All Topics / Help Needed! / A sick persuit of money
Hi Millionaire in Training..
Craig TURNBULLS just written a book incorporating your name into the title..
“Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculatori can’t wait til i start to make a motzah out of this property gig.
maybe then all the aunts, unlces, friends, etc who’ve given me those infuriating, patronising looks, like ‘yes, dear, but really, what do you think you be when you grow up?’ will take me seriously.
at first they didn’t believe i could save and buy a house
then they didn’t believe i could renovate it
then they didn’t believe that i had actually researched my area, or that i knew i could make capital gains in a relatively short timenow i have made about 90K in my first buy renovate sell (not a million, but not a bad start i reckon), and they don’t believe i can do it again.
they don’t believe i can build/develop
they don’t believe in anything except working for the man.(nb, they thought i was being frivolous and dreamy when i started obsessing over real estate in croatia, france, argentina years ago. i didn’t have any money to buy it at the time, but the point is, they thought it was a stupid idea and it wasn’t!)
anyways, i know it’s really early days for me, but i can’t wait for the day that someone asks me at a party what i do for a living and i can say ‘i renovate and redevelop property, and i love it’ or something like that.
and another thing:
everyone needs an income, yeah? and everyone has the right to at least try and make their income doing somethign they love, yeah? well, i’m planning to make my money out of property cos i love it. i am obsessed with houses. i have been reading vogue living and the domain lift out since year 9. i love houses like some people love cars, or sports teams, or whatever. hopefully it will be a profitable business, but whatever profit i turn will be secondary to how much i love what i do. and i’m betting all you guys aren’t in this property gig just because it earns you dollars. so tell that to the people who think you’re just chasing the $$$.wow. schpiel.
excellent topic. as we see in life, just like celebrities, whoever gets further ahead than the pack gets pulled down. people are scared of losing you, and too scared to keep up. it comes down to greed and fear, and what you have overcome is what you are arousing in them. no need to be upset about it, we should sympathise for these others who don’t know any better, they are obviously in some emotional pain, and there is no need for us to feel bad about doing well.[biggrin]
I have learned something amazing about money and property.
I love it passionately AND what anyone else thinks about me and what I do is NONE OF MY BUSINESS and I suppose the same goes fthe other way round all those comments (snides) about money, wealth and property investing from others – well, [biggrin]what I think about them is MY business and none of theirs.
I TOTALLY agree with you were do these people get off. It is a fact of life that money makes the world go around . I have an Omegatrend business and I get paid for paying my bills,I also get paid to have a mortgage on my investment property(nice). I refer the savings to you and then you get paid for paying your bills this then produces a passive income that does not require a time for dollar ratio but I am slandered a pyramid seller and money obsessed mother! I say to you the highest moral person pay your mortgage with company A for a excellent rate and an extra $2000 a month on top of your normal income and if you refuse it doesnt make you happy it makes you ignorant! If you are poor and sitting having dinner and the electric company calls and says you need to pay your bill a reply such as “sorry I cant but I will share the love we have for each other with you” will that be an acceptable answer? No but if you earn enough money to not only pay your light bill but then say to the company” and I will also pay for my whole streets bills too “wont that make you happy… It will make you estatic!! and how do they feel?Over the moon My motto LEARN..EARN..and RETURN!! Feel sorry for those people because you offer a solution to their problem but the are not smart enough to take it!
Originally posted by raliruss:I TOTALLY agree with you were do these people get off. It is a fact of life that money makes the world go around . I have an Omegatrend business and I get paid for paying my bills,I also get paid to have a mortgage on my investment property(nice). I refer the savings to you and then you get paid for paying your bills this then produces a passive income that does not require a time for dollar ratio but I am slandered a pyramid seller and money obsessed mother! I say to you the highest moral person pay your mortgage with company A for a excellent rate and an extra $2000 a month on top of your normal income and if you refuse it doesnt make you happy it makes you ignorant! If you are poor and sitting having dinner and the electric company calls and says you need to pay your bill a reply such as “sorry I cant but I will share the love we have for each other with you” will that be an acceptable answer? No but if you earn enough money to not only pay your light bill but then say to the company” and I will also pay for my whole streets bills too “wont that make you happy… It will make you estatic!! and how do they feel?Over the moon My motto LEARN..EARN..and RETURN!! Feel sorry for those people because you offer a solution to their problem but the are not smart enough to take it!
What rate does Citibank offer you as an OT member?
What fees do you pay?
How much would a $250 000 loan run through the OT offer add to your OT income per month?
Not asking for your details – just a generic model.
Simon Macks
Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
***NODOC @ 7.15% to 70% LVR***
0425 228 985Comments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
If you treated this as a business then I am sure you would not have the same concerns. After all you are after the bottom line. Just remember the simple rules, buy low, spend only what you need and sell at the right time. If you are so worried about what people think about you then re=examine your life.Are you boasting? I’m not being judgemental but sometimes we have to question our own motives.
How do we come across to others? So many people have been burned in this market and those that are left should ensure that they in their dealings don’t try make a profit by underhand means. If you are sure you have done the right thing, paid the people you should have, then answer them by pointing out the the money you have made has created jobs and you have made a difference for good.
Just believe in yourself.I think Steve said it somewhere that chasing money for moneys sake is an empty goal.
However, i dont think being a property investor is all about money. Most people are too scared to venture outside of their 9-5 job security to actually see what else is available. Hence they may critise you as u had the guts to actually do something.
I personally would be happy to meet any property investor as i hope to one day become a successful property investor, and i know that i could learn alot from you.Hi, interesting stories you all share. I have the same problem, mostly with family. They usually say “What do you want so much money for?”
I’ve looked into myself & discovered the greatest joy I experienced was when I studied the layout plans for a re-development project. It suddenly hit me that in high school all I wanted was to be a writer or an architect (to design houses). I became an English teacher.
Now the banks & immigration people have me down as a self-employed businesswoman in education services & property investment!
I say with great conviction at parties that I invest in property because it gives me much joy & satisfaction.
Incidentally, if my properties cannot sell, I hold them for the rental income.
Kum Yin
great read, i can relate to a lot of these stories.
“It’s not how much money you make, It’s how you spend it that matters.”
Aspiring property developer
Giulio Taranto
Fantastic and morale building to read everyones replies, and it has been going for one year!
I nearly lost a close friendship when a girlfriend critised my interest in purchasing more property. Her reaction was “dont you think you have enough now?” My response was “Have not got enough to afford the jet to take us away to that private villa in the south of France yet!” I laughed but my friend did not. Interestingly, my friend did not seem to understand why I was always busy, even though I would explain that research takes time and I would still make the time to chat to her about her latest job search or change. Now we simply do not talk about money and I guess I accept the way she is for now, and am thankful we are still friends and find other things to talk about.
Life is full of learning in the most unexpected ways and interesting places.
Thanks everyone for allowing me to see that I was not alone in experiencing the limiting negative responses, which I have learnt to disregard for the most part.
At home mum and future jet owner
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