All Topics / Help Needed! / Bad tenant

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  • Profile photo of Tveia

    Have a problem with the tenant
    Didn’t pay for 3 weeks, and is not for the first time, I just find out that they use to do the same with the previous landlord and they been kicked out.Plus the agent told them they can have a dog but not inside the house, and is inside at al times.
    At this stage they not opening the dor to the real estate agent
    What should I do?


    Profile photo of shake-the-diseaseshake-the-disease
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 97

    Don’t be shy, you are paying the PM to provide a service, make them deliver it. You should ask them how to remove the tennant. Chances are it is going to be very difficult to do so before the end of the lease.

    Profile photo of Tveia

    Thanks mate
    Regards Tveia


    Profile photo of camdercamder
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 170

    Maybe the dog is your “out”. I would think that if the pet is not written into and “addendum” in the lease then it could be you exit. I am aware that it is difficult to xclude a pet but the fact that it inside after strict request not to be, then they are breaking the laese cotract and can be removed .If of course they have a lease. If not , then you are having a course in tenants. Cheers Len

    Profile photo of plpropertyplproperty
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 50

    What state/territory are you in?

    If in Qld, your rental manager could have issued the tenants with a ‘notice to remedy breach’ after 7 days rental arrears or breach of tenancy T&C (dog inside)

    Luke Woollard
    Pacific Lifestyle Property

    comments made are general information only. you should seek professional advice for your particular circumstances.

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