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  • Profile photo of BillfromozBillfromoz
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 381

    G’day Steve & Co…

    Good to see that some of the “Oldies” are still on board. Thought it an appropriate time and place to get “back on board”, given a 4% correction (to date) on the Stock Market and at least a 10% decline in R/E …with more to come.
    Yes, of course there are exceptions… Today, I completed an “unusual” fantastic deal myself.

    Nothing, in my view has changed since my Posts of 18 months ago….another 18/24 months for Real Estate to bottom out etc. I concede I was wrong to buggery on the Aussie$.

    I logged on tonight for the first time since I don’t know when, and a little embarrassed to see private messages nearly 18 months old. Had I known, I would have replied.

    I really have no axe to grind… just trying to pass on 30 odd years experiencing of wheeling & dealing in Real Estate and God knows all the other Investments…& Punts.

    Anyway Mate… I like to see a guy with “Stickability”…and you sure as hell have that.

    Take care and looking forward to the next interesting couple of years…. and some posts/discussions along the way.



    Bill O’Mara

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    Welcome back Bill.

    Why don’t you tell us some more about this fantastic deal?


    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    ***NODOC @ 7.15% to 70% LVR***
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of XeniaXenia
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,231

    Howdy Bill,

    welcome back! So what are your plans for the next 18 months?


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    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    Welcome back, Bill!
    It would be good if more “Oldies” came back, like Jetdollars and SIS, Rugbyfan, and Melbear.


    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518

    Hi Bill, its about time you popped back in.


    Rich in happiness and money is better than rich in money with no happiness.

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter
    Originally posted by Celivia:

    Welcome back, Bill!
    It would be good if more “Oldies” came back, like Jetdollars and SIS, Rugbyfan, and Melbear.


    I think JEt and SIS are focussing on share investing and you might find them frequenting Australian Share Forums these days.


    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    ***NODOC @ 7.15% to 70% LVR***
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    Hi Simon,

    They seem to have disapeared from the share forums as well??

    on another note, do you still have your fully furnished IP as I’m chasing info on this strategy?

    Welcome back Bill.. ;o)


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