All Topics / Help Needed! / 2nd Attempt At Property

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  • Profile photo of pabbs73

    Hi all. This is my 1st Listing.

    My wife and I are considering a 2nd attempt at propert investing. Our 1st attempt was a negative geared apartment in QLD (after one of THOSE seminars !!)We kept it for about 3 years then offloaded, as negative gearing was sapping our dollars. We managed to sell, and lost a small amount of cash along the way.

    I am tired of working and getting little progress (floating along). We are as nervous as hell about trying again, but I can see that the rewards can be great.

    I am gathering as much info as I can (this time). I was after some feedback on the Vic markets, as we like the thought of the Geelong region.(We live close to this area) Is now a good time ? Are these types of propertys possible to find at present ?

    Hope for some feedback….pabbs73 [biggrin]

    Profile photo of neo25x5neo25x5
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 166

    Who can say pabbs? I wish it were that easy to post an area that wanted to buy in and get a yes or no answer. I’m afraid it aint easy. Given that you said your nervous about getting back into pi, all the more reason to conduct a lot of your own research to ascertain if an area you wish to buy has some potential.


    Profile photo of hmackayhmackay
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 197

    Welcome 73,

    I guess you’ll be a lot wiser this time.

    I think you are on track with:

    I am gathering as much info as I can (this time). I was after some feedback on the Vic markets, as we like the thought of the Geelong region.(We live close to this area) Is now a good time ? Are these types of propertys possible to find at present ?

    Research, research, research,
    do some searches on this forum, you’ll find heaps to help you and good luck.


    Profile photo of GPSnetworkGPSnetwork
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 313

    I agree with hmackay Research, Research, Research really that’s your only savior.

    You being here and getting assistance is a great start to overcome your nervousness, I know it’s very hard the second time around although there are people out there that do it differently.

    Personally I haven’t looked into the Geelong region, but we are great believers of the Perth market, especially neutral or slightly negative geared properties in high growth suburbs.

    Roy H.
    L.R.E.A., Dip FS (FP)
    Guardian Property Specialists (GPS)

    Profile photo of pabbs73

    Mmmm, thanks for the feedback all…..

    Research, sound like the go ! I hear rumours that the market is slowing at present. Would it be a better option to wait for awhile, or invest now ???? Has anyone got any views, if flats or houses would be a better option ? We are more interested in long term +cash flow investments..

    Pabbs73 [blush2]

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Hi Pabbs

    Sounds to me you need a combination of both capital growth through direct property investment as well as some positive cash flow to counter balance the negative gearing.

    Roy and his team at GPS network have a good range of property which could be the way to start with. If you are looking at holding long term and prepared to accept short term fluctuations in the market I think now is as good as any time to buy.

    Dependant on equity and borrowing capacity why not consider a combination of both as I mention. A wrap, Lease Option or second mortgage lending will give you a higher cash flow and you could use this to offset any effective cash shortfall.

    With a well chosen property the amount of shortfall would be reduced after the Depreciation and Write Off benefits have been factored into the equasion.

    You may be better off starting by getting your borrowing capacity and finance choices set up first so you are aware of your options. Happy to crunch some numbers if you feel we can be of assistance.

    Cheers Richard

    IP funding and US property finance
    our speciality

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of lifeXlifeX
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 651

    I think the market opinion of the market is low in Vic, but the underlying market is actually strong.

    Reasons: Melbourne has the highest immigration projections of all of Australia at present. These extra people need somewhere to live.

    Melbourne is still way behind Sydney prices.

    Commonwealth games next year will boost awareness of Melbs.

    This will have some flow on effect to Geelong, I’m sure.

    Still got a lot of baby boomers retiring soon, maybe these will move to cheaper regional areas…. more demand again for Geelong and other spots.

    Just my thoughts.

    Live, Learn and Grow


    Profile photo of Endless SummerEndless Summer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 62

    I think if you are local to Geelong and you seem to feel comfortable there, then I would suggest you really focus there. Better to get a really good deal in Geelong then ‘nearly’ get a really great deal anywhere else.

    Get on the phone/internet/ground and get to know the Geelong market like the back of your hand. Find out all the numbers on the houses, flats and units.

    Then try and get a feel for the potential demand in the area. Get onto the relevant internet web pages – ie Geelong local Government etc. Speak to local business groups to find out if there is potential new businesses opening up locally and see if that gives you any direction for potential housing demand.

    And most of all start viewing the properties and speaking to the agents.

    It seems to me that there are opportunities everywere – and if you are in Geelong (and you seem to be gravitating the the local market) then maybe you should just become a key investor in Geelong. There are plenty of other people making money in Geelong property I’m sure – so why not you.

    Good luck. Let us know how you go.

    Profile photo of Mobile MortgageMobile Mortgage
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 913

    Hi Pabbs73 & welcome to the forum,
    Some very good points raised by LifeX & Endless Summer.

    Also, as you are probably aware the much anticipated Geelong ring road is finally set to become a reality, I feel this should have a major positive impact on the property market in and around the Geelong & Surfcoast region, Cheers.

    Mortgage Broker

    Mobile Mortgage Market
    Ph: 0402 483 216

    PLEASE note comments made should not be taken as specific taxation, financial, legal or investment advice.

    Profile photo of pabbs73

    Thanks for the advice, all..I hadn’t considered the possible effects that the Ring Road may have on the area ! I was abit concerned that we may hve missed the boat, as the min price around main Geelong seems to be 150, 160K @ approx $150 per week rent…


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