All Topics / Help Needed! / Play on people’s need to believe to create a cultl

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  • Profile photo of clones

    I love this article (this is a threaed about it here alerady):

    Property investment talk is exactly what “The 48 Laws of Power” (Viking, 1998). refers to:

    “Law 27 – PLAY ON PEOPLE’S NEED TO BELIEVE TO CREATE A CULTLIKE FOLLOWING. Judgment – People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking.
    Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf. In the absence of organized religion and grand causes, your new belief system will bring you untold power.” (p. 215)

    I am an investor and I invest in properties, but at this stage of the cycle, my friend late-comers are going to get smash. Just my thoughts:

    Cause: Be an investor is easy (CF+)
    Words vague: there are many opportunities out there, go an find them IP CF+.
    Enthusiasm: plenty of opportunities
    Rituals: Books, seminars


    Profile photo of voigtstr

    I dont think anyone is saying finding CF+ve properties now is easy.

    I beleive the current thinking is that cashflow positive deals are made not found. They are made by finding problems.. problem properties for example and finding a solution which results in a profit.

    classic example would be a reno I think. Even in a flat market, if you add more in perceived value than what you spent tidying a place up, you will make a profit. At least I think that is one of the methods.


    More stuff on the voigtstr at

    Profile photo of clones

    Hi voigtstr,

    I agree with you, as I said I am an invertor myself.

    The problem here is that people want to get into the property investment without any knowledge and common sense about currect situation and that is a dangerous business.


    Profile photo of voigtstr
    Originally posted by clones:

    Hi voigtstr,

    I agree with you, as I said I am an invertor myself.

    The problem here is that people want to get into the property investment without any knowledge and common sense about currect situation and that is a dangerous business.


    I am yet to be an investor. My knowledge comes from Steve’s books, the fasttrack2 cd, and this website. I expect to gain further education via the mentoring program. I expect I may be able to purchase property in a few months, if I can find the right property.

    More stuff on the voigtstr at

    Profile photo of Luke Taylor

    Dear Voigstr,

    Just A little Faith goes a long way!

    Regards Dematio.

    Luke Taylor | Hope Property Investing
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    Property Support,Strategist and Buyers Agent

    Profile photo of Luke Taylor

    Sorry Voigstr,

    I meant To reply to Clones

    Luke Taylor | Hope Property Investing
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    Property Support,Strategist and Buyers Agent

    Profile photo of AceyduceyAceyducey
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 651

    I agree Clones,

    There are investor speakers out there who structure their material and presentations in a similar way to those of organisations which can be termed cults.

    And one of the symptoms of cult membership is a refusal to acknowledge that what you are involved with may be considered a cult.

    But ‘cult’ is a neutral term tainted to the negative by the activities of a few groups who use these techniques towards what are generally perceived evil ends.

    No-one would say that Australia’s footy cult or music cults are evil….

    It’s not whether investing is a cult (or many cults) that’s the concern – it’s how the cults are led and structured.



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    – Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

    Profile photo of clones

    It just came to my mind another ritual:

    Mentor Programs for money.


    Profile photo of XeniaXenia
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,231

    does this all mean that steve mcknight has created a cult, and we are all following while he is reaping the benefits?????????????

    that’s how I read the post, correct me if Im wrong

    We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Real Estate Agents, No Fees.
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    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    Acey said:

    “And one of the symptoms of cult membership is a refusal to acknowledge that what you are involved with may be considered a cult.”

    hehe. So if I say I am not in a cult, that merans I am in a cult? So all I have to say is that I am in a cult, and then I would not be in a cult, right? Sorry, that kind of logic is like witch burnings. If you drown, you are not a witch (but you’re drowned) and if you survive, then you must be a witch (so they’ll burn ya). It’s unwinnable either way.

    An assessment on any kind of cult-like thing, or fascist state is whether the system/institution allows criticism. Anything that is democratic and allows criticism is not a cult (I reckon) and anything that constantly silences criticism is, if not a cult, well, it certainly has fascistic tendencies.

    As far as cults go… well, some people are looking for heroes. If it is not a real estate guru, it will be a sports star, a god, or something else external. People will be safe from cults if they think they themselves are as good as anyone else. We all have different skills, but really, if people think money, or some other such tangible, makes someone a god or a guru, well, it’s kind of sad. The hero is self- that’s all there is, so why look outside self? you’d only get disappointed.

    kay henry

    Profile photo of munjymunjy
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 129

    After extensively reading John T’s website, I think people are concentrating on the word “cult” and missing the point.

    The main idea behind it is to highlight the inconsistencies in R.Kiyosaki’s stories and his supposed transformation from almost bankrupt to multi-millionaire. The “cult” is used to emphasise the way Kiyosaki gives his followers something to believe and blindly accept.

    Not sure if I agree with everything John T talks about on his website, just like I don’t agree with everything Kiyosaki talks about. However, John T’s site is a great read and for all the die-hard Kiyosaki fans a must!


    Profile photo of Paul DobsonPaul Dobson
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,196

    I’m shocked to find out how I’ve been lured into this awfull situation. Let me give you a quick run down of my “fall”.

    It started innocently enough by reading a few Kiyosaki books which got me thinking. Then “they” started going after my hard earned cash and I shelled out for one of these weekend forums. After this awfull mind control experience I went out and generated monthly cash flow of $1,800 per month and $170,000 paper profit in 18 months. And then shock horror, they got their claws into me again and I signed up for a compete year of brain washing in a mentoring class. The results have been unspeakable. $42,000 generated from the first new technique I learnt at this terrible place.

    Obviously we need to get the media and the politicians involve so that we can get rid of this cancer.


    Cheers, Paul

    Paul Dobson | Vendor Finance Institute
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    Profile photo of WASPWASP
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 51

    I’m up for the cult idea as long as we’re not running around naked in the backyard screaming like monkeys, whilstdoing rebirthing in the koi’s to bloody cold.

    If it’s just a group of sensible people sharing knowledge, ideas and experiences in how to get a head start for themselves and their families and building a team of contacts, then, i’ll think about it

    ya gotta laugh dont ya


    Its not what you earn but what you do with what you earn

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