All Topics / Opinionated! / Call for super access

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  • Profile photo of Celivia

    Have you read this article?,5942,16543367,00.html

    What do you think about early access to super?


    Profile photo of giddogiddo
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 152

    Sounds reasonable to me Celivia.
    As long as it only applies to half of any EXTRA
    After all, peoples circumstances can change a lot over the course of their first 50 years or so.
    We are talking about peoples own money.
    You cheated a bit Celivia, you did not say what YOU thought.
    I cannot let you get away with that.
    What do YOU think?



    Profile photo of Celivia

    Awww do I haaave to?[biggrin]

    Well from what I read in this article only, without having any more info on the matter, it sounds like a good idea to me.
    Perhaps it would be possible to borrow money from your superaccount against a very low interest rate, since it is your own money.
    There could be awards for paying it back within a specified time (or penalties for being late).

    But maybe this is a dumb idea- I am no economist.


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