All Topics / General Property / How do landlords dress?

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  • Profile photo of WylieWylie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 346

    A recent post has me wanting to know if anyone has experienced what we have as private landlords.

    Over many years we have noticed a curious thing. It became most clear several years ago when we bought a very run down house in a great position. Disgusting shag pile carpet squares, years of nicotine stains on the VJ walls, original kitchen and bathroom, you get the picture. We did a quick makeover to make it rentable in order to get some cashflow rolling in.

    The people we rented it to didn’t seem to care that we looked like we lived on the streets, in paint spattered clothes while we pulled up carpets, sugar soaped walls etc.

    With this house, each time between tenants, we would move in and do something else to improve it. Each time prospective tenants looked more prosperous, we still looked like dags.

    By the time of our last “do up” we had new kitchen, new bathroom, polished floors, and, maybe it was just me, but prospective tenants started looking at us like specimens in a jar.

    I had a laugh because we looked like hobos, renting a lovely queenslander. Part of me wanted to clean up before showing people through, but the more practical part took over. After all, who wants to paint in Prada (not that I have any Prada – but you get the idea).

    I wonder if any other private landlords have had the same experience?

    Another thing we have learned over many years is to wait until the house is almost ready before showing prospective tenants through, because when you are looking at a house that is mid-clean up, even a good imagination has trouble seeing it without all the junk and tools lying around.

    For the same reason we try to avoid showing tenants a house while outgoing tenants are moving out. There are always cartons, bags of rubbish, rogue undies and dusty floors when people move, and it is not a good look.

    Interested in hearing others’ stories.

    Regards, Wylie.

    Profile photo of GPSnetworkGPSnetwork
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 313


    I’m Licenced in RE although I choose a local agent to manage my IPs as i wouldn’t need to cop the issues a property manager goes through and there fees are tax deductible so it’s all good.

    When I do meet my tenants I tend to dress down a little so they don’t feel that I’m supirior or anything..

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)

    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!

    Profile photo of dsmithdsmith
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 65

    In response to your question Wylie – How do Landlords dress. Well the wealthiest one I know usually gets around in old grey tracky dacks with holes in the you-know-where-part, a dirty white T-shirt with grubbys stains and a pair of brown slippers.

    The guys usually shows his properties / developments in the above clobber and doesn’t care if he is talking to a prospective tenant or a flashy RE Agent. He shaves probably once a week, is sadly out of shape and has only recently upgraded from a mid 80’s Toyota Corolla to a Mitsibishi Pajero to accommodate a hip replacement. All in all, he wouldn’t look out of place on the back streets of st kilda.

    And his total net worth is well over $100 million…..

    Profile photo of ian_from_brisbaneian_from_brisbane
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 97

    The last time I showed a property, I didn’t just have paint on my clothes, I had ceiling-white all through my hair :) That wasn’t for a tenant but a valuer.

    Profile photo of lifeXlifeX
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 651

    I got caught out by an agent showing tenants through hours earlier than they sheduled.

    I was half crawling out of my swag which was in the kitchen and putting pants on, hair fluffed out like an afro, paint flecks all over and some clothes and tools and paint brushes everywhere……

    The tenant took the place.!

    One other time I got caught out in the middle of changing in my car from workclothes witha baseball cap and into a suit and tie to meet some prospective buyers for a wrap.

    At 26, I must have looked like a kid playing dress-ups. And got some funny looks.

    Live, Learn and Grow


    Profile photo of indigo_violet1625738indigo_violet1625738
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 14

    My husband and I manage 2 IP’s ourselves, and have had our share of minor reno’s and clean ups- usually during the period we are showing them to potential tenants. Our attire usually reflects the work we are carrying out -which doesn’t seem to bother the tenants. I do try however, once the tenants are in to dress ‘professionally’ as I am 22 yrs old with a set of tenants twice my age and find it helps my credibility if i dress appropriately…
    I did catch a ‘specimen type look’ once when i dropped in on my tenants in my ‘daggies’ and have tried to avoid it since…

    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518

    Hi dsmith, you described someone I know very very well except it was an old 67/9 valiant pacer traded for an 80’s nissan diesel utility because diesel prices were cheaper than petrol.


    Profile photo of XeniaXenia
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,231

    when I first started renting houses I was 19 and honestly looked like I was 12. I didnt get taken seriously no matter what I wore! tenants used to ask, where is my dad, am I the landlords daughter? What do you mean you ARE the landlord, how did you buy this house?

    I now (at 36) get taken more seriously, don’t know whether its age or experience or both!

    We try to dress in neat casual attire when renting out our houses (no paint if we can avoid it).

    We find that I have a higher success rate at securing tenants than my husband! Not sure if people EXPECT a female landlord, but we have made it a policy now that he leaves and I rent out the houses!!!!

    We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Real Estate Agents, No Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of PurpleKissPurpleKiss
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 580

    Well, I usually dress smart casual, don’t look too affluent, but do look like I know what I’m doing and that it’s business.

    I don’t show the place until it’s fully finished.


    Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,150

    Great topic Wylie.

    I find it depends who exactly you are interacting with.

    With my grubby industrial tenants, I find overalls and sneakers the best.

    When negotiating with General Managers and Directors to take over large properties on 4+ year leases, smart casual….never suit and ties. Alot is by email and phone…so back to the tracky daks.

    When getting quotes with tradesmen…definitely the overalls.

    When getting finance with the Bank, I usually stagger out in tracky daks, unshaven and bare feet. My Banker comes to me and he knows every financial detail, so clothes and image mean nothing to him. He goes by numbers on the page. Of late, we always seem to be either chopping down a tree or digging out stumps when they pop around. It’s funny discussing likely interest rate movements and intricate details on loan negotiations with sand and sawdust in your hair. I’ve had sweat drip down from my nose on the bank application before….the female associate banker was dolled up to the 9’s and was a bit grossed out at that, but I quickly told her to toughen up and stop being such a great nancy. I asked if she wanted to muck in and help dig and chop out the stump with me. Surprisingly she declined. My Banker didn’t bring her next time.

    When dealing with residential tenants, smart casual always…never overalls.

    Happy days….sounds like we are all in the same boat. You simply can’t get anything done dressed in a suit or Prada….whatever the hell that is…sounds like a car from Czechoslovakia ??


    Darryl Moore

    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

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