Well, there are heaps of us investing in NZ now. There are even tabloid current affairs shows about how many of us are doing it.
There are a few people investing in the US and contrary to all the doom and gloom predictions things seem to be moving along full steam ahead.
So where else do we invest. I am boring as it just NZ and OZ for me. I have heard people talking about Asia, Europe and the UK.
Is anyone willing to share their experience? How did the investment come about. Was it through a short OS work contract or amybe you deliberately sought greener pastures.
We now have a rule, dont buy anything we cant manage ourselves! Now we only invest in Adelaide Australia ONLY! We dont have property managers in Adelaide, and there is a reason for that, because I can do better!!!!
Our lowest performing properties are the ones across the continent that are out of our control.
Cool but how would you go about investing in a country that you don’t speak the language. As Dr X points out. Remote management is definitely one of the things you have to sort before you invest.
I would go as far as saying that establishing management is more important than finding the IP’s in the first place.
Making sure that good management is available is the first thing we do before deciding to flip. The other thing is everyone has different standards. Some people have low expectations and don’t mind what happens as long as the rent gets paid.
I still freak out if property managers try to slip as dodgy tenant by me!!
Dr X might agree. You can check references but alot of these character judgements are gut feelings. My property manager is OZ says things like “everything checks out but I have a bad feeling”. She is mostly right.
Anyway, enough about NZ.
Lets hear more about cool places like Estonia!!
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not only do they go for dodgy tenants, they also rent at a price that will rent quickly so that they can move on with other properties. This may not be for top market rent. For an investor it can be the difference between a profit or an overall loss for that property!!!
Tokyo has had its first gains in prices in 15 years. The lowest point has definitely been met. Japan could be a great place to invest, but obtaining finance in country is very difficult – if impossible for non-residents. If you have the cash you could expect some good returns.
You know I remember a saying describing playing Poker for Money:
“Look around the table, if you cannot immediately identify the sucker then it is you”
This describes how I personally feel about investing in Eastern Europe or SEAsian countries – especially when buying property marketed to OS investors.
I once went to a seminar on Auckland Studio Apartments – I felt this way then too and rightfully so as it turned out.
Probably just me being ignorant or cautious.
All the best
Simon Macks
Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
***NODOC @ 7.15% to 70% LVR*** simon@mortgagehunter.com.au
0425 228 985
Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
There are new buildings going up everywhere. I believe there is a lot of confidence. One of my ozzie mates is planning on buying an apartment for investment.
Here are some of the problems:
– obtainting finance – difficult for foreigners to get loans
– earthquakes
– fairly high building maintenance costs
Here are some of the advantages
– high rents and rental demand
– tenants have to pay several months upfront to the landlord. Key money – 2 months – non refundable. Deposit – 1 month – held by the owner
– Japanese generally maintain their property well as if it was their own
– You can buy foreclosures very cheap
There are English speaking agents who could manage your property. There are plenty of articles and stories on the web:
hi simon
I don’t play poker but would site be interested in japans returns.
Never throw an investment until you’ve checked it out.
I’m not sitting on the fence on this one either two places I’m keeping my eye on are fiji and east timor both not ready yet as I haven’t found what I’m looking for but will let you know if any success.
Hi all,
Just got back from Europe (France) and there are some serious things going on there – especially re: holiday style accommodation. Again it comes down to management but the POms are renting these places for 1500Euro a week during the 3 month holiday period. If you got an older place and did it up a bit, I’m sure there’s money to be made.
(I was in Pays Basque – south West corner of France near Sp[anish border. An amazing part of the world!)
In addition to the Japanese property market discussion, I believe that they have a neg population growth rate, which makes some market analysts uneasy about their property market. However, their economic and property cycle do seem to have bottomed out. I think there is more confidence in their commercial property market, rather than their residential – but these are only my own personal thoughts.
last time the jap comm property market one of the guys threw up a link for a listed local fund that buys into that market. Probably a good way to start if you are after that type of exposure. This is an area of investing I find myself doing a bit of reading on at the moment so find peoples opinions very interesting!!
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Interesting article on the ABC Foreign Correspondent last night on property investment in Moscow. What an eye opener!! Having title to property means nothing if someone else wants it. Corruption is rife and justice at the end of a gun!! We have absolutely no idea. No idea at all.
It would be a brave person indeed who invested there. Being an Australian is such an under rated thing I feel. Can not remember the last time I had my life threatened!!!!!! []
I went to Hokkaido, Japan ( north island ) last Jan to go snowboard , what an awesome place . the only problem is to many Aussies skiers anyway my point is there is a lot property investing going on there mainly Aussie but you could buy a whole ski lodge for 80k-90k three years ago now there around 250k-300k and that’s if you can find . there a proposed 500 hundred bed hotel development going in there as well ( not happy more people on the snow) check out Hokkaido tracks they have very nice developments going on which they market to Aussie I think they can arrange finance too.
The holiday rent returns are good to I think around 10%- 15%.
The place is very beautiful and the japanesse are great people .It is a micro property boom up there I just hope it don’t turn in to a ugly pissed Aussie hang .
Any way check it out I would live there if I could.
You are probably talking about Niseko in Hokkaido. I planned to go there once, but the agent messed up our booking. Zao is also good for skiing. Ski fields are a good niche. The numbers of people of skiing in Japan has decreased a lot from the 80s 90s boom economy. International tourists could help with a turn around in the property market.
Japan’s population is set to halve by 2050. That still leaves 60 million people. Tokyo is said to have around 20 million people now. I believe the rental market is still very good.
New apartment and office towers are going up all around me. Whole floors seem to get added every day. There is a huge new development in Roppongi that is said to be bigger than the mammoth Roppongi Hills project which was finished just a few years ago.
Definitely still some good opportunities here for people or companies with the cash. There are a couple of US investment firms buying up hotels and golf courses that were built in the boom time and are in trouble now with the banks calling in their loans and scandals being unravelled. They are definitely picking up some bargains and making them profitable again with some changes in management.
TokyoJoe I recommend you get up to Niseko as soon as you can before it is turns into the mega resort the hotham development conpany want to turn it in to the next Aspen the snow is amazing and right now it is quite cheap ( lift tickets $45 Aussie per day).But don’t tell to many people ( probably to late for that ha ha)