All Topics / Value Adding / Martin Ayles – Sydney Property Masterclass

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  • Profile photo of A Winchester

    Hi all

    For those who attended last Sunday’s Property Masterclass, I am trying to organise a day with Martin Ayles in Adelaide. Martin will take 4 people for the day (2 spots already taken I think) so pls let me know if anyone is interested so I can get back to him. The day would include Martin picking us up from airport/hotel, travelling around with him for the day and seeing all his development sites, out for lunch, any questions answered and a review of your wealth position, then drop back to airport/hotel at days end. Cost $2,500. Let me know if anyone is interested ASAP as I’ll be asking around also



    Profile photo of parkdogparkdog
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    i attended the master class in sydney as well. martyn was a fantastic speaker, hes had great knowledge on developing. however i dont have enough funds to attend at the moment. do you know the name of his book or his website address

    Profile photo of Pink PantherPink Panther
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 6

    Same here, was at the seminar but funds aren’t flowing freely at the moment. I would love any sort of knowledge / mentoring from Martyn. Excellent speaker. Always wanted to get into property development but it always seemed out of reach, he made it seem very possible finally!
    The name of his book would be great.

    Profile photo of Dean Parker

    Hi All,

    I’m from Melbourne and met Martin at one of Steve’s seminars. My fiancee and I were lucky enough to go to Adelaide about 8 weeks ago and spend the day with him.

    It was fantastic experience and really opened our eyes to another aspect of property investing. Martin picked us up from the airport and we spent the day in his car visiting many of his current projects. It truly was “Hands On” and a real insight. I highly recommend it.

    I do have a copy of his book which is also a great read. It is titled “You Need A Rocket”, and aims at stirring you into action by looking at your attitude towards life. Martin did tell me that you can buy it directly from him by emailling him at

    For those going, have a great time on your trip, you will get plenty out of it!

    There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

    Profile photo of A Winchester

    Thanks so much for your input all. I too was so inspired by Martin’s presentation on the weekend and found the whole Masterclass experience has really got me going again on the investment front! Dean, I am so looking forward to this experience with Martin and really appreciate your feedback about your own experience.

    Onwards and Upwards,


    Profile photo of nazzysmith

    Martins book has nothing about development in it. Its more about mind set I think… I asked martin where i could get his book, he is sending me one for free. try emailing him.

    Profile photo of nazzysmith

    Dean, Nice to hear from someone who has been, I have a few questions…
    1. Have you taken his strategy and been able to apply it here?

    2. Are you currently developing?

    3. Was it just food for thought or has it radically changed your mind set?

    Regards Thomas

    Profile photo of Dean Parker

    Hi Thomas,

    In answer to your questions:

    1. I have taken his strategy and applied it here. There was a house I had been looking at that had passed in at mortgagee auction. It had a large yard but had a huge steel shed. I had never thought of looking at the piece of land in the way Martin does and when I returned from Adelaide I looked at the property with different eyes, and we purchased it.

    2. I have just started developing and have a three dwelling site with Council at the Plans stage, and another corner allotment in a new estate where we will be building 2 dwellings. The last property I purchased was the one I spoke about above, and it is a three bedroom house which we will be placing another three bedroom dwelling at the rear.

    3. It did really change our mindset. It is now another tool we have added to our repertoire. We hd primarily been looking at renovation properties but are finding that there are great opportunities to mix both a reno and development. I have looked at three other sites that fit that mould in the last two weeks.

    One point to note is that we have starting developing in a cheaper area and unfortunately the land component of the price does not weigh into the total price very much (about 50/50). To get great results from Martin’s strategy, the property must have high land value and low building value. We are just starting out and realise our profits will not be huge but feel we want to run through the entire process with lower risk rather than jumping into the level Martin is at.

    Kind Regards,

    Dean Parker.

    There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

    Profile photo of Rikky

    Hi Dean

    What makes it better at the top end rather than the bottom end?

    Is it the expence involved with getting the permits therefore the over all% is not as good or is it the fact that the numbers are just bigger.

    Monopoly, my favourite game

    Profile photo of Dean Parker

    I have found that when you subdivide, you can normally sell your new dwellings for near the same amount as an older dweliing on a full block. So when you subdivide, the greater the land component, the greater the value you create.
    Example A:
    Block A is $450k and is comprised of $300k land value and $150k house value.
    Block B is $400k and is comprised of $300k land value and $100k house value.
    If you knock down the house on block B and build two new dwellings for $150k each you will have spent ($400k + $300k) = $700k. You may then be able to sell your new dwellings for $420k each. That would be a profit of $140k less selling fees.
    Example B:
    Block A is $200k and is comprised of $80k land value and $120k house value.
    Block B is $120k and is comprised of $80k land value and $40k house value.
    If you knock down the house on block B and build two new dwellings for $120k each you will have spent ($120k + $240k) = $360k. You may then be able to sell your new dwellings for $200k each. That would be a profit of $40k less selling fees.

    Kind Regards,

    Dean Parker.

    There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

    Profile photo of Rikky

    So the closer to land value the better.
    Do you think you can make money doing this?
    This takes lots of money lots of time at council and years slip by very quickly.
    I got sick of dealing with idiots, that think develpers are millionaires and you just seem to be folking out everwhere and lose heaps of time dealing with councils and planners.

    Monopoly, my favourite game

    Profile photo of Dean Parker

    I think you can make money using this system, but your are right it does take time and money to do so. Martin is living proof that you can build a very handsome portfolio in just a handful of years. I am sure he didn’t do it alone and used different techniques to acquire funds to build it up so quickly. I think all of the reasons you gave as to why you wouldn’t do it are exactly the reason why I want to do it. There aren’t too many people out there willing to put up with all of the problems/issues involved. The entire process does take a long time but the hours you need to dedicate to it is quite low in comparison. If you can find a way to do multiple projects at once, then it could be very rewarding. I have three seperate development projects on the go at the moment and am also doing a renovation project. I am anticipating building that up even more in the coming months…I’ve offered on two more subdivision properties in the last week.

    Kind Regards,

    Dean Parker.

    There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

    Profile photo of Rikky

    Hi Dean

    we have spoken about this subject before and I will continue to do develpoements and renos to achive my goals because there is a dollar in it , but I will only do it in slow markets like we are entering now.
    My biggest problem durring the last boom I had my money tied up in developements , when I should have had as many small deposits on as many rental as possible.The abilty to leverage that money out would have put me in a much better position. Hind sight is 20/20 vision.
    Keep up the good work ,I enjoy your stories.

    Kind regards Rick

    Monopoly, my favourite game

    Profile photo of nazzysmith

    Winchester, How are you going with filling those positions?

    Cheers Thomas

    Profile photo of A Winchester

    Hey all

    One left I think … will know on Tuesday. Will keep you updated


    Profile photo of A Winchester


    Just to let you know I have one more spot for the one on one day with Martin and the final ticket I can organise for $1990. Martin is only taking 4 people for this day, and when you look at the fact that his seminar in Melbourne in March is $695 or so for a room full of people, I think this is a bargain. The four people attending will negotiate the date to agree with Martin – we are currently looking at early December or early January – so first in best dressed!

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