All Topics / Opinionated! / What type of vehicle do you have ??

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  • Profile photo of Buying_Freedom

    I used to own a 2003 BMW that I bought from new and lost $13000 in value in the year and a half that I owned it. I wish I had read The Millionaire Next Door sooner. Upon reading it, I replaced my BMW with a 1995 Daihatsu Charade. I only recently bought a second car, a 1998 Ford Falcon. I prefer having the cheaper cars as I'm not fretting about where to park, keeping the car immaculately clean, paying exorbinant insurance, etc.

    Profile photo of L.A Aussie
    Buying_Freedom wrote:
    I used to own a 2003 BMW that I bought from new and lost $13000 in value in the year and a half that I owned it. I wish I had read The Millionaire Next Door sooner. Upon reading it, I replaced my BMW with a 1995 Daihatsu Charade. I only recently bought a second car, a 1998 Ford Falcon. I prefer having the cheaper cars as I'm not fretting about where to park, keeping the car immaculately clean, paying exorbinant insurance, etc.

    I'll bet you wished you'd bought the 2 year old Beemer and saved yourself $13k?

    Profile photo of Buying_Freedom
    Profile photo of JOnROBJOnROB
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 3

    We have 2 cars!
    2005  BA XR6 – colour "Menace" – my baby, hehe!!
    and hubby's car is
    2001 AU falcon ute – colour – "Narooma Blue"
    Need to update this one to get matching ute and sedan!

    Profile photo of danmichwilliamsdanmichwilliams
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 18

    Brand new Black Commodore SV6 ute.Leather seats and hard cover.I am a tradesmenand love driving it.Plus i get good money back on tax

    Profile photo of Gav HGav H
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 19

    1984 Holden Panelvan. (SHGN)

    Paid $5k three years ago, still worth $5k today. Shame about inflation though.

    I do have a moto too. '98 Honda VFR 800. No I don't have life insurance, yes I know I should.

    Looking at an E55 AMG Mercedes for the next car. I'll wait a few years to buy it as the val drops about 20% each year. Should be able to trade the panny in for one in 2020.

    Profile photo of PosEnterprises

    ahahhaaha bought a leased car from work, back '99 it is a Daewoo breakdown Nubira! But i just replaced the head and had it serviced it has done about 253,000km's so if i can get another 3 years out of it i would be quite happy.  Then look at something again maybe 2 or 3yrs old.

    Profile photo of goodrumgoodrum
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 23

    2008 !

    Time has flown.
    I still have the Pajero, reliable, relatively economical, (towing vehicle).

    Still under warranty, and  it is a nice handling, easy to drive 4wd.

    Profile photo of L.A Aussie

    Trying to sell our Honda Accord now for the return back to Aus in April.

    Spent 2 hours madly cleaning the car inside and out this morning as there was someone coming to look at it.

    They never showed and no phone call. Seems to be a standard thing for this caper.

    I've done it once before and was the same deal. Ended up keeping the car.

    Selling cars privately has got to be the biggest pain in the @rse in the world.

    Never again.

    Profile photo of devo76
    L.A Aussie wrote:
    Trying to sell our Honda Accord now for the return back to Aus in April.

    Spent 2 hours madly cleaning the car inside and out this morning as there was someone coming to look at it.

    They never showed and no phone call. Seems to be a standard thing for this caper.

    I've done it once before and was the same deal. Ended up keeping the car.

    Selling cars privately has got to be the biggest pain in the @rse in the world.

    Never again.

    I know this pain. Because a lot of my past cars have been special i tend to get different people wanting to buy can be a real pain.

    PS. By the way LA. I sold my car yesterday to a top bloke. Cant say what for exactly but i can put $100,000 of my PPOR plus some  left over to buy a new toy( Still gotta enjoy life) .

    Profile photo of Adam 2912Adam 2912
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 3

    2003 Toyota Landcruiser V8 Wagon.
    A bit thirsty but need something of this size to tow the boat.
    I also travel long distances for work on country roads and for this it proves invaluable in terms of comfort, ride height and kangaroos.
    If i lived in the city and didn't need such a large vehicle I would own a 4 cylinder for sure…… fuel prices are out of control!

    Profile photo of L.A Aussie
    devo76 wrote:
    L.A Aussie wrote:
    Trying to sell our Honda Accord now for the return back to Aus in April.

    Spent 2 hours madly cleaning the car inside and out this morning as there was someone coming to look at it.

    They never showed and no phone call. Seems to be a standard thing for this caper.

    I've done it once before and was the same deal. Ended up keeping the car.

    Selling cars privately has got to be the biggest pain in the @rse in the world.

    Never again.

    I know this pain. Because a lot of my past cars have been special i tend to get different people wanting to buy can be a real pain.

    PS. By the way LA. I sold my car yesterday to a top bloke. Cant say what for exactly but i can put $100,000 of my PPOR plus some left over to buy a new toy( Still gotta enjoy life) .

    Good work Steve,
    I was beginning to think it was the car that would never get sold!

    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518

    Dazzling over 3 years later and this thread is still kicking along.

    Time for more updates.

    I've still got basically the same cars and bikes from 6 months ago but also some different models and years.

    LA if you keep your cars clean then you don't need to do anything to them to sell. 

     White Toyota Troop carrier 4WD
     Green Lada Niva 4WD

     Silver Mtisubishi GTO 3000 4WD (sold but then swapped back for a 4WD)
     White Delica Space Gear 4WD (different from last up date)

    Black Delica Space Gear 4WD (different from last update)

    Champagne Gold Mercedes Benz
    Navy Blue Rolls Royce (good little money earner for photo shoots & weddings etc so keeping longer)

    Honda XL 185
    Honda Steed 400 (soon to be sold for a Harley, maybe, if the price is right)


    Profile photo of PosEnterprises

    Daewoo Nubira update –  Car is 11yrs old and done 270,000km I am goin for 300,000km then might buy another car.  or another IP by then L)

    Profile photo of voigtstrvoigtstr
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 176

    I still have the 2001 Moto Guzzi V11 Le Mans, its still going strong.  My Wife still has the 1991 Toyota Corolla Seca.

    We wont be buying a car any time soon.

    Profile photo of joshua.moorejoshua.moore
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 14

    I drive just a plane old mid 90's Ford Falcon base model. Will downsize to a four cylinder next time I purchase a car (hopefully my passive income will allow it to be an Audi A4 2.0 or something by then, but will wait and see!). This Ford and my last one have both been really reliable and needed barely any maintenance, though a little bit thirsty on the petrol for my finances. Prices having dropped dramatically the last few months has helped address this problem for now.

    Profile photo of ClubCoffsClubCoffs
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1

    New to site.

    Pride 'n Joy 1999 Audi A4 Quattro 1.8Turbo and my wife the kid mobile Mitsu Pajero 2006 (bit dodgy was in an accident which we didn;t know when we bought it)….think I'll stick to Property I ain't no mechanic!

    Profile photo of PosEnterprises

    Still talkin bout cars –

    I still driving my 99 Daewoo – A coupla guys had a bit of a dig at me for driving it… But funny that they are both renting paying off $40K plus cars and I have 2 houses….. me thinks they are not to smart.

    Profile photo of RellieRellie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 28


    I drive a Holden Captiva LX SUV – bought it on a whim when they were first released and I was younger. I love it but I'm trying to sell it now as my partner and I are buying a home together. I figure it's better to spend the money I would normally spend on car repayments on an asset that goes up in value rather than down. And since it only gets driven maybe once every 1-2 weeks (my partner has a work car so we use that where possible to save) I made the decision to sell. 

    Lesson learnt though, won't go buying any new expensive toys again in a hurry.

    PS – If anyone is interested it's a great car – only 18,000kms, seats 7, leather etc – only $33,500 (but I willing to negotiate)  

    Profile photo of devo76

    Just bought a mint Ducati 916 strada. Love it. Also have a pulsar sss for the wife( Last one sold in Australia). I also have a zookie sierra that i bought 4 years ago for under $1,000 bucks. Love it, never one thing wrong with it and runs on a oily rag. Great for bush bashing,towing my tinny and generally carefree motoring. I also have a company car for use while im at work. Cant take it with me on leave.

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