All Topics / Value Adding / need to sell house/no land

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  • Profile photo of Ron Burgundy

    im looking to start a small development on a block of land that has a decent renovated 3 bedroom house sitting on it.
    Can you sell this to someone that cuts it in half puts on a truck?
    how would you advertise/organise this?

    Profile photo of colliecollie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 60

    Hi, there are many ways i’m sure to sell your house. Advertise in local paper, trading mail, call local house removal people and see if they are interested as some of them buy and then transport to their stockyard and then sell themselves.


    Profile photo of PeteJackiePeteJackie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 121

    A builder I know had a very rundown house on a great block only metres from the beach. He wanted to pull it down and build a new house.

    He worked out it would cost him about $8000 including tip fees to do it so he advertised it in the local newspaper asking for the best offer. He sold it for $3000 and saved all the hassle of having to get rid of it. Plus came out $11,000 better off.


    Profile photo of Ron Burgundy

    thanks for your replies.
    What about if i wanted to move it to another block of land. Is it expensive to relocate? (with all the connection fees etc.)
    Do you know the name of any such companies where i could investigate more. I havent had any luck.


    Profile photo of Battleships

    Hi Ron

    Here’s a queensland company that does it. Lots of hints and useful info too eg there may be a useful extra $ in just buying a small local block and relocating the home. Costs suggested by Drake are about half the house cost eg if you found a home at the site like yours and the price was $100,000
    it would probably cost around $50,000 to move it and attach services etc so your all up cost would be Land plus $50,000.

    If this is too small a deal for you I may be interested in working something out, if it is near Brisbane.


    Profile photo of Battleships
    Profile photo of Ron Burgundy

    thank you for your help.
    Im not actually looking in Vic or Bris but the websites and advise still opened my eyes to some possibilities.
    Is anyone aware of a similar service available in the Newcastle or the lower Hunter (NSW)
    thanks again

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