All Topics / Help Needed! / Victoria House Sales

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  • Profile photo of Endless Summer

    Hi guys, I would like to find out the specific house price sales for Victoria. ie. house address, date of sale and price.

    I’ve looked on Residex web site and this states that privacy legislation in Vic does not allow this. Residex is however able to supply the current market value of a property by its address (omitting the actual date of sale and sale price).

    So I was wondering how other investors on this site obtain specific sales information by property address and date for Victoria??

    I know real estate agents have this information, but is there another way for non real estate agents to obtain the information. To me it seems relevant to being able to make confident offers!

    Thanks for you input in advance.

    Profile photo of MichaelYardney

    None of the general providers of property information can give you this as they are all bound by the same privacy restrictions.

    This is a Vicorian restrcition – it doesn’t make sense to me why privacy legislation should vary from state to state.

    Estate agents and valuers have acces to this information. If you are wanting to know about sales near a particular property you are interested in, then a local agent could help you, but for general research, you are stuck in the same position as most investors

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
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    Profile photo of Tools

    In the Herald Sun on a Sunday they pick a property that is for sale,and list all the prices it has been sold at for the past 20 or 30 years.I assume thy must get this information from a real estate agent.But if this information is covered by privacy laws,what is the difference between a RE and an investor accessing it?


    Profile photo of aussiexjaussiexj
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 61

    Make friends with a RE agent… Is that possible? He, He!!


    Profile photo of MichaelYardney
    Originally posted by Tools:

    In the Herald Sun on a Sunday they pick a property that is for sale,and list all the prices it has been sold at for the past 20 or 30 years.I assume thy must get this information from a real estate agent.But if this information is covered by privacy laws,what is the difference between a RE and an investor accessing it?


    The theory is that real estate agents require this information to make informed decisions when advising prospective sellers on prices they should be asking for their proeprties

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
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    Profile photo of Tools

    Hi Michael,I understand the theory,but investors require the information to make informed decisions as well.I just don’t see how REAs are above it all.

    Profile photo of MichaelYardney
    Originally posted by Tools:

    Hi Michael,I understand the theory,but investors require the information to make informed decisions as well.I jusy don’t see how REAs are above it all.

    You are correct – its privacy laws gone a bit stupid.

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
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    Profile photo of Endless Summer

    Thanks for responses everyone.
    Seems as though unless the stats are obtained from a REA they are not available. Ball park figures on current values from Resisex seem to be best option.

    Looks like offers will have to be put forward erring on side of caution – bu then I guess that should be done anyway.

    Thanks again.

    Profile photo of hustla

    to endless summer

    i believe i can find out this information you are looking for, give me the address and i will do a search for u and post the results.

    Profile photo of Tools

    Hustla,how do you intend to find out this info?

    Profile photo of Tools

    The Residex Property Explorer report may have past sales data.Below is a list of what it includes.It cost $65 if past sales are available,or $55 if not.I am not sure if you can find out if the data is available before you purchase.


    For your choice of property, gives:

    * sales history (if available)
    * nearby sales for last 24 months
    * value estimates based on both sales history and nearby sales
    * medians, historic growth and predictions for the postcode, as per the postcode explorer

    Profile photo of rmittlal1rmittlal1
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 12


    The data can be obtained from

    All real estate agents are members of this site. Just find out how you can pay for it and do your search. Its not that expensive.

    Profile photo of hustla


    I have access to all sales that have been reported to reiv since 1991 as well as rental figures from the last five years, so if you or endless summer would like to give me the address that you want this information for I am happy to help out

    Profile photo of Luan CaoLuan Cao
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 23

    go to you can buy a postcode snapshot for about $50.00 this gives you all the sales in the last 12 or 24 months depending on which one you want to buy. it gives all the sales in a specific postcode you nominate.

    Kind regards


    Profile photo of Endless Summer

    Thanks for Web sites provided – they are a great reference.

    Hustla, thanks for offering to assist with specific information to an address. I don’t have one I’m looking at specifically right now – but appreciate the offer.

    I was just getting frustrated with the lack of historical specific information available generally – hence the post.

    Whilst Private sales information in Vic is protected (house number) – the web sites given offer enough good information to be able to piece together the sales for specific houses over time with a little effort.

    Thanks for responses.

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