All Topics / Help Needed! / A sick persuit of money

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  • Profile photo of vivasash

    I guess also you could surround yourself with like minded people, and not try to change your family and friends who are not into property…

    It can be hard for some to see that others are making money so easy…

    Keep up the good work there Dr.X! Lead by example and help those that try to follow in your footsteps…



    Viva Las Vegas!

    Profile photo of vivasash

    I guess also you could surround yourself with like minded people, and not try to change your family and friends who are not into property…

    It can be hard for some to see that others are making money so easy…

    Keep up the good work there Dr.X! Lead by example and help those that try to follow in your footsteps…



    Viva Las Vegas!

    Profile photo of ilearnerilearner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 56

    Everyone has their say. All are right I believe. That is why we are individual. I think too harsh is not very good to relationship. Maybe all you need is to adjust way of expressing your job.

    By the way, how many full time investors here?

    Profile photo of voigtstrvoigtstr
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 176

    I’m yet to invest.. still saving towards a ppor and I have to try reducing my personal debt. I’m currently in I.T. but not a flashy programmer or anything, just an I.T. helpdesk analyst. To non I.T. people, when asked, I tell them i fix people’s computer problems. When people in IT ask what I do they probably take pity on me that I’m still doing helpdesk work when I have a degree.. I dont seem to have what it takes to sell myself to get ahead… however I want now to be in property. I want to be able to tell people “I’m a property developer” or “I work in Real Estate” and I hope the quality of the houses (once spruced up) or new houses if I end up going that route sell themselves… otherwise I’ll probably have to pay someone else to do the selling for me… I’m just not a salesman.

    Profile photo of waynel2waynel2
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 311

    hey voigtstr, I’m in I.T too – it’s not that bad:) It takes a motivated and tolerant person to be on a helpdesk – you should pat ya self on the back! I know I couldn’t do that job!:)

    To add to this post – I was recently talking to a mate of mine who is working in the mines up north – he’s making a lot of money, and paying a lot of tax!

    I said “why don’t you consider investing in real-estate, etc, etc”… his reply was that he does not want all the stress – he just wants to own his own house, spend time with his wife and have a nice car…

    He then said – “how can you sleep at night being 24 yrs old and having so much debt?”. I thought it doesn’t bother me one bit – and replied I actually have a good feeling when I go to bed, as I know that every day that goes past my properties are all increasing in value, creating more wealth, and allowing me to do much more in life than work 9-5 everyday!

    I have another mate that things wonders of what I have done from scratch… he’s amazed at how people can do it and is now looking at getting his own IP!

    At the end of the day, I think it comes down to the individual’s mindset – some people see real estate as a big, stressful venture and their defence is to be negative towards people involved in it.

    Anyway, back to work!


    Wayne Leech

    *Below are links to my websites – any feedback, comments would be appreciated:) – Holiday Homes in Western Australia – Accommodation in Western Australia – List your property for FREE

    Profile photo of pete rpete r
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 80

    Hi voigtstr
    Don’t be so hard on yourself. Attitude is what determines our results, especially attitude about ourselves. Often we have skills and abilities to which we are blind.

    You say you are not a salesman. Actually you are, you sell your time to your employer. Just another way of looking at things.

    When you say you can’t do things is that can’t or won’t? Selling in the broad sense is a necessary basic skill, especially in property investing. If you were able to learn IT, I have no doubt that you have the ability to learn other skills including selling. If your motives to achieve something are strong enough then you will learn the skills you require in order to achieve them.

    You CAN do it.


    Profile photo of kay henrykay henry
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,737

    The richest person I know has never ever mentioned money- she didn’t need to. She also spoke 5 languages, read a book every day, found an important gene as a molecular biologist (at the age of 24) and is now a Diplomat. I suppose she must be pitied for having a job- small poppy that she is.

    I love this quote, Dr X:

    “…or you know in my proffession I used to work for charity (NOT). I don’t like it and its not in my character to be rude, but I find that I have little tollerance for illiteracy and stupidity.”

    Thanks for that- food for thought [fez]

    kay henry

    Profile photo of furrymoggyfurrymoggy
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 9

    what a crock of <edited>e, you people have failed to comprehend anything ….life is not about money its about life the people around you the environment etc….if you wish to pillage this world , in time there will be nothing left. greed is evil , and those that chase money for gain’s are truly selfish.
    Those that do it for the right reasons: good for you
    those people are the ones that know where they came from and know what it means to be financially free , and those that buy up big (houses cars land etc….are just asking for bankruptcy). to you i say you got whats coming to you.

    well to the first poster here, if you dont like being called this , then what do you think happens to us poor people we get called many things ….so get used to it! [evil4]

    the surfing cat!

    Profile photo of lthompsonlthompson
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 2

    Dear all,

    It has been very interesting reading this thread. As one of the ‘flashy programmers’ in IT, I just wanted to point out that each person is a valid human being, no matter what they do, and no matter what their attitude is.

    A friend of mine used to talk about ‘being the bigger person’, by which she meant that when you feel like you are getting drawn into an argument, take a step back and look at it differently.

    When I was 17 I was a moralistic, arrogant little <edited>, amongst other qualities. Looking back I have learned a lot since then, and like to think I am now a much better person.

    My point is, that everyone has their own journey, and develops ways of thinking over the course of their life. It doesn’t mean they are bad people if they don’t see something that you see.

    I really hate this idea that if you want to be rich, you should go out and drop all your friends in favour of some more succesful ones. Isn’t that the most unfeeling and cruel thing you could do? Surely if you learn something that your friends don’t know, and start to become succesful, you would share that with them and if they want to they can come along with you. If they don’t want to, does that make them a bad person? Does that drag you down? I don’t think so.

    I have lots of friends – both well off and not so well off, and all inspiring in their own way. Some are more negative, some more positive, but all have a valid view of the world. I don’t have to absorb all of their views – I am my own person!

    I guess I’m trying to say that even the people you might see as hopelessly ignorant, or that have bad attitudes, might just be at an earlier stage of the same journey you’re on. Were you always so enlightened?

    How about having a bit more give and take, and treating everyone as a valid person, no matter what their financial position or take on life.

    With respect,

    Profile photo of Ken HubertKen Hubert
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1

    Jesus said you cannot serve God and Mammom.You will hate one and despise the other or be devoted to one and hat the other. I don’t mind money working for me rather than me working for money this hard for the rest of my life.

    It is all about the heart- positive cash flow is a great means to an end.


    Ken Hubert

    Profile photo of grossrealisationgrossrealisation
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,031

    hi all
    I like this post and have read each one I had a couple of people in my soccer team ask the same question today and ask how my week was.
    I dropped 27 million into lending and it has a green light they then ask well thats ok put don’t I get bored working from my office at home.sometimes I find it not hard but unusual but they have been playing for some time.
    I have done a deal while playing a game.
    I go to my sons rugby games and deal from there.
    I’m barred from talking business if I go out or to house hold if they ask I point them to the wife
    Theres is no problem with making money.
    If someone who doesn’t know me asks.
    I’m a builder(of money)
    you say your a builder then work from there.
    works for me.

    here to help

    Profile photo of BennyBenny
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,416

    Hey Dr. X,

    Good for you!!! I have a few thoughts about this subject, and here they are in no particular order –

    1. An associate has a “sig” that says “Be who you are, and say what you think – for those who matter don’t mind – and those who mind, don’t matter” Worth some thought, yeah?

    2. Some say “money is the root of all evil” – but they are mis-quoting the Bible. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of evil.

    Now, think about that, and consider whether those WITHOUT money might love it more than those that have it. e.g. If your whole life is spent “waiting on a paycheque” doesn’t this keep MONEY more foremost in your mind than those that have a “sufficient supply” of money? So who is loving money more in those two situations?

    Also, in reply to those that seemed to “down” you for giving up your friends to associate with others who “make more money” let me say that everyone continues to grow through life. If part of that growth involves a realisation that some friends are “holding you back” – isn’t finding other friends VALID?

    And does that mean that you automatically turn your back on your former friends? Or simply that you spend more time with your newer (more uplifting) friends?

    Don’t doubt yourself, Dr. X If others aren’t seeing it your way, hand them a business card and invite them to call you back when they’ve caught up a bit more,


    Profile photo of salacioussalacious
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 373

    This ir really funny.
    We are only animals, and animals do most things to survive including steal and kill. And sometmes we are partially sexually attracted to white rabbits.
    So if you think chasing paper and steal is sick mayby we should all visit the pet shop.

    Dom [biggrin]

    Profile photo of Xenia


    Salicious, I used to work with ALOT of white rabbits (as a scientist) but I can tell you that I ABSOLUTELY have never been sexually attracted to either of them.

    Are you nuts!!!!!!!

    We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Real Estate Agents, No Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of Xenia

    The whole idea of this post was not whether we should love money or not its that being an investor means that you constantly get attacked for wanting to make money.

    By people WORKING for money in JOBS.

    When I was working as a scientist, I used to be attacked constantly by “animal liberationsists” for using experimental animals. These people were very happy to sit in a restaurant after their little riots and eat STEAK!!!!

    In the past, when people said anything about using animals, I used to ask one question, are you a vegeterian???? If the answer was no, then I used to respond with, you are a hypocrete and have no right to be lecturing me.

    NOW as an investor, I say, do you work for free??? If the answer was no, then I used to respond with, you are a hypocrete and have no right to be lecturing me.

    People love to put others down for something they also do themselves????

    We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Real Estate Agents, No Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733’re not referring to that *sicko* on the radio the other day are you..?

    What a head-case he was..(just when you think you’ve heard it all)


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of Xenia


    We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Real Estate Agents, No Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of Xenia

    What are you guys talking about?????????????????????????????????????

    We buy properties in Adelaide. Immediate Cash Settlements, No Real Estate Agents, No Fees.
    phone 0412 437 582

    Profile photo of lifeXlifeX
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 651

    Although it may look to onlookers like you are sickly persuing money (i love this new spelling, it’s very non-conformist) I dare say the core drive for such ambitious people is to create a better and more free way of life.

    Possibly conversation with negative people could be more constructive if you explained that you are just trying to make the most of your life and create time for family and personal development.

    This is somewhat constricted by a 9-5 job job.

    Anyone can do it!

    Live, Learn and Grow


    Profile photo of P_IP_I
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 6

    Hey! this is my first post. Loved reading all these responses.

    Whats wrong with the opening line – “I am doing every thing I can to ensure I don’t have to rely on little Johnny and the pension to survive”.[biggrin]

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