All Topics / Help Needed! / gaining finance

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  • Bullion
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 7

    Good Evening people

    I have been been in background reading all your posts and many investing books now for quite a while and gaining invaulable knowledge on different investment strategies. All you people inspire me that someday I will enjoy a lifestyle that wont include concerns about whether I can afford something.

    I was in a financial position early last year (when I first discovered steves books and this website) to commence investing but as I was still reasonably young I wanted to travel and see a bit of the world, I had spent the previous 7 years extremely unwell with a serious lung disease and my life was turned upside down for teh better when I recieved a double lung transplant that at the end of the day, I had to do what was in my heart and experience that, I certainly dont regret it now that I am back.

    I am now home and debt free from travel, and have saved about $5000 in the past couple of months through moving back in with the folks and also trading on ebay which I have been doing the past 4 – 5 years whilst unwell.

    Now the problem I am facing at the minute is that I am finding it difficult to find lenders that are willing to loan to somebody thats on a disability pension. I understand that the extra funds I make trading on ebay I cant really declare which makes life tough to qualify, even if you save a decent deposit.

    What I cant understand with banks and finance institutions is that they know that a person on welfare will pay up to $120 a week in rent but when it comes to loaning $80000 for investment purposes and we all know that morgage repayments are much less than that (certainly isnt my intention to live in it, well maybe have it in my name for the 6 months to qualify for FHOG) well
    the banks just wont have a bar of you.

    I am probably at a point now where I can get some part time work and gently ease myself back into some employment but even then I would have to wait 6 months before id be considered, I guess I am just frustrated in that I am young, have read lots, im enthusiastic and want to be successful more than anything in the world but this is holding me back, I do have good parents that I was hoping could back me up but unfortunately as much as I love them they have a very old school way of thinking in that they think everything could go wrong, very conservitive thinking people .
    I know I could service the loan even if the property was vacant, that what makes me so frustrated I guess, sorry for rambling guys but hopefully some of you wise ones can give me some guidance as I feel really deflated at the minute.

    Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3,781

    Without knowing more I am reluctant to make suggestions and give you false hope.

    Can I suggest you call a broker and explain what you need.

    If you have a large enough deposit or someone to help you with equity then something may be able to be done.

    I would have done the same thing as you and travelled after what you have been through – don’t ever consider feeling guilty about that! Investing isn’t life’s most important goal despite what you may think from some of the folks in here [biggrin]


    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker

    [email protected]
    0425 228 985

    Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.

    Profile photo of gafamagafama
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 118

    What about trying to find a property where the vendor will finance you in? Provided you can afford it (and you make a good argument that you can) you might be able to find a person who can “wrap” you into a place



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