All Topics / Help Needed! / Can anyone recommend a good investment advisor
I posted a few days ago about what i should do RE buying a second investment and decided I’d invest in a second IP until this morning when my room mate said he’s just made a heap on stocks in mining and banks (commbank) and that I should put the money there. He gave me all the standard reasons, it’s the cycle, the returns are better blah blah blah
Now that i’m thoroughly confused about what direction to take, i need to talk to a proffesional.
Are there any investment advisors I can talk/mail to that will give me information that is relatively unbiased?
Thanks in advance,
Steve Navra is the only advisor I know who believes in property as well as shares.
I am sure there are others.
Be careful you aren’t getting into shares at the end of the boom. Thats when the majority of folks feel confident enough to get in and it is sometimes too late.
You need a plan and stick to it!
Simon Macks
Residential and Commercial Finance
0425 228 985Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
Thanks Simon,
Is Steve part of this forum? What are his details?
I would recommend his weekend course to everyone. I did it this year and learnt quite a few things.
Is relatively inexpensive compared to most.
Simon Macks
Residential and Commercial Finance
0425 228 985Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
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