All Topics / Help Needed! / Employing someone to work on my renovations…??

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  • Profile photo of jparsons

    In relation to a similar post I have added. I renovate houses by myself. Every now and then a friend or family member will help where I need a lift or more hands. What do you think is the best way to go about putting someone on to work with me?

    I think full time employment may not be the way to go for a number of reasons. I have a young cousin interested, I thought if he got an ABN and sub contracted his labour out to my business(J Enterprises trust) that might be the best way to go.

    Your thoughts and ideas would be much appreciated.

    All the best.

    data-security-communications-entertainment systems<- home networking and home theatres- talk to J first!!
    *Technology Consultants*
    Brisbane.Gold coast.Sunshine coast

    Profile photo of Tools

    The ATO has strict rules regarding who is and isn’t an employee.

    Employee or independent contractor?

    Determining a worker’s status depends upon the terms and conditions under which the work is performed.
    Does the worker have an ABN?

    If a worker has an Australian business number (ABN) this does not automatically mean the worker is a contractor. You still need to consider the nature of your agreement with the worker.
    Factors to consider

    A key factor in deciding if a worker is an employee is the degree of control that can be exercised over the worker. If you have the right to direct how, when, where and who is to perform the work, the worker is likely to be an employee. These directions may be oral or in writing, or simply understood between the parties.

    Other key factors are whether:

    * the worker is being paid for the time worked by them personally, or
    * whether the worker is being paid to achieve a result where they are able to subcontract or engage employees to perform the work.

    No one factor is necessarily conclusive. It depends on the facts in each case.

    An employment relationship exists if some or all of the following factors are present:

    * the payer controls the way in which the worker performs his/her duties
    * the worker performs the duties of their position and cannot delegate or contract out their work
    * the worker is recognised as a part of the payer’s organisation
    * the worker is not responsible for providing the materials or equipment required to do the job
    * the worker is paid for the time worked, rather than on the completion of a specific task
    * the worker takes no commercial risks and cannot make a profit or loss from the work performed
    * the worker receives paid leave (for example, sick, annual or recreation, or long service leave), or
    * work hours are set by an agreement or award.

    None of these factors alone is indicative of an employment relationship. The totality of the relationship between the parties and a consideration of all the factors is required.

    If a worker is an employee, you must withhold an amount from any salary, wages, commissions, bonuses or allowances you pay to the employee and send the amounts withheld to the Tax Office. An employer may also have obligations under fringe benefits tax and the superannuation guarantee laws.

    Apprentices are considered employees for taxation purposes.
    Independent contractor

    An independent contractor agrees to achieve a specified result for an agreed price. In most cases an independent contractor:

    * is paid for results achieved
    * provides all or most of the necessary materials and equipment to complete the work
    * is free to subcontract the work to other entities
    * has freedom in the way the work is done subject to the specific terms of the contract
    * bears the commercial risk and responsibility for any poor workmanship or injury sustained in the performance of work
    * provides services to the general public and other businesses as well as the payer.
    * is free to accept or refuse work, and
    * is in a position to make a profit or loss.

    If a worker is an independent contractor, you are required to withhold an amount from payments to them only where the contractor:

    * has entered into a voluntary agreement
    * provides their work or services for a client of yours under a labour hire arrangement, or
    * has not quoted their ABN to you.

    Superannuation guarantee laws may apply to payments for work or services by an independent contractor in some cases.

    Most independent contractors provide for their tax obligations through the PAYG instalments system. Contractors should also consider whether they need to apply for an ABN and register for goods and services tax (GST). Contractors who come under the contractor tax rules must include their personal services income in their individual tax return and cannot claim some tax deductions. Those operating through a company, partnership or trust may also have PAYG withholding obligations.

    Factors to consider



    Control over work

    The employer has an implied right in industrial law to direct and control the work of an employee. The employee works in the business of the employer and the employer is free to manage their business as they see fit.

    A payer has a right to specify how the contracted services are to be performed. However, such control must be specified in the terms of the contract, otherwise the contractor is free to exercise their discretion.


    An employee works in the business of the payer. Their work is an integral part of the business.

    Although the work of a contractor is done for the business, it is not integrated into it but is ancillary to it.


    Payment is often based on the period of time worked, but an employee can also work on ‘piece rates’ or commission.

    Payment is dependent on the performance of the contracted services.

    Commercial risks

    An employee generally bears no legal risks in respect of the work; since the employee works in the business of the employer, the employer is legally responsible for any work performed by the employee.

    A contractor bears legal risk in respect of the work. They have the potential to make a profit or loss, and must remedy any defective work at their own expense.

    Ability to delegate

    An employee performs the work personally and generally cannot subcontract the work to someone else.

    Unless otherwise specified in the contract, a contractor can subcontract or delegate the work.

    Tools and equipment

    The employer, except when specifically agreed otherwise, usually provides tools and equipment.

    Generally, a contractor provides their own tools and equipment.

    And that is before you look att workcover and superannuation….


    Profile photo of jparsons

    Thanks heaps for that Tools.

    I completely understand the differences between contractors, employees, apprentices etc. as I currently run my own business as well as do the renovations. But the renovations are a different set-up. With my business I am licensed to do the work and I am responsible for the work carried out by my employees.

    But the main issue that I am wondering about with the renovations with is licensing and responsibility. I am not a licensed or registered builder, tiler, painter, plumber, roofer, renderer, landscaper etc. therefore I thought I possibly should not be employing someone to carry out those tasks under my supervision. Hence, I thought someone subcontracting to me instead may eleviate that problem??

    Thoughts please. Thinking about getting in touch with Office of fair trading in Queensland and the BSA. Really just the legality of work that concerns me. I set very high standards and have much knowledge in what I do, all work we do is to the rules and standards- but whether we can do it legally is another question.


    data-security-communications-entertainment systems<- home networking and home theatres- talk to J first!!
    *Technology Consultants*
    Brisbane.Gold coast.Sunshine coast

    Profile photo of Terryw

    Hi Jarrod

    The office of fair trading would be the best place to start with your enquiries.

    Once you get a few proeprties in the one area, it may be a good idea to employ someone (or subcontract) who can help out in various areas. Imagine employing an apprentice on $20,000 pa. How much value could they add in one year?

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    Profile photo of jparsons

    Yeah, exactly, paying someone $20,000 for the first year where they would acquire a stack of knowledge to work for me would be great. And the fact that they alone could possinly work on say three properties in one year with me and easily add more than $40,000 in value(themselves) to those total properties. I think I will be giving the office of fair trading a call next week and see what they have to say.

    data-security-communications-entertainment systems<- home networking and home theatres- talk to J first!!
    *Technology Consultants*
    Brisbane.Gold coast.Sunshine coast

    Profile photo of Tools

    Maybe I misunderstood you Jarrod.Are you saying that because you are not a registered builder,you want to pay someone else who isn’t registered either to do the work????????

    Profile photo of jparsons


    Yeah exactly! You are spot on. It will never be major building works, but that is the issue, yes.


    data-security-communications-entertainment systems<- home networking and home theatres- talk to J first!!
    *Technology Consultants*
    Brisbane.Gold coast.Sunshine coast

    Profile photo of jparsons

    Office of fair trading’s response_ I think I had best be making some other calls:

    Dear Jarrod,

    Thank you for contacting the Queensland Government.
    With regard to your enquiry, under the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 all property developers who complete more than 6 residential property sales in any 12 month period must be licensed.
    You will need to contact Smart Licence on 1300 363 711 with regards to any licences you may require for carpentry, plumbing etc.
    I hope that this is of assistance.

    I gave them a fairly detailed explanation of the plans too, oh well, still many a call to make.

    data-security-communications-entertainment systems<- home networking and home theatres- talk to J first!!
    *Technology Consultants*
    Brisbane.Gold coast.Sunshine coast

    Profile photo of Terryw

    It would be best to call them in person. That way you won’t get the standard (and conservative) response.

    If that was the with the licencing, maybe you could get around this by setting up 2 trusts with different trustees. Or just do 5 or less properties per year. Or just get the licence??

    Discover Home Loans
    North Sydney

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of Brenda IrwinBrenda Irwin
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 119

    Try your solicitor and tax accountant. Prospective workers should do likewise. There must be ways around all the red tape as how would all the grandads out on the farms ever do without the help from the grandkids on holidays?

    If you want to get out of a hole, first stop digging.

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024


    You state “I renovate houses by myself” yet appear not to have been in touch with the QBSA.

    Do we assume that the market value of your renovations on each property is less than $11,000?

    Cheers Richard

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    Profile photo of jparsons


    I have been in touch with BSA. What is with the $11,000 figure? It is $1,100 work for others(public) or only $6,600.

    Thanks all for your input. Yes- red tape. It is definitely not a matter of “just doing the course”. I spoke to one very helpful lady at BSA and she explained everything to me. I think I would have to spend the rest of my life completing courses if I truly wanted to renovate “by the book”. Check this out: These are all of the license types that exist for the BSA. They have certain requirements and criteria. It’s quite a list:


    Air Handling Duct Installation

    Brick And Segmental Paving


    Bricklaying And Blocklaying

    Bricklaying Restricted To Blocklaying

    Bricklaying Restricted To Brick And Segmental Paving

    Builder Low Rise

    Builder Medium Rise

    Builder Open

    Builder Restricted To Kitchen Bathroom And Laundry Installation

    Builder Restricted To Shopfitting

    Builder Restricted To Structural Landscaping

    Builder Restricted To Swimming Pool Construction

    Building Design

    Building Design Limited

    Building Design Low Rise

    Building Design Medium Rise

    Building Design Open

    Building Restricted To Building Removal

    Building Restricted To Non Structural Renovations

    Building Restricted To Repairs And Maintenance



    Carpentry Formwork

    Carpentry Restricted To Framing

    Carpentry Restricted To Internal Finishes

    Carpentry Restricted To Joinery Products

    Carpentry Restricted To Lattice And Other Timber Work

    Carpentry Restricted To Outdoor Construction

    Completed Building Inspection

    Completed Building Inspection Restricted To Commercial Buildings

    Completed Building Inspection Restricted To Residential Buildings

    Completed Residential Building Inspection


    Concreting Restricted To Concrete Repairs

    Concreting Restricted To Light Concreting

    Concreting Restricted To Minor Concrete Work

    Concreting Restricted To Piling And Foundations

    Concreting Restricted To Special Finishes

    Concreting Restricted To Underpinning And Foundation Repair


    Fire Detection Systems

    Fire Equipment Doors And Shutters

    Fire Equipment Penetration And Joint Sealing

    Fire Equipment Wall And Ceiling Lining

    Fire Fighting Appliances

    Fire Hose Reels And Fire Hydrants

    Fire Sprinkler Systems Commercial And Industrial

    Fire Sprinkler Systems Domestic And Residential

    Fire Sprinkler Systems Other Than Domestic And Residential

    Fire Suppression Systems Special Hazards

    Fixed Fire Pump Sets

    Floor Finishing And Covering Hard Sector

    Floor Finishing And Covering Restricted To Cork Flooring

    Floor Finishing And Covering Restricted To Floor Sanding And Finishing

    Floor Finishing And Covering Restricted To Install Floating Flooring

    Floor Finishing And Covering Restricted To Install Strip Flooring

    Floor Finishing And Covering Restricted To Parquetry Flooring

    Floor Finishing And Covering Restricted To Seamless Flooring

    Foundation Work Piling And Anchors


    General Building

    General Building Restricted To One Storey

    General Building Restricted To Three Storeys

    Glass Glazing And Aluminium


    House Building

    Hydraulic Services Design



    Kitchen Bathroom And Laundry Installations

    Metal Fabricating

    Metal Fabricating Restricted To Non Structural Metal Fabricating

    Metal Fabricating Restricted To Sheds Garages And Carports

    Metal Fascias And Gutters

    Non-Structural Metal Fabrication And Installation


    Painting And Decorating

    Painting Restricted To New Domestic Buildings

    Painting Restricted To Repainting Domestic Buildings

    Painting Restricted To Roof Painting

    Painting Restricted To Special Finishes

    Passive Fire Equipment

    Pest Controlling

    Pest Controlling Restricted To Termite Barrier Installation

    Plastering Drywall

    Plastering Drywall Restricted To Cornice Fixing

    Plastering Drywall Restricted To Partition Installation

    Plastering Drywall Restricted To Plaster Setting

    Plastering Drywall Restricted To Suspended Ceiling Fixing

    Plastering Drywall Restricted To Wall Board Fixing

    Plastering Solid

    Plumbing And Drainage

    Plumbing And Draining

    Plumbing And Draining Restricted To Draining

    Plumbing And Draining Restricted To Fascias Barges Gutters And Downpipes

    Plumbing And Draining Restricted To Plumbing

    Plumbing And Draining Restricted To Roofing And Wall Cladding

    Plumbing And Draining Restricted To Skylight And Ventilator Installation

    Plumbing And Draining Restricted To Tanks

    Plumbing And Draining Restricted To Urban Irrigation

    Plumbing And Draining Restricted To Wall Cladding

    Refrigeration Airconditioning And Mechanical Services

    Refrigeration Airconditioning And Mechanical Services Including Limited Design

    Refrigeration Airconditioning And Mechanical Services Including Unlimited Design

    Refrigeration Airconditioning And Mechanical Services Restricted To Ducting Manufacture And Installation

    Refrigeration Airconditioning And Mechanical Services Restricted To Multipackaged Residential Airconditioning Equipment And Plant

    Refrigeration Airconditioning And Mechanical Services Restricted To Residential Evaporative Cooling Equipment

    Refrigeration Airconditioning And Mechanical Services Restricted To Self-Contained Window Package Residential Airconditioning Installation

    Residential Design

    Residential Design Limited

    Roof And Wall Cladding

    Roof Tiling

    Roof Tiling Restricted To Roof Tile Maintenance

    Sheds Carports And Garages

    Shop Fitting

    Shopfitting Trade

    Site Classifier

    Specialised Contracting Screw In Foundations

    Specialised Contracting Solid Fuel Heater Installation



    Structural Landscaping

    Structural Landscaping Restricted To Fences

    Structural Landscaping Restricted To Retaining Walls

    Structural Landscaping Trade

    Structural Metal Fabrication And Erection

    Swimming Pool And Spa Construction

    Swimming Pool And Spa Construction Restricted To Concrete

    Swimming Pool And Spa Construction Restricted To Fibreglass

    Swimming Pool And Spa Construction Restricted To Finishes

    Swimming Pool And Spa Construction Restricted To Maintenance And Repairs

    Swimming Pool And Spa Construction Restricted To Prefabricated Or Packaged Products

    Termite Management Chemical

    Termite Management Physical

    Wall And Floor Tiling


    Waterproofing Application

    Waterproofing Restricted To Commercial Waterproofing

    Waterproofing Restricted To Residential Waterproofing


    Here’s the link to BSA and some more of that information:

    Lots of information on the site.

    It took me a couple goes over th ephone to get in contact with someone who wanted to take the time to speak with me, but the lady was very helpful.

    As for OFT queensland- well as I mentioned in an earlier post, they didn’t really have much to say, basically told me to talk to BSA, which, was fair enough.


    data-security-communications-entertainment systems<- home networking and home theatres- talk to J first!!
    *Technology Consultants*
    Brisbane.Gold coast.Sunshine coast

    Profile photo of jparsons


    Thanks, but have spoken with my accountant too. The only possibility is for someone to sub contract to me. But then they would technically have to be licensed too.

    I think I know what business I am going to go into:

    Manufacturing Red Tape.

    All the best everyone, thanks for your input.

    data-security-communications-entertainment systems<- home networking and home theatres- talk to J first!!
    *Technology Consultants*
    Brisbane.Gold coast.Sunshine coast

    Profile photo of jparsons


    Thanks to you too. It really just centres around the licensing issue, can get around everything else now, but technically- the license is the one concern.


    data-security-communications-entertainment systems<- home networking and home theatres- talk to J first!!
    *Technology Consultants*
    Brisbane.Gold coast.Sunshine coast

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