All Topics / General Property / WELL WE DID IT AGAIN
Thank you guys once again for your support. The 3rd sydney meeting went well.– I thought— And due largely to those who attended. Big thanx to those who took the trouble to attend from quite far distances.They would be and hour or so on top of the meeting finishing time to get home.I trust something was gained for all attendees and especially for those travellers.
There was no fights, no drunken orgies (sorry if that is what you were expecting) . Heaps of questions and discussion and the venue was great and free and big thanx to Toni who made the arrangements and “mowerman” who was able to see those arrangements to their conclusion.
It was impressive & so much so that the venue has been offered again and accepted for the next meeting. And we have a need for a projector which will also be supplied.
A big thank you also to Julie and Chris who gave up their time on a Sunday to give a presentation of what they do in the investing world and offer to assist in the future
I would propose 27 th November if “mowerman” and Toni can okay it.
The meeting was very interesting it must have been —because people did not want ot leave—usually a good sign. So I would also propose that we bring the starting time forward 1 hour to 3pm and see what thoughts are on that idea ??
So for now Cheers and am already looking forward to the next one.
The names and email addresses supplied wil be handed on to who ever will give me the best price for them—might be retiring earlier than I thought— NOT— just joking guys!!!
As previous , the info is for our use (as in groups use )only .
Thank you all.
LenThanks Len,
The meet was definetly good and happy to assist further with the next one, 3pm 27 th November is ok for me, I was going to suggest Saturday intead of Sunday perhaps??
I must apologise for not being able to stay longer, I just had another arrangment at 6pm.
As promised, once closer to date and confirmed times, I’ll work on inviting a Trust expert to discuss the topic in detail.
Will also try and arrange for some other feebie, them Free Property Investor Guides seemed popular, your feedback is appreciated on them.
Thank you.
Roy H.
L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!
How often are these meetings. I’m in Sydney on business every now and then, will be there next month! are they open to Adelaide people too?
We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Agent Fees.
phone 0412 437 582I will check the room for 27th November.
It Was a great meeting. If help is needed I am happy to offer.
Tonihi guys, sorry i couldnt make it this time, sounds like it was another great meeting. I’ll be there next time…
DrX, I beleive there is a $10 surcharge for people outside NSW, unless you bring tim tams [oink]
no problem, I live a street away from the arnots factory in Adelaide, can smell them now:)
We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Agent Fees.
phone 0412 437 582Dr.X,
I really enjoy getting together with everyone – it is a great opportunity to hear what others are doing and catch up.
We are planning on next meeting mid November hopefully at Petersham RSL, 7 Regent street, Petersham. It was a great venue – thanks to Toni.
All are very welcome.Can I propose 3pm 20th Nov – would this date and time suit everyone or shall we wait and see if someone can find a Trust specialist and see when they are available and go from there ???
hi all
I enjoyed it and will try a trust person also to see if they can come along.
relay my thanks to petersham rsl.maybe if we do have interstates comming in you give us the date and lets see if we can work around that date as we are flexible and you have a fixed date I know oxygen was in on wendsday last week and couldn’t make it because the dates are fixed.
As you know I’m to help
Well once again I wasn’t there but the 20th or 27th November is sensational as I’ll be on hols then and should be able to organise my shifts so I’m off one of them days.
Jacob.‘Stay Happy and you’ll be Perfectly Fine’ – Jack
hi toni
Can we check the golf,cricket,football,swimming and afl times and any rock concerts around this date so that spi can attend as he like all of the above and I wouldn’t like to miss him this to help
Hi, Guys,
It seems to me that I had missed a good meeting on last Sunday. I have to apologise for not able ro attend the meeting as I got held up in Brisbane and arrived in Sydney later than expected.
I am very keen to attend the last meeting of the year and importantly to meet some like-minded people. If possible, I was wondering if the meeting can be organised on 27 November as I shall be travelling inter-state again on 18-20 November.
I do appreciate the effort that people put in organising the meetings and hope to meet up with you guys one day.
RaymondWith apologies to Raymond,(chordq)
I have had some feed back negative to 27th November plus what has been entered here so just to confuse Toni and Carl at Petersham, I am requesting that we make firm booking for 20th November at the same place of course.
I did suggest 27th but a woman has a right to change her mind, or so they tell me. It is just that I do not know what my excuse is!!!Not being a woman.Anyway enough of this “scotch” talking.
We already have a volunteer to provide information on research and stategic developments and where to find the info. This will be done using the projector( we hope ) so already we are off to a flying start for entertainment.
There was a lot of desire for an accountant or trust person to attend so we will see how we go there also. A couple of attendees volunteering to drum one up.Already shaping up well.
Cheers for now LenHi All,
Yes, Sunday night was a great night. Thanks Len for guiding / running the evening. You did a great job. Would really love to come to the next one. November 20th would work well for me, 27th November is a bit difficult. Toni, thank you for organising the venue – great spot! Next time will stay on for dinner. [biggrin]
Nikki K
Hey guys and girls,
Im up for either night, but it looks like we’re locking in the 20th.
Ill start pulling something together on all the government strategies & how to research them once I get back from the Indy carnival. (Yep, love my motorsport…)[biggrin] To save me looking up the entire country’s strategies, can you all give me an idea of which states you are focusing your research? Im assuming NSW, QLD, VIC and WA mainly??
See you all in November!
Sorry I missed that, what government strategies research are we collecting, can we help?
Cant blame ya for loving the motorsports..
Roy H.
L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!
hi all
20th looking good
Are you bringing the scotch len.
Have we progress anywere with the list and the contact email address page.
I think that I will leave the area picking to a couple of the newbees to give the ideas as I and afew others here would have vested interest in asking for areas that we are already looking at and would be trying to keep those areas a little bit of a secret hush hush.
see you all soonhere to help
Hi Roy,
I made mention at the end of the meeting that I have a background in Local Government strategic planning, and that I use this background to undertake simple research on the potential future planning and developments within a chosen area Im interested in. I was going to share some of the research methods I use with the group at the next meeting.
The idea behind it is allowing us to develop a way to find out what external factors will effect the value of a property (more from a CG point of view rather than CF). There are many IPs on which go for $200k and bring in $200pw (for example), but which ones out of those are getting a new freeway leading to the main CBDs built near it, or a large investment into the local shopping district, or Council strategy to increase the densitiy within the area. Just some of the things which the little ads in don’t include, yet can effect the value of a potential IP.
I dont want to tread on your toes, (but let me know if I am), but if people have the time to do a bit of the research themselves then it empowers them to either have a better understanding of your research, or to go solo and see what they can find out about an area on their own. I wont and can’t give a comprehensive list of places to go research, but Im happy to part with as much knowledge that I have from a planning perspective. More than happy to share the stage too, Roy! [biggrin]
PS: Lawrence, I was more after which STATES everyone is looking at, to find the state level strategies… not necessarily particular suburbs. Im more than happy to provide links to state level strategies, then give an overview of how to then drill down to regional and local strateiges – without covering any specific localities.
thanks Louise
upper wa and around to darwin for me and broken hill to sydney.
I may have my truck put the offer in awaiting the answer currently it is in the middle of the simpson desert will keep you all to help
Hello All
20th is not good for me. 27th is fine. i had tentatively booked the room for the 27th. Please let me know if this is a problem.
ToniHey Lou,
Thanks for your feedback, sorry I had to leave early that day and missed out on your spill. I must say though what you just said there is GOLD. Perfect mentality, that’s round about what the LGA Reports, (Local Government Area Reports) we cover are about. I would love to hear out your research and perhaps either after that or the following meeting I can go through the LGA Report on a PowerPoint presentation to discuss in greater detail, if it’s ok with everyone and perhaps be a little more researched focused..
Really looking forward to it.
Just wondered if we will still have time for a Trust Guy and if you would like me to still arrange one?
P.S. Either date is ok, lets set either not to confuse attendees.
Roy H.
L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!
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