All Topics / General Property / Inflation of 4% ++

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  • Profile photo of gmh454

    ABC was discussing inflation and the 4%+ figure came up. (mmmmm …. petrol at 120per lite ). The skills shortage was going to do it anyway (talking of unemployment at 4%)

    Wonder what the reserve will do.

    My guess is talk a lot …but not much else.

    Profile photo of grossrealisationgrossrealisation
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,031

    hi all
    not sure but I cpi or 6% increase my rental leases so I would be a head by 2% so I hope they stay steady as they go.
    but im very selfish.

    here to help

    Profile photo of bruham

    That extra 2% rental increase might cost you your tenant.
    Could you have future tenants queuing up for your abode?
    S.McK. says, your investment is in your tenant, not the property.(Doesn’t sound right to me.Not after spending four hundred thou. on a rental).

    As I drive around Sydney, my attention is drawn to all those commercial office buildings with large signs attached to them advertising FOR LEASE.They are every where.Almost every building is displaying a lease sign.
    They’re in the suburbs as well. North Sydney, St Leonards etc.

    Next sighting that I’ve noticed is,so many cars with FOR SALE signs stuck on the windows.
    Most are near new or well looked after type vehicles. Possibly a sign of the times.
    Cash flow dollars tightening up!!!

    You’re right gmp454 the reserve will do nothing.
    All the talk will be with the newspapers.

    I believe the economy will tighten up quite a bit going into next year and beyond.
    No chance of inflation raising it’s head.

    Just my thoughts.

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    wow – that’s quite a bleak and depressing picture you paint there bruham. In WA everything is stretched to capacity (house prices rising, no land available, can’t get anything built, commercial space not available, city building plans being dusted off). This seems to stack up with ballooning federal surpluses and what feels like an inflationary Melbourne in the doldrums? I wonder if we could head into the sort of problem that Europe feared with a central bank – where the interest rate mechanism would become difficult to manage because different geographical areas of the economy were running at different economic cycles? If we don’t get a rate rise soon I am concerned WA will overheat.

    must need my head read but I am seeing some sense in the latest BIS report. If rates in the US rise and USD appreciates against the AUD the reserve will certainly have the ability to lift rates without the farmers and other vocal minorities squawking.


    Profile photo of gmh454

    Bruham Ausprop you guys are reflecting what I feel.

    Ausprop very good point, we are entering a two economy country. I personally am constantly amazed by the prices members here are quoting for WA which is clearly booming.

    Saw some figures last month on housing where the annual figure droped last quarter. Funny thing was it went up in all states except ACT and NSW, where the drop was big eneough to pull down the national average (Vic was close to flat).

    Housing sucks so much cash out of the NSW economy that it has stalled. It was the extraordinary housing boom that kept it rolling along, not real growth. In the Nth West 1/4 from Parra to Hornsby to Penrith, there are a lot of completed projests selling very very slowly.

    Now Sydney would benefit from a rate cut, but can’t see it happening, without seriously upsetting other areas.

    Profile photo of bruham


    A month ago I checked out house prices in Perth(used to be called FLYSVILLE. You couldn’t go anywhere without a million flys on your face and back).
    What I could not believe was the house prices for Nollamara. A bloody housing commission suburb.
    You people must be joking. You’re trying to get back at Sydneysiders for selling you lot the Harbour Bridge. You people thought it was “for real”.
    If there’s any inflation going around, it’s caused by Sand Gropers selling houses for higher prices than Melbourne.
    A backward outpost being dearer than Melboune.

    No come to think of it who would want to buy in Melbourne anyway.

    again, just my thoughts.

    Ausprop just checked your home page of your website. Saw Bentley the suburb.Years ago if you didn’t carry a gun you weren’t safe in that suburb.
    The girls used to beat up the blokes.

    Profile photo of AUSPROP

    good one bruham! don’t know about dearer than Melbourne… it’s still the cheapest median priced capital. backward outpost… hmm, will leave snobbery comments alone – a good refuge for the defensive. look where the wealth is generated in this country. I think the Swans win has gone to your head.

    Subiaco use to be a rough suburb too, doesn’t devalue it at all. is a bit like saying don’t buy in Darling Harbour, it use to be a dump.


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