All Topics / General Property / Sydney Discusion Group

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  • Profile photo of camdercamder
    Join Date: 2004
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    Profile photo of hellmanhellman
    Join Date: 2005
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    Please Explain



    Profile photo of Administrator

    Are you talking about SDG… I take it you are because that’s what immediatly came into mind… Just more institutionalised… It’s like SDG just picked up some new business cards but it turns out there was a data entry error somewhere along the way… But somehow it works and SDG doesn’t wan’t to take the cards back and just use them and become the SIW instead… Sounds PRO.


    ‘Stay Happy and you’ll be Perfectly Fine’ – Jack

    Profile photo of GPSnetworkGPSnetwork
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 313

    Why are u going through these changes? It’s neither here or there really.. But what ever makes everyone happy..

    P.S. I havn’t recieved anything from you on my email address, can you please send it to

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)

    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    Hi Roy
    Its not my idea but I think that the group needs a name.
    either name is ok to me its a discussion point and lets see.

    here to help

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    Sounds to me like the group needs an agenda and structure before it needs a name, other wise you could get Trumped. Why not appoint a team leader like Roy from GPS who is licienced and obviously trained to prepare a check list for the members of the group.

    Property investing is a science and business and it should be approached seriously for people who want to succeed. Next thing all the idiots will be argueing over the name rather than focusing on making money – i don’t know what most are doing here but i can’t stand time wasters – lets move on and vote for the first chairman ROY to take control.

    Vote 1 4 me please … resiwealth [biggrin]

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi all
    I think that this group has been going very well and maybe resiwealth might pop over to the next meeting a give us some help as the more the merrier as for chairman maybe toni or milaka might want to put there hand up or another postee out there this is a very informal group at the moment and it does need structure and I think both roy and len have done a very good job.

    here to help

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    I was at your meeting at Gladesville and believe me the group needs structure. If u r serious about making money why not set some targets to work towards.

    What do u want.
    Who can help
    What to research
    Mastermind teams qualifications
    Set levels for people on different stages
    Set time limits
    Set topics

    I’m here to make profits what r u here for


    Profile photo of Administrator

    I’m here for a good time.
    Gross is here to help.
    Resi is here to make profit.
    Not sure about the rest.


    ‘Stay Happy and you’ll be Perfectly Fine’ – Jack

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    Votes for the chairperson are

    Toni 1
    Milaka 1
    Roy 3


    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi all
    not sure if we are going to a meeting to make money as a rule I make it in the market place.
    What do u want.
    Who can help
    What to research
    Mastermind teams qualifications
    Set levels for people on different stages
    Set time limits
    Set topics
    these are well and good and seem ok but they remind me of the section from a teli marketing campaign.
    I was under the impression that this was a meeting of like minded investors who wish to share ideas.
    I agree that a form of structure is required but the above is not something that I would be recommending.
    not sure about masterminds I haven’t met many that arn’t from some sort of circus as they always try to get the money out of your pocket while your not watching.
    india has heaps its just they don’t call them masterminds.
    is bill gates,packer,corrigan,pilkington or smorgan any of the masterminds your talking about.
    as for setting levels who will be the person to pick a level.
    I would be interested in this level proposal and were am I on this level playing field.

    here to help

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    GR reading your posts is like a seesaw ride, half of you is up and the other down. One minute u r for some thing next you don’t know.

    So may i ask a question of the other group attendees,

    What would you like to achieve as a result of attending a discussion encounter and what would u like to take away with you after the meeting.

    I have several legal formats on disc that i have spent with my solicators over the last 6 months totalling $25,000.00 and am happy to give a copy as my sign of sincerity to help.


    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi resiwealth
    sorry I’m not an authur I just do my little bit of developing.
    I would be interested in the $25,000 disk post it to lawrence c/ 11 wallace street marrickville nsw 2204.
    I look forward to reviewing it.
    As for your question I will await the other attendees for there answers as for me I enjoy talking with other investors who are not trying to sell me a loan or a book. neither of which I need.

    here to help

    Profile photo of toni89toni89
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 125

    I am there mainly for education and sharing ideas and information with other like minded people.

    Profile photo of MIKALAMIKALA
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 64

    I’m with Toni.
    I want to learn more and I think over the last 2 meetings I have picked up information that I might not have found otherwise – hopefully others who attended have found the same – most of all I enjoy getting together with like minded people interested in sharing views and ideas in a forum which is not overtly formal.
    I think the venue was great and Len did a terrific job in guiding the meeting – we got some ideas about what people want to know about and all we need to do is find the right people with the knowledge to come along and chat.
    Unfortunately I do not have the contacts but if we persist surely some forumites have this knowledge or know someone who does that we can ask to come along for a hour or so ?
    How about it – would someone be willing to come along and share their knowledge and experience with Trusts and structures ?

    I would be interested specifically in information relating to Qld and WA.



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    Knowledge with out action is like a ship with out a caption, going nowhere.

    The best way to help people is to determine each persons target or what they want. Wether you are r starting out purchasing you first 1 bed investment unit for a cosmetic reno or entering into a major development project.

    Turning up to meetings not knowing what is going on is very time wasting to me, and believe me i love to help where i can. But as a developer and project marketer who attends many/many weekly meetings i like to know what the agenda is.

    I also respect that people are looking for knowledge and freebees BUT what is the sence in discussing about TRUSTS to an 18 year old with no money – go buy a book or stay on this forum.

    Please don’t think that i am being rude, as anybody who does know me i hope will tell you i am not. Clarity leads to the truth, and if you truley want help and to become successful then my advise is to get clear of what you want.

    So i suggest that each member write out what they want to be discussed so that the professionals attending can do their job.

    Resiwealth – here to help

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi resiwealth
    there are many reasons to go to meeting and one is to network which is a very valuable item but doesn’t cost much.
    As for writing down what they wish to understand, had you been to the last meeting that is what len has already asked and we got a few takers,
    we have asked a couple of people involved in trusts and accounting to come along to the next meeting.
    Ever thing is a form of selling and mint came to the last meeting and were very well received and did a good presentation and some people may have gone back to them.
    roy also ran thru his areas that he is currently looking at.
    I haven’t seen an agenda yet from mint put they were going to send one out.
    Maybe len (camder)might be able to give some insight.
    any body who has a qualification or experience in the market place is most welcome to attend and there advice will be well received.
    and bring along some tim tams

    here to help

    Profile photo of Nikki KNikki K
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 15

    I would like to say that I attended both meetings. Admittedly I wasn’t too thrilled after the first meeting, however the second meeting was excellent. Resi, we may not have formal agendas etc in place at the moment, however, considering we are starting off with nothing formally documented I think Len did a fantastic job guiding the meeting.

    I think after last Sunday’s meeting it is obvious that we are definitely on the right track. Meeting with like minded people, even in a casual environment, allows you to feel comfortable in a world I am definitely new too. You can never gain too much knowledge.

    When the time comes to get formal “expert” opinions / advice / direction, etc., I believe I will be able to approach these so called “experts” and feel confident in myself having researched and networked as much as possible.

    What I am getting out of these meetings is confidence in myself to have a go, and I think with common sense applied the rest will take care of itself.

    Nikki K

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