All Topics / Help Needed! / Bl**dy Frustrating !!!

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  • Profile photo of camder

    Greetings All,
    I already know that I may get jumped on for this post!!!! and yes, it is frustrating, sorry, bl**ody frustrating, looking and finding deals. BUT hey, they are out there!!
    I also know that funds have a lot to do with purchasing , and more so for those of us who are just starting and having trouble seeing outside the square !!BUT the deals are out there !!! We sometimes sit on our butts in front of this GOD-LIKE idiot box thingy and complain that there is no deals out there !!! Because they are not on the or similar.But they are out there!!!
    I have posted this before but here goes again!!
    $120k property returning $330/week.Settled Aug 2005
    Just offered property $500k returning $1240/wk

    You may say why not just buy the last one and shut up about it. Well I may do just that, but that is not my point.!!! (Eventually I will get to my point)
    My point is I am sick of people complaining there is nothing out there because they cannot find it on the net !!
    Frustrating YES !!! Time consuming YES!!
    BUT Hey hang in there and it will be fine .

    [u]The harder you work the luckier you get.!![/u]

    Also –the older I get the better I was !!!
    (That last bit has nothing to do with it , just threw it in).
    Keep working guys and ask for help!!! Sure but don’t whinge and complain when “WHERE DO I BUY” or “GEEZ I CAN’T FIND A BARGAIN” does not rate an answer.
    We have all been there and overcome it !!

    (Here Endeth The First Lesson For Today)

    (And watch everybody jump on me for my lack of compassion and all that crap)
    Cheers Len

    Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,150

    Onya Len….good venting.

    I also find that the deals I have gone through with never made it to the net. Sniffing around and being as up to speed as the resident locals is the way to get the good deals.

    Once they are taken, the dross is then put up on the net for all to squabble over. Why put up on the net and go thru the rigmorale when keen local buyers are scrambling over themselves to buy the joint.

    Do compassion and hard nosed business really mix anyway ??


    Darryl Moore

    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of XeniaXenia
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,231

    great one Len,
    yes it is frustrating to get the same question asked over and over by people not willing to look past their computer screens.

    I have to ask, without experience, would you know a good deal even if it was staring at you right off your screen?

    I think not! The more educated and focused you get, the more easy you find them.

    We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Real Estate Agents, No Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of Shelley D.Shelley D.
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 51

    OK, well I am obviously the novice of the group, but may I ask where and how you do find these properties????? Congratulations by the way.

    Shelley D.

    Profile photo of camder

    Hi Shelley D
    This was by no means an attack on novices at all—I am one — But I feel we have to pick an area . And then hit it face to face!
    Depending on what you want to achieve will govern where you invest.!!!
    We were after cash income for some years down the track and therefore invested that way.
    Cannot get cash flow positive in the city as well or should say as easily!!
    On the other hand we may only get capital growth equivalent to CPI. If we buy cash positive now attractive to us then CPI increases will make it just as attractive to the purchaser from us. Hope this makes sense. Cheers for now Len

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