All Topics / General Property / The sun shines from my….
heliostat.There was an interesting article in THE AGE on June 4 about how tall buildings have blocked out so much of the sunlight in New York.It has got to the stage now where they are installing 3 Heliostats at a cost of more than $1m USD.Heliostats are basically mirrors that follow the sun,and these three will redirect the sun to a park that never seems to get the sun anymore.Pretty sad really.I was reminded of it as I drove through Southbank in Melbourne today,minus the sun.Thankyou very much Mr Grollo.You have now built the tallest residential tower in the southeren hemisphere,and left us and future generations with a legacy that will never be removed.
Hi Tools,
Drop George Bush an e-mail here and ask him to arrange for his ‘friends’ to demolish the ‘tallest residential tower in the southeren hemisphere’ just like they did to the World Trade Centre towers on September 11.
I reckon George will go for it as he needs something to distract the public attention away from himself and his gang of thugs right now.
Cheers, Nobleone. [biggrin]
“Making mistakes is just another another tool for learning.”
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