All Topics / Creative Investing / Can someone please walk me through a wrap

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  • Profile photo of stevefazakstevefazak
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 35

    Hi There

    I am in the process of wrapping my PPOR but need someone to hold my hand through the deal, please call me or write so i can discuss further my name is steve mobile number is 0402054030 (I will ring you back), I would buys Steve’s wrap kit but this is the only time I will be doing this deal



    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024


    I am concerned already.

    You mention that your in the process of wrapping your PPOR yet presumably you havent signed an installment contract or issued any of the consumer credit complaint documentation.

    Dependant on which State you are in i can guide you through the process.

    Cheers Richard

    Specialising in US & IP finance.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

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