All Topics / General Property / Positive Cash Flow

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  • Profile photo of Scrooge

    Any info on Hans Jackobi’s Super secrets to real estate course re Positive cash flow. Claims seem too easy to be consitently achievable.

    Profile photo of AdministratorAdministrator
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 3,225

    Have nothing to say on Hans Jackobi and his secrets to real estate course, re: Positive cashflow…

    But the way I see it, anything can be made positive cashflow with the amount of money you inject into the purchase. The more money invested (your own), then the less borrowed and thus smaller loan repayments. Therefore you can manipulate your investment how you like, positive or negative. But then there are other factors to consider such as COCR and deductions and other variables, so it’s best to weigh up all options to determine the appropriate investment decision for each individal case.

    As to Hans Jackobi, looks like he isn’t broke and making money on a few levels, so he might know something I don’t. And I’m sure someone on the forum will have experience with Hans Jackobi, and thus might have better suited input.


    ‘Stay Happy and you’ll be Perfectly Fine’ – Jack

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    Scrooge, just do a search on this forum on Hans Jakobi- in the (recent) past there were some more threads about him and you might find the information you are after.


    Profile photo of Scrooge

    thanks Celivia

    Followed the threads; many of them.

    Looks like ‘Super Secrets’ would be a poor investment of $3500.

    Word on the street is that, pretty much, all the info you could get out of ‘Super Secrets’ is discussed in these forums and the many books which are also referenced here.

    Thanks again

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