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  • Profile photo of voigtstr

    Who else is looking forward to the mentoring program?

    This time there is a fee, but if we can do this remotely then we’ll be saving in air fares :)

    In what state do our finances have to be to able to capitalise on the info from the program though. Can people start from scratch, or do we need $X in cash to get started, or is this suitable only for people already on their path to investing. (I suspect that starting from scratch may be possible)


    Profile photo of DazzlingDazzling
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,150

    How much are people prepared to pay ??

    I’ve asked this question before, and the answers range from anywhere between nothing and $ 5,000 a day – or was it hour ?? The rate depends very much I’m told on whether you mention that the male students are handsome and suave and the female students have a pretty face.

    Supposedly with the massive increases in net worth everyone is going to make, the cost of the program is not relevant and always worth it, regardless of cost.

    I’ve also started a mentoring programme. It’s a snitch at a low low low investment educational price of only $ 10,000-00 per day. There’s nothing in it for me of course, I just love seeing the satisfaction on my students faces. I couldn’t think of a better way of sacrificing my time to help others increase their wealth. All proceeds to my mezzanine levelled wrapped and flipped trust fund charity which dedicates itself to furthering the cause of struggling humanity offshore in some Barbados tax shelter….by chance of course.

    To teach the students frugality I’m also encouraging everyone to bring their own pads, pencils, calculators and lunches.

    Students would also be more comfortable if they also bring along their thermos with preferred beverage…make sure it’s one with a lid that also serves as a cup. We have relented and will provide spoons. If you sign up for more than a week they’ll be upgraded from plastic to metal ones, but only for the first 50 callers.

    To ensure commitment to the course, a small inconsequential form borrowed from a very respectable law firm has been obtained, which gently places a caveat on all property titles you own in case the low low low fee causes any slight trouble.

    Come along and find out…what have you got to lose ?? We offer a full 100% money back guarantee
    to any participant who leaves within the first 2 minutes of me talking. I take 4 minutes to go through the safety briefing – for your comfort and safety of course.

    Hope to see you all there.



    “No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”

    Profile photo of voigtstr

    So you are coming Daz! :)

    Honestly, for me I am prepared to pay around $60 a month, as my budget (which is focussed on both saving a deposit AND clearing one unsecured loan by April), can absorb that amount without too much drama.

    If everyone takes up Steve’s offer I’m sure he will make a pretty penny from it, and as long as there is a lot of practical advice and successful methods for making money from property and not simply motivational platitudes, I reckon he will deserve to make buku dollars from us eager padawans.

    60 or so a month, yes I’ll subscribe, but if the information isnt useable, or means I’ll have to sell my kidney to get deposit monies together, I’ll simply unsubscribe.

    Dazzling, your satire is appreciated and you are a valuable asset to the community.


    (edit: Steve did say a good cup of coffee a day didnt he… mmmm the fee could be up to 90 a month?)

    More stuff on the voigtstr at

    Profile photo of voigtstr

    I was expecting more comment on this. How pro or con are people towards this latest mentoring offering? Or are people waiting for more details?

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763

    Hi Simon,

    I’m still working through the final planning for the program, but will know more by this time next week.

    However, while this is a commercial service, the infrastructure investment at my end is quite significant as it will require the employment of two extra team members… and that’s just the start of it.

    Having said that, I think $60 per month will be a little on the light side. I’m trying to set a limit on the standard mentoring package cost to around $6 per day (GST inclusive).


    Steve McKnight

    P.S. Where do you get a cup of coffee for $3? [rolleyesanim]

    Remember that success comes from doing things differently.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of voigtstr

    (where do you get a cup of coffee for $3?) Hobart Tasmania!
    Beautiful place!

    I’m sure I’ll be able to adjust my budget around the fee, I’ll definately have to pay monthly though.. no use using what little deposit money I have at the start and then not be able to apply anything I learn. I look forward to seeing what you have planned… and hope its the start of baby steps out of the rat race for me.

    More stuff on the voigtstr at

    Profile photo of freekeyfreekey
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    I think any people that are reluctant at first will be less worried about the price once they see the benefits. Mentoring is far more valuable than any education based learning or seminars. Not only do you learn, but you get help applying to keep you on the right track – stock discussion forums

    Profile photo of voigtstr

    Steve will you be able to tell us in advance what the monthly fee will be. I get paid on the 15th of each month (sometimes doesnt clear till the 17th) and would like to know how much to move out of ING Direct in advance.


    Profile photo of voigtstr
    Originally posted by voigtstr:

    Steve will you be able to tell us in advance what the monthly fee will be. I get paid on the 15th of each month (sometimes doesnt clear till the 17th) and would like to know how much to move out of ING Direct in advance.


    Yes? No? Dust?

    The computer says no. <cough>

    More stuff on the voigtstr at

    Profile photo of Gembeau2Gembeau2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 24

    Hi Voigtstr
    How many people would you like your mentor to look after?
    Or how many are you expecting him to look after?
    Just you or all 250?

    Profile photo of grossrealisationgrossrealisation
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,031

    hi dazzling
    can you send me an aplication form so I can come to your mentoring programme it seem to be some thing that I would like to see.
    I can bring my own knife.
    Also can you give me your account number to put the funds in with your account name and if possible your access code just incase I put to much in and I need to with draw the excess amount.
    I can give you the accountant in the Barbados who is avery good friend of mine who will help both of us one of us more then the other.

    here to help

    Profile photo of luke__mooreluke__moore
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 11


    Just wondering who the mentors are, what experience do they have?



    Profile photo of voigtstr
    Originally posted by Gembeau2:

    Hi Voigtstr
    How many people would you like your mentor to look after?
    Or how many are you expecting him to look after?
    Just you or all 250?

    At this stage I’m more interested in the startup kit and monthly folders. I understand that there is one “mentor” for the group at this stage, but I think that that is just one part of a larger package.

    More stuff on the voigtstr at

    Profile photo of DannyboyDannyboy
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 60

    I heard a rumour that this mentor program of 250 people is only a test. If all goes well than 4 more groups of 250 people are going to be choosen throughout the year. I dont know if I will get into trouble for saying this but i just thought I’d give some hope to those who missed out.



    Profile photo of bensonbenson
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 101

    I would be astounded if anyone on the mentoring program would access information that hasnt been discussed on this site or somersoft for free !

    Why are peolpe so keen to pay for info that is so freely available if you know where to look ?

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    I think you will find that people expect more from a mentor than to just give them info. You are right this is freely available.

    What is the harder step is to just get moving. I think a good mentor would hold you accountable to take that first step and also to maintain the momentum.

    It would be interesting to see how many of our readers actually take action? Even when armed with all the info in the world.

    I have had clients who have paid $15 000 plus for weekend seminars. The ones who took action and made hundreds of thousands do not begrudge a cent. The ones who immediately left and went out and did nothing are the ones who feel it was a waste.

    If Steve’s mentoring can help you overcome the blocks and get started what is that worth?

    All the best,

    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    ***NODOC @ 7.15% to 75% LVR***
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of markpatrick

    Simon so are you saying all those participants made gains of hundreds of thousands?.
    Of course one or two would that is the aim of all of them, you don`t hear about the others because they are shamed into not admitting they could not use the info![lmao]
    These gurus always have an exit strategy.
    I can tell you right now how to have all the riches in the world absolutely guaranteed in four words….keep trying, never quit!, but of course life does not work that way, there is a time factor.
    All the guru has to say is hold your properties and you will be rich in the long run he cannot be wrong in that regard, think about it, even with business you can say the same keep trying different things and you will have success but this is not real life, this is a joke! and simply unattainable for the majority in the scheme of things.

    Profile photo of Mortgage Hunter

    No I am saying the opposite. Most made nothing. Even in the biggest boom market I have experienced where you could buy with a dart and the Saturday paper and still make money.

    Why didn’t they make money?

    I think it is because some folk feel that doing the learning is the goal and analyse every deal to death then leave it to find a better one.

    I have a friend who is like that. But he told his father about IP’s. His father bought two that weekend after looking at two places. My friend was horrified. Guess who is better off?

    I am not counselling ill thought out action. Just saying that the results go to those who take action. And pressing me into action would be the thing I would want most from a mentor.

    Cheers folks,

    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    ***NODOC @ 7.15% to 75% LVR***
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of markpatrick

    Yes and why do these people not act….risk, here age plays a part background/opportunity plays a part, time is a big factor, for them they decide it will not work and maybe they do not possess the inner belief to continue on the the face of failure, if it were as easy as the gurus say everybody WOULD take action, but reality can and often is VERY different.
    Like one of the main lessons taught in the great book Think and Grow Rich, when we make big decisions or seek very high ideals/great goals it can take the form of great great risk even death and so it must be assumed that there is a very real possibility of failure and/or humiliation, and it is often just one step beyond seeming defeat that great success is acheived.
    Most people do not want to take this kind of risk through the beliefs or teachings of others, and oftentimes it might turn out to be a wise choice.

    So what I am getting at is that the program in reality will help very few, if there were a GENUINE fair dinkum full money back option after a decent amount of time it would have credibility.

    Profile photo of MITMIT
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 154

    Wow what a range of comments from you all so far. What a great read :-)This is a long reply.

    Here’s my two bobs worth :-)

    Personally I am fairly new to the Wealth Creation
    Process, its principles and practices (about two years now).

    I have signed up for the Premium Mentor Program because it is now time for me to TAKE SERIOUS ACTION and being on my own, I feel a need for some support in the initial stages, at least.
    I am seriously commited to success and have BIG plans/goals.

    I am also happy to pay for my education in all this as I get a lot out of if from not only a financial perspective but also from a personal one. Taking the leap of faith so to speak, means I can constantly stretch my boundaries and keep myself out of the COMFORT ZONE, which I believe is essential for ongoing growth, the comfort of which also hampers so many.

    I have worked my finances and personal growth paths long and hard over the last two years to get to the point where I am now well set up to take the BIG STEP, but I also acknowledge I still have much to learn on the journey.

    Ok, Ok, Ok by now you have probably labelled me a “professional student” of all this stuff. I do not agree, having just completed a scorecard based on the Do, Doing Done Model the number of things I have actually achieved in this time is quite large. The results surprised even me. I have done heaps, whilst holding down a full time job. No I don’t have my own IP YET!, but give me a month or two and I KNOW I will have several, all of them with good structures, risks and management processes in place so that I may ramp up the success over time!!.

    The reason most never make it, is because they don’t put the effort in and learn from mistakes as they go, are gripped by fear and / or greed or it all just becomes TOO HARD so they revert to their instant gratification spending on videos, holidays, cars, etc to justify and satisfy their feelings of inadequacy of not even having tried. That’s ok if they acknowledge it as a life choice. Often they don’t and as a result end up bitter and twisted or baggin others that are willing to have a go.


    Isn’t there a stat that suggests only 5% actually become financially independent. Well I’m planning on being there with them to celebrate!!! and soon!!!. Wish me no luck, rather ACTION, ACTION, ACTION!!!.

    MIT | Owen Real Estate
    Email Me

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