All Topics / Help Needed! / Sub Division Costs?

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  • Profile photo of elbows

    Howdy, I am begining the process of sub dividing a block of land. I have been quoted $1000 from a surveyor to ascertain from the local council weather the sub division complies with their plans. Is there a cheaper way to get council approval or do I have to gamble the $1000 to get an anser. Any help welcome.


    Profile photo of hmackayhmackay
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 197


    I would go the the local council and find out their requirements. If it all seem too difficult then employ someone.


    Profile photo of RonnyRonny
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 31

    I agree that you should talk to council with a copy of the title with you, and know the dimensions, etc. My understanding is that you will need a plan of sub-division designed by a Surveyor for your application which would come from your site feature survey which will cost up to 1K anyway from the survayor. If the Surveyor is experienced with the local council they should be able to give you a good indication anyway.Look for driveway access, power supply, drainage and water supply issues, etc. obviously easements, building code/s, distances etc will be a key consideration from council.
    Good Luck

    Profile photo of elbows

    Thanks for your replies. I have spoken with the local council and while they will not give a definate yes, they were positive in their feedback. I was just hpoing to save a few bucks if they knocked it back. I guess I will stick with the professionals and see how it goes. Cheers.


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