All Topics / General Property / sydney meeting was great

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  • Profile photo of grossrealisation

    Hi All
    I think even thou I was a wall flower at the get together it seem to be a great evening.
    Not many tim tams eaten as everyone brought lots of other stuff.
    I have no problem comming to the next one provided I’m in the country and look forward to it if we can get a couple of ideas on types of questions that need answering know we know each other we can try and get qualified people to address these questions.
    I think we had a good cross section of investors and the bell needs to be bigger next time or I need to say less.
    Thanks again for the attendees at least I enjoyed myself.

    here to help

    Profile photo of MIKALA

    Hi GR,
    I agree – I was so glad that I attended and it was great to meet and put faces to the names.
    As I said last night I still have a lot to learn and I was able to pick up a couple of ideas from the meeting for which I am grateful.
    It was also interesting to hear what others are up to and I will definitely be attending the next group meeting.



    Profile photo of LutzsLutzs
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    Hi All,
    Yes, I also enjoyed the evening and would like to join the next meeting. I picked up a couple of good ideas, too. A great way to support and learn from each other.
    It was great meeting everyone. See you at the next get together.



    Profile photo of GPSnetwork

    It certainly feels like we really know each other now that we have actually met.

    I have a few ideas for the next meeting, if everyone is interested in a next meeting but firstly, what’s everyone’s thoughts on the get together.

    Positives & Negatives??

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi all
    Roy is already asking when the next one is on and I think it is a good idea.
    For a minimal fee canterbury hurlstone park rent out there convention section down stairs next to the bistro, can enquire if is what people want it seats about 5o people.lets see when and how many.
    I have been asked if i will be going and I enjoyed the meeting so yes I will be there.
    timing, day and agenda need working on but there are a coupole of people there last night that will be able to formulate that reasonably easy.

    here to help

    Profile photo of toni89

    Hi All
    I am definately interested in the next one.I really enjoyed meeting you all. Even tho I was late, i picked up some interesting stuff. Hey speaking about meetng rooms, I may be able to get a room at Petersham rsl for free if you want? Let me know and i will follow up.
    GR I dont think I would call you a wallflower!
    I am very interested in your system that I missed out on.
    Lets get an agenda for the next one. I would like to learn more about the setting up of trusts & companies for property purchase. Sounds like a nightmare books-wise?

    Profile photo of dohickydohicky
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 86

    HI guys!

    Grossrealisation a wallflower? my goodness I must have been in a different room.

    I really enjoyed the meeting and I’m ready to book my flight to NZ to check things out like I was told to.

    The next meeting will be great I’m sure, I like Louise’s suggestion to have one topic for each meeting, eg cf+, neg gearing, trusts etc. I went to a seminar in QLD in March and they had a lawyer there to explain the trusts/companies etc which i found really helpful. How about a guest speaker?

    I really liked the venue (not that I’m bias living in the next suburb) but i think we might require something bigger if everyone comes again and more new people decide to show.

    I enjoyed it! next time I might be able to drag along my other half.

    Profile photo of camder

    Greetings All,
    I enjoyed the meeting also and am looking forward to the next. It would appear we will need some kind of agenda and to that I have spoken to gross realisation and he would be happy to take a discussion group separately and we could have maybe another 1 or 2 going also. ie: 2 or 3 different subjects going in different groups.(at the same venue of course)
    Although very interesting ,and would love to hear more, I think that g.r’s topic was a lot more than some people were there to listen to and discuss.
    Soooooo, a choice for attendees might be better.
    Maybe we could cajole a Mortgage Broker and also Roy might provide more insight as to what he does.
    I like the idea of a free venue better than having to pay for it.(At this stage anyway,) so some feed back on Toi89’s suggestion / offer.
    It would also seem that we can no longer do without some kind of agenda, so you should have our email addresses and might feel more comfortable emailing direct with ideas if you desire.
    Please keep on top of this subject and reply with any ideas asap and we could set an agenda or 3 a few days prior to meeting and retain other topics for the future.

    Once again Thanx Guys and Cheers for now Len

    Profile photo of camder

    Please check at your private addresses for your list of attendees and let me know if not arrived .
    Ask me about toolmaking or motorbikes , fine ,but this bl**dy thing with the keyboard in the front beats me all the time.

    Profile photo of camder

    Geez Guys ,It seems I have so much to say I too feel like a “wallflower”.
    Anyway, gross realistation tells me that there is a “Somersoft “meeting at Glebe next Tuesday eve.
    Tickets are needed and check it out at their forum

    Profile photo of GPSnetwork

    Great stuff,

    Well I’m greatful to hear mainly positives and no real negatives.

    As for location, I agree we got a bit squeezed up with all the numbers although I thought it was very cosy.. You are most welcome to use it again..

    Petersham RSL is not a bad idea.. We have actually booked Gladesville RSL for a Qld Project Launch for our clients & associates end of this month and the room cost us less than a hundred dollars.. So we can do that & chip in towards it if Petersham dosen’t workout for whatever reason.

    I agree with the agenda and differrent topics to suite different people, and I’m able to organise guest speakers for Free like Accountants, Financiers, Solicitors and Conveyancers to attend the meeting and share their views on topics of interest.

    I guess we should make sure Petersham RSL is ok to be used and what date?

    Get a vote on topics and guest speakers required and I’ll arrange it.

    Looking forward to it..

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

    Profile photo of Richo1Richo1
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 27

    Hi Guys,
    Really sorry I did not make it, it sounds like the meeting was great and I am very jealous. I went to bed saturday night feeling average and did not rise tell monday afternoom yes I had that flu. Can you keep me in the loop for next one please.
    Regards Richo

    Profile photo of toni89

    Hello All
    Well, we can have either Petersham rsl or @newtown (the old Newtown rsl) for free for the next one. Petersham has a big carpark and @newtown has none. Sunday afternoons are OK at both. Parking should be fine around @newtown on a sunday afternoon.
    We can have free tea & coffee at @newtown and a data projector if needed.
    I think we may score free tea & coffee at Petersham rsl but I am not sure about the data projector if we want to get fancy. ( I can always ask) ((hopefully the boss will be there!))
    Just need a date and time but sundays seem to suit them. I am just not sure if it suited everyone? I am fine with sundays.
    Just need to let me know so I can book

    Profile photo of toni89

    Hi all
    I am interested in all topics mentioned Len, and Roy, guest speakers would be great! Could we perhaps give a space to each topic, i.e. GR, Roy and guest speaker in the one meeting? Would that work?

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi toni
    I like the idea with the data projector as its easier then a white board.
    also any questions in advance can be answered with power points to explain.
    If required I have no problem in somebody else wants to take the stage and explain there systems.

    here to help

    Profile photo of MIKALA

    Hi Toni,

    Newtown sounds good and Sunday afternoons are fine
    except I’m interstate on the weekend of 1st/2nd Oct – can we make it a different weekend to this ?



    Profile photo of GPSnetwork

    Sounds like we are becoming real professional now.. I like it :)

    Let’s here it from everyone else also, yor feedback is crucial re dates, location, subjects ect….

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

    Profile photo of toni89

    Hi All
    I work the first sunday of each month as a rule, so they are not good for me.
    Just need to organise a date everyone is happy with and I shall book the room

    Profile photo of camder

    Okay Guys,
    I will take the bull by the short and curlies, sorry ,that should have read by the horns, and suggest 4 pm Sunday 16th October 2005 for Sydney Discussion Group Meeting 4.
    Also I have no info as to if the “List” got through to all ???
    Cheers for now Len

    Profile photo of GPSnetwork

    Didn’t recieve a list Len, please try

    The date is ok by me..

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

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