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  • Profile photo of buddywuf

    Hi, just wondering if anyone can help..

    I’m purchasing some RE books and one of them is Dolf de Roos – Real Estate Riches. I noticed there were two editions published with the same title… I believe one is part of the Rich Dad series (??)

    Does anyone know what the difference is between the two and which one you would recommend over the other?

    Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Profile photo of westan

    Hi Buddywuf

    I’ve noticed the cover differnece but assumed it was the same book. Just check the inside of front cover and see if its a revised edition or just a reprint ?? that will answer the question.

    I found the book a great read a few years ago when i read it

    regards westan
    check it out !
    Properties in the USA 15-25% returns- email to join our database

    Profile photo of redwing

    I enjoyed Dolfs book and have been seraching in Vain for his year in mentoring book…powwow events keep telling me its being reprinted (that was supposedly last year in Oct)..

    Anyone have a copy ??????


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    Profile photo of Matt RMatt R
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 38

    I loved his books, made alot of sense to me. Also saw him in person at a seminar about 2 years ago. loved i all!

    Matt R (Gold Coast)

    Profile photo of Sammi13Sammi13
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    i liked his book and his seminar too (a few years ago now!). I thought he was now recommending Commercial Property in his latest seminar. Check out rich dad’s site or pow wow.

    Profile photo of dsmith

    Hi guys,

    I may be wrong here but I have a feeling Dolf DeRoos is no longer associated with Kiyosaki, hence the different book covers.

    Have read his stuff and it is a good read.


    Profile photo of westan

    hi danny

    that would explain the cover.

    any idea on why the seperation ?

    regards westan
    check it out !
    Properties in the USA 15-25% returns- email to join our database

    Profile photo of dsmith


    Don’t know why they had a split but this link off the rich dad site confirms it as he has a new real estate guy, Ken McElroy


    Profile photo of westan

    Thanks danny

    thats interesting.

    i had a look at the link and you can’t even buy Dolf’s book through the Rich Dad web site anymore.

    I’ll have to ask Dymphna Boholt next time i’m talking to her. She’s good friends with Dolf and speaks very highly of him.

    regards westan
    check it out !
    Properties in the USA 15-25% returns- email to join our database

    Profile photo of dsmith


    I would be keen to know why they split too if you find out from your friend.


    Profile photo of Roberthb2001

    Here is a link to Dolf’s Australian shopfront, Pow Wow Events:

    The page was last updated from March 2005 to incorporate his last visit, no mention of any seperation from the Rich Dad team.

    Found him of interest but book seemed to focus on the USA market (from my recollection of the book).

    Robert H Bromwich
    Moore Park Beach QLD

    Profile photo of Roberthb2001

    If you visit the Pow Wow Inetrenation online store, you will find some titiles from Dolf that may be of interest to you.

    Robert H Bromwich
    Moore Park Beach QLD

    Profile photo of redwing

    They still dont have the one i’m interested in..then again its been so long maybe I’m only interested in it because I cant find it??

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of JasonKJasonK
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 29

    Hi buddywuf…it’s just a re-release with a foreword written by U.S baseball superstar, Alex Rodriguez whereas the earlier release had a foreword by Robert T. Kiyosaki.

    If your looking for something more substantial by Dolf, check out

    It has the book your after Real Estate Riches on 3CDs but also has another 10CDs of audio recordings of Dolfs live two-day real estate mentoring program previously available to 10 students a year plus a bonus dvd ..$147 with free shipping australia wide.

    worth a look at but i think there’s only a few left..

    hope this helps

    Profile photo of westan

    Looks like Dolf is stepping into the BIG league, teaming up with Donald Trump. below is Dolf email

    Hello Fellow Real Estate Investor

    Wealth creation is a vital concern for almost all of us. That’s why I recently joined Donald Trump and his team in making The Wealth Builder’s Blueprint, a powerful home study program on creating financial abundance.

    Now I have more news.

    I’m excited to invite you to a unique live course based on The Wealth Builder’s Blueprint — and you don’t have to leave home to be there!

    From September 13th through September 19th, Trump University is hosting an intensive one-week course on wealth creation, live on the internet. It’s called The Trump Way to Wealth and I will be leading one of the seven events, as will Donald Trump.

    This is your chance to interact directly with Donald Trump and myself, plus other members of his handpicked team. You can ask your questions live and participate directly in each and every event.

    The web seminar series is co-hosted with Microsoft, using their breakthrough Live Meeting technology to give you a uniquely personal, interactive experience.

    Here is a rare chance to massively advance your wealth education — and make a direct connection with Donald Trump and his handpicked experts.

    Please don’t wait. Click this link now: Find out all about The Trump Way to Wealth. Spots are limited and there are no plans to repeat this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

    P.S. As soon as you complete The Trump Way to Wealth, Donald Trump will be sending you a personalized Certificate of Achievement.

    P.P.S. If you act now you will receive a special 20% early bird discount and an exclusive set of Wealth Creation Reports – a $581 value – free!

    This email sent by:

    Dolf de Roos/Property Prosperity
    3620 E Campbell Ave, B
    Phoenix, Arizona 85018

    regards westan
    check it out !
    Properties in the USA 15-25% returns- email to join our database

    Profile photo of buddywuf

    Hi All,
    Thanks for the info! Much appreciated…

    Christian, will look into de Roos’s audio CD’s. Thanks!

    Profile photo of buddywuf
    Profile photo of secretgnomesecretgnome
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 33

    I think Robert Kiyosaki offers wannabe motivational speakers the boost of his brand name in return for profits. I believe Dolf de Roos then realised he had built up his own name enough through the rich dad series, & so severed the ties. This would explain why he’s doing something with Trump.

    Profile photo of CeliviaCelivia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 886

    Hehe, yes, so he can be called a “Master Professor” at the Trump “University”![laughing]


    Profile photo of nedkellynedkelly
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 49

    I must say Dolf was the author who gave me the inspiration and confidence to enter the real estate investment arena. His book “Real Estate Riches” is in plain easy to understand english…. and best of all he didn’t feel the need to make up fictituous characters to tell the story.

    ned kelly

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