All Topics / Forum Frolic / Watch Out…Dazzling’s been knighted!!!
Unless my computer is playing tricks on me, it appears Dazzling is now a moderator. [suave]
Congratulations, you always give very good advice, however blunt, but isn’t that what is really needed sometimes…?
Once again, congratulations and happy posting!
This place is going to the dogs….
Congratulations on your Knighthood mate! I do enjoy your insightful, illuminating and thought provoking posts/comments. Who knows, one day you may be King? As for me? I don’t know about a Knighthood. I’ll probably just retain my ordained Court ‘Jesterhood’. I’ve got the shoes (you know the one’s that curl up on the ends and have a bell). I don’t even have a King size bed. I have a Court Jester size. The corners on the doona curl up also!
Gatsby!“Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is often the best thing to do.”
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congratulations I would post one of those little smily face put don’t know to help
GOD HELP US!!![weird]
grats Dazz your advice is always a great read
[biggrin]Congratulations Dazzling,
Myself and many others on this forum enjoy reading your posts and appreciate your views & input, so in the words of Billy Joel “don’t go changing†Cheers.Regards
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Thanks everyone for their kind words of encouragement – especially you Simon !! [biggrin]
Not intending to change one iota. [whistle] You can expect many more blunt suggestions (no advice…oops there’s that word again)….from this little black duck. I am getting more mellow as the years roll by though. Lucky I didn’t join this forum a couple of years back….would of got run off long ago [whip]
In the words of Dave Gilmour, still “Learning to Fly”. [dunce]
To tell you the truth…this thread is pretty embarrassing…wish a Moderator would do something about it !!! [biggrin]
“No point having a cake if you can’t eat it.”
Keep on [aacool] dazzling [aacool] us with your great knowledge!
Congrats Dazzling I’ve always gotten great enjoyment out of your posts and the ruckus they sometimes create.
I wish you’d speak your mind more often though. [
Congrats Dazzling!!!
Still make me smile (must look ridiculous for anyone watching)[blush2] as I read some of your tongue in cheek comments.
One of the things I like about you is your quote “no point in having cake if you can’t eat it”. But with your cake you share a slice from time to time, and that is nice…
Keep it coming
Cheers big ears!!
Well now that can of worms is well and truly opened! [laughing]
Good to see Dazz.
Gidday Dazzling
Must have missed this thread from a couple of days ago, but certainly didn’t miss the “Moderator” tag next to your moniker when I was reading various posts.
Wanted to put the topic back on the front page, so to speak, so CONGRATS.
As always, I do enjoy your no-nonsense, grounded, humourous and helpful replies.
Keep ’em coming.
AbbySame- congrats Dazzler!!
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