All Topics / Value Adding / Capricorn

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  • Profile photo of suzieq

    Not sure about the dune lots Ausprop, but Rod mentioned that the next stage of Lindsay Beach wouldn’t be release before Feb 06…..those dune lots look pretty special though don’t they – I read through my specs last night. Looks like there are a few forumites around the neighborhood!!


    Profile photo of redwing

    Cyclist..I dont think you can”flip” these blocks (clause in contract)..


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    Profile photo of ilearnerilearner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 56

    I have no idea those guys buying into this development (the sales agent might be here too). If genuine investors do a bit research, you will understand what you are going to buy. This estate is a joint venture on a long term plan. If you want to hold your block for 10 years, it might be ok. Otherwise, you might be getting a hot potato when the market cycle starts running. No infrastructure, No established facitlities. If you build there, I do not think you can get a tenant.

    Asdf. You are kidding. I have all the stage release information. It has never been the case that the release was sold that quick. I got all the information in my bookcase.

    Those buying there started making noise here to encourage others to buy there.

    Dear formites, be very careful. If you are in Perth, I strongly recommend you drive there and talk to the shire. Then make your mind. Do listen to those buying early and want to flip it to you.

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    intersting… a few points:

    – no point in promoting to flip as it is not possible
    – what has the council told you that alarms you so much?
    – marmion ave extension is, i understand, all go? will be done by the time of stage 2 titles
    – it is a new city BEING built… not ALREADY built
    – who cares if it is a JV or whatever?
    – “market cycle starts running”… at this stage of the “cycle” (or just plain old catch up) hedging into rising prices is (IMO) a smart thing to be doing
    – in 10 years I cant see you buying a block 300m from the waters edge for this price

    Healthy debate tho. I have heard the comment that there are a lot of flies up that part of the world. Can anyone living that direction advise if there is a fly problem? and why that would be?


    Profile photo of waynel2


    Sorry mate, but I would have to disagree. Are you sure you’ve done your research??

    Yes, my opinion may be biased as I already have a block up there – though what your saying doesn’t make sense.

    Take a look at the figures – 22.9% in the last 12 months – similar in the years before – this is without any development or infrastructure happening.

    From an investment point of view – no infrastructure is a bonus, as when this goes in is when you make the money. $10M has just been committed for development on Marmion ave – which is due to start next year. Shouldn’t that be seen as a positive?

    Have you also researched into the planned developments at Alkimos – above Jindalee? Another postive..

    Compare Yanchep to the suburbs below, ocean view blocks are still much much lower than other developments such as Jindalee and Quinns Rock.

    Btw, are you aware that purchasers can’t flip blocks in Capricorn? A majority of people buying up there will be living there.

    I would encourage people to drive up there too – it’s a beautiful place that has a lot to offer!

    – Wayne

    Wayne Leech

    *Below are links to my websites – any feedback, comments would be appreciated:) – Holiday Homes in Western Australia – Accommodation in Western Australia – List your property for FREE

    Profile photo of suzieq

    Here here Ausprop and Wayne [biggrin]!!!! I spoke to Rod a moment ago and there is only 12 blocks left. Apparently Dune lots are to be released around Feb 06 for around the $300,000 mark – I’d say we got ourselves a good buy – wouldn’t you?!?


    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    was just driving and considering this whilst doing so… I can’t think of any land anywhere in the Perth area that would be 300m from the beach and available for $150k. there was Singleton which was about 750m fron the beach but that land has long gone. anchorage was 1km from beach and is now around $180k for smaller lots but thats all gone too. can anyone pinpoint some better value for money?

    SQ – I think $300k for the dune lots is great buying too. I will seriously consider this.


    Profile photo of MTR

    The only area that may represent good value and not necessarily same quality/standard as Capricorn is “Melros”, south of Mandurah, (beach side) and cheap as chips…

    Profile photo of waynel2

    Nope! I believe it’s great value…though i’m biased;)

    there’s a few flys from Mindarie upwards… you’ll find the new estates have alot due to all the sand and surrounding bushland… however I noticed that while living in Mindarie – now it’s more developed there’s not so many flies!

    It also relates to the sea breeze, when the freo doctor is in – the flys seem to disappear!

    Wayne Leech

    *Below are links to my websites – any feedback, comments would be appreciated:) – Holiday Homes in Western Australia – Accommodation in Western Australia – List your property for FREE

    Profile photo of redwing

    This time of the year is prone to flies anyway isn’t it??


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    Profile photo of MTR

    Hey Wayne, thanks for the info, no flys on you….

    Profile photo of waynel2

    Hi Guys,

    A bit off topic, though it’s 10pm and have just finished a meeting with skyline homes…

    We’ve basically narrowed it down to using HomeBuyers or Skyline Homes – though can’t decide which one to use?

    Skyline seem to give you more for your money, though they lack on “glossy brochures and fancy display homes”, whilst Homebuyers seem alittle more professional – but more expensive.

    Also, Homebuyers are saying 11 months for completion – whilst skyline are 14 months.

    Has anyone had experience with either of these builders?

    Any feeback would be much appreciated!



    Wayne Leech

    *Below are links to my websites – any feedback, comments would be appreciated:) – Holiday Homes in Western Australia – Accommodation in Western Australia – List your property for FREE

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    re the fly problem – my other thought was that maybe the earthworks was disturbing the vegetation that they breed in.

    I have heard of this rumoured Melros. I must check it out


    Profile photo of MTR

    Hi Wayne,
    Is Skyline (Jaxon Homes)?
    Do you mind letting us know the price and size of your home?

    Profile photo of waynel2

    Hi Marisa,

    Yes, I think there’s a few smaller groups under jaxon.

    We’re getting plans drawn up, and will have them on saturday. I’m not too sure on the size, though the price is around $118 – which is for a modified 4×2 with a garage, family, games and dining area. There’s a stupid covenant in Somerley that means you have to have the garage in level with the front of the house… this is very annoying if you only have a 14.5m frontage.

    With both Skyline and Homebuyers we’ve got around it by putting the garage where the theatre room would be, and moving the rest of the house back.



    Wayne Leech

    *Below are links to my websites – any feedback, comments would be appreciated:) – Holiday Homes in Western Australia – Accommodation in Western Australia – List your property for FREE

    Profile photo of meilin08meilin08
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 96

    Hi Guys,

    Picked up lot 63 today.

    Only a couple of cottage lots left.

    Thanks Ausprop and KP for your help.


    Profile photo of Rob_WRob_W
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 28

    Good to see you’re all enjoying yourselves up in Yanchep. I’ve been up there a couple of times in the past few weeks but didn’t buy anything. I’m sticking to Quinn’s at this stage, and once Marmion is completed I’ll just drive up the road to swim in Yanchep lagoon. That way I can avoid the fly plague, the cold mist that settles over the Capricorn development in the morning and the rotting seaweed in summer (I’ve obviously been to talking to too many Quinn’s Rocks agents about Yanchep!).

    Those dune lots do sound interesting though.

    Ausprop, I’m surprised that you bought in – you can’t see the ocean from the living room of your house-to-be, I’ll bet! :)

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    I was back up there yesterday – gees its great up there. I don’t plan on living there but it is half tempting. The lagoon looked absolutely beautiful.

    apparantly the flies have been disturbed by the earthworks and its not normally like that. I’ll buy that argument as I cant recall a fly problem at friends houses in old Yanchep.

    what did surprise me when walking across the proposed blocks was the ocean views. when standing on my own block there was a pretty decent slice of blue ocean visible. no doubt houses closer will nab that, but you never know.

    spoke to the sales agent about the dune lots – said that he has a book full of people willing to buy them so he may auction them as he isn’t entirely sure what to price them at. if they go for sale he said he was thinking $350k which still sounds cheap to me.

    i took a couple of photos whislt up there if anyone wants a copy.


    Profile photo of grossrealisationgrossrealisation
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,031

    hi waynel2
    what are you building and whats it made from.
    I have been reading this post and its not my area to develop in.
    but what costs have you worked out to build there and who’s building.
    look at light weight concrete panaling its over in your neck of the woods also and is cheap to construct with.

    here to help

    Profile photo of waynel2

    g’day all,

    Rob – in regards to the rotting seaweed – I too looked into this – though this only affects the Two Rocks area… Eg, there’s a lot of weed that gathers around the “Two Rocks” beach area…

    Ausprop, I wouldn’t mind seeing some of those pics ya have:) btw, have you looked at the blocks being re-sold in Ocean Lagoon Estate? There’s some there for $265k with awesome views – that won’t get built out!

    grossrealisation – we’re building a standard 4×2 project home…the costs at the moment are between $110-$120 for a 4×2 – customised to fit a 14.5m block. Most builders are building up in Somerley…

    I had another meeting with WA Housing Centre on Friday – they seem to have some nice plans at reasonable prices – so we’ll probably go with them:)

    Btw, for anyone interested in that release at Ridgewood (brighton) – I heard people camped out from Wednesday night – with the first 5 buyers, taking 2 blocks each!!! Apparently there was quite a bit of arguing going on as the next release isn’t until February so the stock in that area is getting quite limited!

    – Wayne

    Wayne Leech

    *Below are links to my websites – any feedback, comments would be appreciated:) – Holiday Homes in Western Australia – Accommodation in Western Australia – List your property for FREE

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