All Topics / General Property / Sydney Discussion Group

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  • Profile photo of GPSnetwork

    That sounds ok too, what does everyone attending think?

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

    Profile photo of toni89

    A general get together is fine with me. I am not sure how much I could contribute.

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi toni89
    Never under estimate your own value.
    brain storming is one of the most powerful tools in business.
    microsoft and mcdonalds both have brain storming days set aside for there management teams.

    here to help

    Profile photo of Lou32zLou32z
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 26

    Im happy for a fairly unstructured agenda. Especially for the first meeting. Im in Toni’s camp and am not too sure on how much I can contribute (being more of a starter than a seasoned investor), however Im very keen to hear from others and hopefully contribute when I can.



    Profile photo of Richo1Richo1
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 27

    Hi every body,
    just wonding how long the meeting will go for and being a “newbee” i would not mind if we had an agenda on topics like,
    a)How to research areas to buy in to
    b) Where the market is now
    c) finance ideas
    d) how to protect your finance and properties
    there’s are just suggestion, may be 15 minutes on each subject then open floor , brain storm session
    what do you think ?
    ho and introduction of every body ( 5 mins )what you do and were you are at with investing
    thanks Richo

    Profile photo of GPSnetwork

    Sound like a good start, what do you think camder??

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

    Profile photo of Administrator

    I think if we run out of room or breath or need to wash them Tim Tams down…

    I hear they serve cold beverages at the Bayview, a stone’s throw away I believe.


    ‘Stay Happy and you’ll be Perfectly Fine’ – Jack

    Profile photo of camder

    Hi Roy,
    After a week cruising the Murray River and coming home to heaps of forum activity and emails I note you have kept the home fires burning and the topic on the “board” for the get-to-gether and I note your question as to what I think about the agenda/topics. And although the first meeting was fairly easy-going, I think that some sort of Q and A theme could be good. I believe that, even if we have no person there to give an “answer” , I am sure we could have heaps of varied experiences that may shed some light for the question-asker.
    As to other spects of RICHO’s ideas, lets see how we go and (once again) LET’S SEE WHAT COMES UP !!(as the actress said to the Bishop)
    I am looking forward to the session and Roy, can you give me a ring on 9703 4851 a/h if you have kept a note of possible numbers for “nibbly” catering.
    It sticks out like dogsb**lls that we appear to have some Tim Tam fanciers in our midst and I am equally sure that we will need some tea or coffee to wash down the nibblies. Pls give me a call one night .Thank you ,and will come and visit Tuesday / Wednesday evening for further discussion face to face
    Cheers for now Len

    Profile photo of toni89

    Might be a good idea if we all chipped in something? or else bring something along. I’ll bring the chocolate Montes!

    Profile photo of dohickydohicky
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 86

    yes i think if we can bring something to eat/drink along would be good, I’ll see what I can russle up – with a chocolate theme of course!

    I would also like to know other peoples opinions/experiences on investing in NZ, can this please be added to the topic list.

    Cant wait, I love tim tams [blush2]

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi all
    do we ration 2 or 3 tim tams per person or do I talk now to my lender for shares in tim tam and use it as a promotion event.
    I thought we were at 15 looks like more Im sat here drinking my scotch and thinking thank god I didn’t offer to bring some drinks.
    I think a general get to gether will be best and if the numbers are there(and it looks like they are)we see how we go.
    I’m putting a sunset clause on the number of packets of tim tams at 10 ( or a put call option which ever you wish).

    here to help

    Profile photo of Nikki KNikki K
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 15


    Hoping you can squeeze two more in. My partner and I would like to come along. Len, I can give you an update on Inverell. We met up with Mike from Raine & Horne, he was great.

    I will bring a large platter of cheese and bickies, for the savoury fans (like myself). Looking forward to meeting you all.


    Nikki K

    Nikki K

    Profile photo of GPSnetwork

    WOW this is becoming a party more than anything… lol

    Sounds good, I’ll make sure we have enough mugs for tea & coffee..

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

    Profile photo of camder

    It seems to me that some of form for the meeting should be looked at and after reading some ideas from the attendees, perhaps a short intro would be a good palce to start. Make a note of questions and we could have a “brain -storming ” or “blame -storming” session after the intro’s. I would also suggest we have someone keep a general record (-and I use the term loosely-) simply so that if subjects come at subsequent meetings with new comers, it may be useful to refer back. If the idea has merit , do we have a shorthand person among us. Gee taht shows my age eh???I will bring some stick on name tags if you would like to use them and we have the use of a white board . It seems the need for something like this is evident by the replies and I look forward to meeting all.{{Actually the name tags are only so I can remember you, my memory is shot—what was the meeting for again and who am I ???}}
    There will be tea and coffee and REAL milk, but if you think of it, maybe a mug or cup could be useful in case even more peaple turn up.
    Thank you guys for your support. Cheers for now Len
    Thank you also NikkiK for your Inverell info,I look forward to hearing more!!!

    Profile photo of GPSnetwork

    Great, I’ll be getting some foam mugs for thecoffes today and Real Milk.

    As Len suggested it’s important to have a structure to these meetings as they may get out of hand. The intro is very important as well as he note taking, also:

    We should be clear to where we are in our current investments journey?

    What we would like to acheive?

    What resources we need to acheive them?

    What time frame we would like to do this in?

    Questions like this will stimulate a great start I think..

    Ah, and I’m preparing a Sydney Discussin Group Log that we can fill out with our details and photo copy for everyone if you like so we keep each others details for reference.

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

    Profile photo of maximusmaximus
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 189

    Hi guys.

    Wont be able to make this get-together unfortunately. Pity, I was looking forward to those tim-tams.

    Hopefully can make the next one.

    Have fun all.

    Oh, and by the way, my non-attendance has nothing to do with the footy, lol.

    Profile photo of Administrator

    Sunday the 11th of September 2005 is just around the corner.

    I take it we are meeting at the Gladesville office courtesy of Roy and GPS.

    What time? And what food/drinks do we still need?


    P.S. Don’t make it too early as I am on public transport.

    ‘Stay Happy and you’ll be Perfectly Fine’ – Jack

    Profile photo of camder

    Think this forum is so long now that we have forgotten the important info—-The catering—-
    T-bone Steaks, Salads, Baked Potatoes, Fried Rice, Pavlova and Cream, —-all these things will not be supplied!!!
    Maybe just Tim Tam, and Chocolate Montes and tea ,coffee and sugar and REAL milk.
    Please be there as close to 4pm as you can but I believe it is better to come later than not at all and yes it is at Suite 33,Level3,1-7 Jordan St Gladesville.
    Maybe a mug or cup for tea or coffee.There will be something else to nibble if you are not a chocolate freak.
    Cheers for now Len (Ph 0417 448093 if U need)

    Profile photo of Administrator

    How formal…

    I was hoping for a BBQ where we knaw into chops and skull beer and talk a whole lot of BS before leaving for home happy as Larry with a few roadies in hand.

    Now that my dreams have been shattered, I’m guessing that it’ll be the same scenario minus the inclusions.


    ‘Stay Happy and you’ll be Perfectly Fine’ – Jack

    Profile photo of camder

    Visited the venue this arvo and noticed that parking is not real great.Looking on the map and coming off Victoria Road into Jordan st, there is very limited parking in Jordan St, however, there is a RSL at the bottom of Jordan St that has space.!!! NO, I am not suggesting you park there if you are not going to use the RSL????, I am just saying there is space there to park.NUDGE,NUDGE,WINK ,WINK.
    See you, if I see you.
    Cheers Len

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