the [sale/purchse etc] of property at [addesss] in the nmae of the Principal.”
    Once the job is done eg the property purchased or sold, then by law the Power of Attorney automatically expires
    You best get a lawyer to draw it up.
    Powers of Attorney usually have to be registered before they can be used eg in NSW registered with the Registrat general. Deposting it at hte Local Court will be pretty much useless.

    Profile photo of ImperatorImperator
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    Hi SQ

    This is very simple to do it your self. We have a cost effective Power of Attorney Kit which will do the trick. We supply these to the public and financial advisors from around the country. Please visit our website or call our call centre for further info. Imperator Financial is Australia’s most comprehensive consumer financial information and financial planner referral service. We also have a number of other resources including SMSF’s info, Legal Will, Power of Attorney, Grant of Probate and Prenuptial Agreement Kits , Finance Forum and more.

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