All Topics / Heads Up! / S.D.G. Number 3

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  • Profile photo of camder

    Sydeny Discussion Group Number 3.
    The venue and date has been set. And,–wait for it- drum roll — Petersham Rsl — Sunday 16th October–4pm. See you there—
    Petersham RSL is opposite the station and in some street down there –cannot remember name. Also more info at “sydney meeting was great”
    Cheers Len

    Profile photo of MIKALA

    Hi Camder,

    That’s great – will see you all there – shall we bring some food?
    We may get a bigger hungrier crowd this time ! Are we still going to have specific topics or shall we play it by ear ?
    If specific topic may I suggest the following –
    How to borrow for another IP when your borrowings are at 80% lvr (not there yet personally but it will come ) eg. can you use trust structures to do this ?
    Aside from asset protection what are the tax advantages to buying in a trust over individual or company name ? etc
    We may need a mortgage broker and a IP structure specialist to attend. Any takers guys ?



    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi camder
    A trust or assett protection would be very handy to have come along.
    And a bird dogger and let us what and how they work (they mustn’t sell anything remember)
    and this time I’m not bringing the tim tams as knowbody ate them and I’m still eating them with my

    no spi not sc-tch, coffee.
    also a heads up section on areas that you are looking at,why and warming areas using a white board( or is that taboo to mention white boards and projectors).

    here to help

    Profile photo of voigtstr

    People will think its Amway when they see the whiteboard :)

    More stuff on the voigtstr at

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi voigtstr
    Nothing wrong with amway just don’t buy anything but go to the meeting and learn all you can.then when you meet a system similar you know what to expect use knowledge as a form of armour.
    and I thought you were in melbourne voigtstr but if not would like to say hello if your in sydney.

    here to help

    Profile photo of voigtstr
    Originally posted by grossrealisation:

    hi voigtstr
    Nothing wrong with amway just don’t buy anything but go to the meeting and learn all you can.then when you meet a system similar you know what to expect use knowledge as a form of armour.
    and I thought you were in melbourne voigtstr but if not would like to say hello if your in sydney.

    here to help

    nah, I’m in Hobart!

    More stuff on the voigtstr at

    Profile photo of zeallouszeallous
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 5

    Can anyone go to the meeting? Or is this for an advance group?

    Profile photo of camder

    Hi zeallous and all others interested, There is NO WAY -No WAY–we want this to become a “little click” of investors.
    We are all just ordinary people with a common interest. PLEASE come along if you can and you’ll be made welcome. We are still feeling our way at the present and having a different agenda each time we meet. Fairly relaxed and friendly—SOOOO—would be great to see you there .
    Cheers for now Len

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi zeallous
    by advanced are you reffering to my age I know there are sepp5 over55 developments but we haven’t got that far with discussion groups.
    but come along see you there.

    here to help

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi all
    had to give this tread the mouth to mouth to get it going again and then the starter leads out of the car but here it is so for all the new syd forumites who wish to come.
    come along

    here to help

    Profile photo of MIKALA

    Hello GR,

    Have been busy but am keeping an eye on the forum.
    I’ll definitely be attending – has anyone been able to invite any specialists along ?
    Toni are you out there ?
    How’s your development going ?



    Profile photo of hiflohiflo
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 33


    I hope you don’t mind if I attend on the 16th October @ Petersham RSL even if I haven’t attended any of the previous meetings.

    I am interested in property and trying to find ways to find more freedom in my life as well as contributing to society if my investment plan flourishes.

    At the moment, even though I do not own property, I am looking to buy something in the near future and saving as much as I can.(Living with parents and saving 80% of net income – not much though because I am on meager wage). I am also trying to grab as much information as I can on property, tax, super, trusts etc to use the right strategy depending on my total wealth. Also this should ensure that I have enough basic knowledge to find the right people(accountants, solicitors and other experts) as I have great mistrust in people in those professions and having a little knowledge in the area should help me judge how good they are at what they are doing.

    I hope to see you all there soon.

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Hey all,

    Thanks grossrealisation for emailing me and reminding me of the Sydney Discussion Group proceedings. I have been tied up with uni trying to get all end of year things completed before my yearly exams.

    It is unfortunate the meeting is on the 16th of October as it is smack bang in the middle of my working week at the WXI vs AUS in the cricket (6 day test I believe).

    I’ll keep my eye out on the next meeting, man I hate missin these meetings… but the venue is great and ideal for my situation if I weren’t occupied at the SCG that day.

    Have a ball and have a scotch in my absence.


    ‘Stay Happy and you’ll be Perfectly Fine’ – Jack

    Profile photo of GPSnetworkGPSnetwork
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 313

    There you all are, I thought the topic died out and I started a new post to remind everyone, Thanks spi for pointing this out.

    So date & time is set, and it sounds like we need a specialist or two, what topics are requested to be covered so I an arrange someone appropriate and what kind of numbers are we expecting?

    All that wish to attend say I! :)

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)

    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS) is a research-focused company that specialises in sourcing and providing residential investment properties Australia wide!

    Profile photo of ChoirChoir
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 28

    Hi, Roy,

    Thanks for your information. I missed the first meeting last time but would like to attend this one if I can.

    I did send you an email enquiring about this meeting previously and hope other people don’t mind me joining. I am not new to property investing game but have been using wrong strategies.

    Although I shall be in Brisbane from Friday to Sunday but shall try to get back in time for the meeting at 4:00pm. I assume I can just turn up to the meeting. Do I need to bring anything? are there any parking in Petersham RSL club?

    Hope to see you all there. Thanks.


    Profile photo of camder

    Hi chordq, Parking at Petersham is no trouble.
    Just come along and meet and greet.
    Some of the suggestions for spruikers, speakers or whatever ahs not fallen on deaf ears. Just having trouble finding people of GOOD knopwledge who will caome along or in that case will even return my emails requesting their attendance. Maybe if they read this they will not be so scared and volunteer.
    Toni89 has arranged the venue and says there is a white board available.
    I still have some “irons in the fire” for the days presenters, so will see what eventuates this coming week . However if somebody knows that a knowledgeable person will come for sure—organise it and give me an email to
    Cheers for now Len

    Profile photo of toni89

    Hi All
    Sorry been busy
    Petersham has plenty of parking. Just dont forget to bring your licence as a form of identification. You must live outside 5k’s radius to get in but it is NOT a problem if you live next door as I can sign you in if you do live too close, so dont worry about that.
    I am not sure if we can bring in biscuits dur to lcencing laws but I will find out.
    There is a free show in the auditorium, starts at 2.30 I think if you get there early, go in and have a look.
    Hi Mikala….no its still going!

    Profile photo of toni89

    the address is
    7 Regent st Petersham

    Profile photo of toni89

    So…………how many are coming?

    Profile photo of Esther TanEsther Tan
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 32

    Does it cost anything ? Do we need to cover the cost of hiring out the place ?


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