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There is no charge for the room. I dont know if we use it again.
ToniThe costing for the following meetings can be arranged between us as it shouldnt cost much if it happens to be.
As for guest speakers I can probably arrange some if you let me know what subjects you would like covered.
Also it would be great to get a feel on numbers of people attending ect..
Roy H.
L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!
hi roy
accountants or trust expertshere to help
you know what would be good is info for people new to property. I have just been speaking with a couple of young people who are interested in coming. One has just bought 1st property and the other is buying shortly. Maybe 1 section of basic stuff would be good as well. I have given them the address for the site as they have not been here yet.
ToniI was wondering whether there are interest parties out there in Melbourne that we can organize a similar thing (like get together to discuss plans, actions, strategies, success and failure stories (only if you want) but something to keep all participants informed.
Any takers for this weekend somewhere in North Melbourne, I know North Melbourne Library has a discussion rooom upstairs that maybe available. If there are interested parties, I will make some enquiries ASAP.
JohnWanting financial freedom is not enough. Take some action TODAY. I have successfully built my own PART TIME business whilst still working in a Bank. If you want to know more, PM or email ME.
Hi toni89,
For new investors, I have put together a Property Investor Guide available as a download from our website or I can bring a couple of copies on cd if you like.
Whats the votes on accountants or trust experts??
Roy H.
L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!
Hi All,
I missed out on the last 2 meetings due to other commitments. I will be there for the next meeting.Hi guys,
Ill definitely be at this meeting. Count me in! It will be good to catch up again.I would be happy with either a trusts expert or accountant. These are areas I am starting to look into for future purchases.
Greetings All,
I am having no luck in organising any specific topic/s presenter/s for this weekend.
Perhaps Roy could bring the starter kit he has in mind , and other things that we are using in our investing and we can go from there.
I believe I will have some information on trust etc for perusal. And if Andrew makes it , he has some info also.
I know that grossrealisation is always keen to help and offer advice on a myriad of subjects to do with property. I am sure we will fill the time and enjoy.
If you have something in mind then please bring your questions along, we ‘ll throw them in a hat and see who can answer what or at least help.
On the down side I have asked several people from various fields of investing, but cannot even get an answer in most cases.
Toni89, how important is the numbers for the club to know because it may be a hard thing to estimate. I think the more the merrier and always good to meet new faces.Cheers Len.
I am not sure Camder, will find out. Dont think it will present a problem. As you said, the more the merrier
Tonihi camder
did the lady from mint come back they were very interested I’ll resend or send them the times email me to
like the hat ideahere to help
hi all
I nearly forgot can we sell at this meeting
last one was a no sales meeting and you know I like to to help
Lawrence, Could we really stop you—I think not.
You are always selling –in your own way.
So be there anyway and as I asked you before, you can go off and have your only little se4ction if you want. Cheers Mate.Lenhi camder
what if I ask as a disclaimer do you what me to sell at the start of the meeting and who ever wants to listen can.
we may find others in the meeting that are doing better then me and I will ask.
or do you think I should be my ususal quiet wall flower and say to help
Good on Ya Mate !!!
Just be there and we’ll play it by ear. Cheers LenOk..
I’ll bring the Property Investor Guide along, also I may be able to get a good friend of ours and quite an experienced investor along to share his experiences in the field. Some of you may have met him before, in the last meeting in our office here in Gladesville.
The questions in a hat is not a bad idea, maybe we should start again with going around the room with everyone re-introducing themselves for any new people or some of us with bad memories and a brief on their name, what they do, where are they now with property investing and what they are trying to achieve.
As always conversations will just start and the time will fly before you know it, I’m just pity that I may have to leave at 5:30
I wonder if we can get a consensus on the numbers attending to get an idea?? Either way I think it will be great..
Roy H.
L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!
hi all
don’t forget to put your name on the other post so we can get numbers.
mint are organising a couple people and are happy to organise a structure for up comming meetings so lets see what there like.
also they are going to send a time frame for there sectionhere to help
Greetings All,
It now seems that the agenda is pretty well taken care of for Sunday.
Perhaps we could start with our general discussion and questions/intro’s etc at 4pm and then :
Roy has some info,
Lawrence has arranged for Chris White to come at 4 and to talk at 5pm for approx 1/2 hr answer questions and they also may be able to give us direction in our meetings format, and where we are going investment-wise.
Look forward to seeing you all again.
Cheers for now Len,Chris White is with the Mint Group (Property investors and Developers). Yes , you are right —it does not mean much to me either at this stage but hopefully it will be interesting.
Should be interesting..
Roy H.
L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!
Hi all,
It’s wonderful to know that there is this kind of gathering in Sydney. A good forum to get together with like-minded investors.
I’d like to attend. it’s my first time. Any pre-registration or enrollment needed?
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