All Topics / General Property / Investing interstate

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  • Profile photo of luan

    I was reading this forum today and was interested to see some people mention Kalgoorie as a possible good place to invest –

    Sure enough I head over to to check out the properties and yes, there does seem to be very good rent prices (at least compared to Adelaide – selling for $125K, rent $215/wk etc).

    But how do people buy these places? Do they just buy over the phone or do you actually go there to inspect the houses? No offence, but Kalgoorie is in the middle of nowhere!

    Also, I remember reading somewhere that you should always buy rentals near your own house, so that you can “look after it”. Is this wrong advice? It sounded pretty good to me when I read it…

    Would love to hear from people who have rentals interstate and how they manage them.

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544
    Originally posted by luan:

    But how do people buy these places? Do they just buy over the phone or do you actually go there to inspect the houses? No offence, but Kalgoorie is in the middle of nowhere!

    Many investors use the net and/or local agents as their first point of contact. Most will either go there themselves or, alternatively, employ independent building inspectors, valuers etc as part of their check and balance process.

    If you are buying in Kalgoorlie I would recommend a visit as there are pockets of Kalgoorlie that are problematic.

    I would also steer clear of double brick places due to the heavy clay nature of the soil.

    Also, I remember reading somewhere that you should always buy rentals near your own house, so that you can “look after it”. Is this wrong advice? It sounded pretty good to me when I read it…

    I wouldn’t agree with the statement – the critical part is knowing your investment goals and then finding a property that fits. Sometimes your local area isn’t going to provide you with the investment you need.

    Having said that you may well have a good eye for an investment in the local area. To me the key point is the purpose of your investment.

    Would love to hear from people who have rentals interstate and how they manage them.

    My PM collects the rent, sends me photos at inspection time and rings me when things need my attention.

    0409 882 958

    Profile photo of GPSnetworkGPSnetwork
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 313

    Once buying interstate you are best dealing with someone that can arrange all this on your behalf and that do it most regulary. Just to avoid disappointments.

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)

    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!

    Profile photo of hmackayhmackay
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 197


    I understand your concerns when buying some distance away. I have bought several properties sight unseen by using people I can trust: people who live near by, RE agents, building inspectors, etc, or recommendations from friends or people on this forum.

    A good property manager is essential for sound sleeping at nite.


    Profile photo of luan

    Thanks for the replies.

    I think I’ll leave this type of investing for when I’m a bit more savvy. At the moment I’m still trying to find my feet. I’m sure towns come and go and there will be plenty of opportunities when I feel ready.

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