All Topics / Value Adding / Degree in property?

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  • Profile photo of qqqqqq
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 4

    Some technical universities offer a course called Property Economics. Can anybody tell me more about this degree, maybe you have done it yourself or heard about it?


    Profile photo of ToolsTools
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 363

    Unis are holding their open days at this time of year.Rock along and speak to them yourself face to face.


    Profile photo of GPSnetworkGPSnetwork
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 313

    Personally I think the best degree in Property is experience!

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

    Profile photo of INVESTAINVESTA
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 4

    QUT in Brisbane offers:

    Bachelor of Property Economics
    and also
    Bachelor of Construction Management

    Both of these courses could be of interest to you.

    Can check out

    Profile photo of burkeworld

    yes many universities offer degrees in “real estate”

    Profile photo of burkeworld

    sorry forgot to add, example

    this university has a very strong program in real estate, teaches you how to buy/sell property, how to become a developer with rigorous courses

    Profile photo of gafamagafama
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 118

    There are a few courses around but, like most uni courses, you only get general info. Nothing beats experience.

    Your Investing and Developing Information Hub.

    Profile photo of powmowpowmow
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 91

    hey qqq,
    in 2003, i started the course at UWS in sydney. (they also run it at UTS sydney).

    i was doing the course because i originally wanted to be a valuer. i found that i really enjoyed the property subject that i was doing, but the economic subjects (eg.micro and macro)
    i found to be really dry and boring, so i left after a semester and went to tafe and did a diploma in Real Estate.

    i now am doing a carpentry apprenticeship and i think i have finnally found what i am looking for.

    i think i might still have the notes for the property subject i was doing, and i could lend them to you if you would like to have a look at them.

    in my opinion though, if it is property investing you are looking at getting into, this course really isn’t necessary or that relevant i don’t think. it allows you to do a lot of things but it is 3-4 years full time and costs a lot of money which i think could be better spent. all depending on what you want to do of course.

    hope this helps, and give us a yell if you want to take a look at the notes


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