All Topics / Help Needed! / Dubbo
I’m wondering about Dubbo as a place to invest for + cash flow, does anyone (perhaps local) have insight into the market at the moment? Also does anyone have advice on the population projection of dubbo? The other economic indicators seem to be hopeful from looking at the council website.
I have noticed a couple of potentially + cash [confused2]deals in Dubbo. For example there is one on catherine drive for $89K, rental return of $150 p/w (currently leased), which real estate agent claims is in need of $3k repair, may have potential.
However, past forum posts seem to indicate catherine drive is a bad street, is this still the case? I don’t understand why the rental is so high compared to average rent for Dubbo if it’s in a bad street…[confused2]
Cheers, Emily
Hey there I will be going through Dubbo on my way to the August 18 MASTER cLASS HAPPY TO HAVE A LOOK ON THE WAY?
Hi Emily,
I don’t know much about Dubbo except that I’ve driven through there around 8 times in the past 4 years, on our bi-yearly Melbourne – Townsville Uni drives. I would do some hard research on Dubbo if you are considering investing there, there really isn’t much there at all – although we do often stop for petrol, but usually can’t even find a decent spot for lunch there.
Good luck, and cheers!
Dubbo is a regional hub. If I was looking to invest in a central west NSW town (which I’m not), it would be Dubbo.
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1300 660033 like Dubbo as a place to invest. Don’t buy in Catherine Drive sight unseen. Check whether other agents will manage the property.
What about capital gain in Dubbo, do some investigating on that topic. Is it a growth area ?
Thanks for everyone’s comments and thanks Jarrah for offering to take a look. [exhappy] Only do this if you are interested in the place to invest! It seems that Cunningham St also has a reasonably priced 2 bedroom unit. I’m guessing from crj’s comment that catherine drive is still dodgy.
I’m in the process of investigating Dubbo’s capital growth. I suspect it will be steady, but will have to do some more research in this area. I just wondered whether anyone had local info, before I forked out for a property report!
I’m in the process of investigating various areas before I go out and hit the pavements. I’m considering the following areas, which I believe to have potential, both in terms of +cf and/or growth:
– Warren (near dubbo)
– Cairns + Edmonton
– Rockhampton
– Caboolture
– Mackay
– Beenleigh, Eagleby, Logan Central, Woodridge
– Brisbane CBDWould be grateful on any comments on the above.
I’m also looking at commercial property, as I think that there’s much stronger returns. However I’ve found so far that the better opportunities are out of my price range, considering 30% deposit, GST etc
I wish I had the money to buy blocks of units. Here’s a potentially good deal I’ve just seen [suave3]
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