All Topics / Value Adding / Capricorn

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  • Profile photo of suzieq

    Hi Wayne

    I rang Rod thismorning at 10.00am and they were basically all sold, bar one or two! Some people camped overnight apparently in the hope they would be released thismorning (very wise!!). I was supposed to act as proxy for a guy in Melbourne who wanted one, but he missed out as I wasn’t able to get there any earlier than 10.00am.

    Quite a few had potential views of public open space and ocean.

    I must say with this response, I am overjoyed that I jumped in on the last release!!!


    Profile photo of waynel2

    Hi Suzie,

    That’s great to hear!:)

    Wayne Leech – Accommodation in Western Australia.
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    Profile photo of waynel2

    btw, for any one that missed out at capricorn village… i just put my block on the market in ocean lagoon today… it’s over 700sqm and has guarenteed oceans views if you build a 2 storey….

    anyone interested let me know:)

    Wayne Leech – Accommodation in Western Australia.
    List your holiday home for FREE!

    Profile photo of VCBB


    We went for a drive thru Ocean Lagoon on Sunday and we were amazed at the amount of housing there. Obviously I hadnt been up that way for a long time. How long ago did Ocean Lagoon start up, and what were the average prices at that time?

    Also, does anyone know any information about the proposed shopping centre behind the sporting club, who is handling it and when would it be open.


    Profile photo of waynel2

    Hi Brian,

    Ocean lagoon has been around for about 5 years plus. It was developed by Peet & Co. The same company that did Caramar and Kinross.

    I heard blocks were around the $50-$60k mark when they were first released!!! though these weren’t the ocean view blocks. The growth has been amazing in the last 3 yrs or so.



    Wayne Leech – Accommodation in Western Australia.
    List your holiday home for FREE!

    Profile photo of kp

    Talk about building in the sand dunes!!
    Hey Wayne, that agent is a bit sparse with the words in the advert.

    SuzieQ, what do you reckon your block is worth now based on the new sales data from stage 4?
    Reckon those stage 2 blocks must be up $50k or more !!


    Profile photo of VCBB

    Have just signed the papers for the block in The Reef. They havent advertised it yet, other than in the local rag. A sales office will be going up soon and the billboard too, so I think The Reef will be exposed a lot more. Some people are actually buying two blocks in the The Reef…


    Profile photo of suzieq


    Yep we’ve made a cool 45K so far based on Stage 4 prices, but I think the position of our block should add more value than that too!

    very happy…..sq

    Profile photo of kp

    Yeah can’t agree more.
    I got lot 56 Board St. Where abouts are you ?
    Still not sure who to build with and whether its worth going dbl storey or stay with a single level…


    Profile photo of suzieq

    kp, we’re almost neighbours – Lot 62 Board Street is ours!

    We havent even thought about who we are building with yet and we are still tossing around in our head double storey as well. We’ve still got plenty of time fortunately.


    Profile photo of angiep

    Hi Everybody
    Has anybody noticed how fast the prices are increasing for building a house? We bought a block in Harford Grove stage 1 about 7 months ago. Since then we have been looking around to find a builder to build us a house. Some of the houses we looked at then have now increased in price by up to $15000.
    When asking the builders for the reason of the constant price increase they always refer to the material cost going up. I wonder!!!


    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    its probably more to do with the tradies milking it.

    I am a bit concerned about who will build there without loading the price too much


    Profile photo of waynel2

    Hi PC,

    You can expect an average of 1-2% each month. We had a contract with WA Housing Centre and they tried to put a $10K + increase on us within 1.5 months!!! We are now with Home Buyers Centre.

    I’ve also heard that due to new building requirements new house prices may go up by another 10%!

    when will it stop huh!!!

    In regards to who is building up that way… i think it will only be a matter of time until all your “brighton” builders move up the coast.

    This will probably happen when marmion ave goes in as all the tradies will only have to drive another 5mins or so up the coast.



    Wayne Leech – Accommodation in Western Australia.
    List your holiday home for FREE!

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    All this activity is definetly assisting CG on my Clarkson IP..

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of angiep

    Hi All
    Settlement was completed for our block in Harford Grove yesterday so all we have to do is to find a builder.
    We are currently looking at 2 builders.
    One being Gemmill Homes and the other In Residence. Expected building time to completion for both builders is approx 7-10 months they say. Has anybody had any experience with either builder or any other suggestions?

    Profile photo of angiep

    Hi Again
    Just following up to se if anyone has decided to build in the near future and if you could suggest a good builder who will build in the area. We are looking at Gimmels Homes but don’t know much about their service.

    Profile photo of MTRMTR
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 663

    I have been very happy with Celebration Homes which is part of the Dale Alcock group, competitive pricing and most importantly build within a 12 month timeframe.

    (Hard work never killed anyone, buy hey why take a chance)

    Profile photo of angiep

    Thanks for your reply Marisa
    You are right. They do build some nice homes. When we spoke to them last we looked at a display home we were told the building time frame would be around 12-15 months.
    I guess as demand increases for houses so will the building time. We are actually building to live in the house while we will build another one in the same area. I think the future growth looks very good for this area.

    Profile photo of angiep

    Hi all
    I thought I would bring this topic back to life again if possible. I am thinking of buying another block in the Lindsay Beach area and build for investment reasons. This one being a cottage block and 300 square meter big with a 10m frontage. I would need to put a 2 story cottage house on it for resale value. Block is priced at $2250000 plus fees.

    The block values in the Capricorn Estate area have doubled in price since being released in August 2005 and I wonder if this would be a good investment.

    Has anybody got any views on the prospect of investing in the Harford Grove and Lindsay Beach area? Do you think the area is overpriced?
    Many regards,

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    one of the experts tipped it as the next big thing, which makes sense with the marmion ave and freeway extensions and the sheer size of the develooment and on going demand for housing. the block price still sounds pretty cheap to me and the area has a big future. not to mention one of the nicest beaches in Perth. nothing is garuanteed but I think it is still a fairly safe place to put your money

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